The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1957

THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Octob r 1957 ~~~~~~~~-~~~c -~~~~~~~~~~~ EDITORIAL COMMENT \ , · 1 1~ 1,l () '11·~. () 1~ l ~ l 1 i\ f 11~8~ 1~: '\ ( ~ l i~ l) ~ ! '}111,t111~ tl1ctt t}1i" lS"ll l' \\ 111 l)t) ll<)t t>f f t ltt' l ll'l')"' j11,t n~ t l ll' 111<'~- t\11~l'r"' fl'lllll n 111111<.lrt't l () ]1i<l, l ., t,1111,, l , n11in Hll t l ,\Te, t \ .,. irg·i11i,1 • cl111rt l1r" !.!Ht l1er ft) r tllf' c1111111a l 11lt'f'ti11g i11 }•; }~·ri cl . ,, P l1itl t l1c111 ,,~t,It·t 111t1 t<) a g1·n11cl fr ll t>,,·~J1i1> of l~il>le-l1t)liP, 111~ ( , l1rist ic111s . . . . Hll<l t<l cl t't'lcltli11g· fe ll <) ,,·. 1111) ,,·itl1 tllt' () }1 1<.l l11<l t> J)Pl l<l r 11t RclJ)tist . jl t1~t ( f tl1(') 111 ar ,1 lreatl~· ~, 1b~ r rib– l)r~. a11Ll nll t l1r ot l1er~ a1·e i11,~it ecl t<) llrt· 1111e st1C' l1 r igl1t the11 c1 11 l t l1e1·e. "'\\,.. c 1~11 ,,.. ,,·p l'a1111ot l'0111- 1)et e i 11 J)1·i1 t ,,·it h the pe1· 011 to J)erst)11 f ello,,· l1i l) e11jO~'"ed at t l1e ,1111111al 111eeti11g:-. 1l1t lil{e ·11ap- l1ots talce11 l t1 ri110' a t 1'iI), ,re 1 a11 ]1el1) to J)rese1·,re t l1e 111e11101·J.. of it· a11d t l1e11 ,,-e ca11 l o Ollr 1,est t o -- l1,1 1·e the jo)· of i t ,,~it l1 1 :2()( ) f a 111- ilie t l1at ea111ot l)e t l1e1·e. ,, ... ot1lcl11 ,t it l)e ,,·011de1·f 11l if all the l)a . t o1 .. ~ a11tl la}· leacle1\ · ther e ,,~011lcl go l10111e a11cl l)t1t on a 1· al, (l o ,, 1 n -to– ear11e. ·t ~t1lJ cr iptio11 t a111pa ig11, ·o t l1at ot1r fa111il,· of ()II~ 1·eac1er .· ' <·011 lc.l be (1ou l)lecl bef 0 1·e tl1e e11c.l of t l1e )·ear ? It tol1ld ea ·il)'" l)e tlol1l> lecl if a cl ete1·111i11 ed effort ,,-a. 111atle . a11d i t . l1ot1lcl be t1~i1)lecl a11 l e,·e11 < 111aclrt1plecl. 111 ,~i iti11g mth R v. E. '\ . Ilo,, 1 - e 11 in Ke11 t11el{,.. thi. .-11111111e r he ., ... tatecl that 1110. t of tl1e th111·cl1e · ub c·1·il)e(l to the \"\ e.·te1·11 Re– l'Orcl e1· fo r all t l1ei1· l'ht1r ·11 f a111 - ilie . \ \ 1 it }1 o,·er ;- ()() 0 () () ~Ollthe l'll DaJ)ti t.· i11 Ken t l1el<) 7 tl1at 111ea11 · tl1a t 1 al)er 111a:y· ha , ·e cl ·ir ·11] at io11 of 100 ()0() ! ,\Te . 11 peet it i 0111} .. ha lf tl1at 111l1e l1 . or 111a,,. IJe les: ~ l1ut ~ tl1ere ta11 l)e 110 <111e. ·t io11 t l1at a fa r l1il?.l1er })rOJ)Or t i o 11 o f t he 11 0111 (.ls t l 1)re v. et t l 1e \\ .. e. t er 11 Re to r l e 1~ '° tl1a11 of 011r })Po11le that !l.·et t l1P <) I B. Do ,,·r lo, .. e t l1 P l.1or tl les8, l)rt·a1L e ,~e arti 111or 1 f 1· pe ! ...\ r e 011r 1>a to1· · le : <:011~er11ec.l fo r t he 111etli11111 tl1,1t l1a clo11e . o r11t1<: l1 to 111olcl 11~ i11to 011e fe ll o,,·:l1i1 ! S111·eljr 11ot. \\"'" e clo lo,·e tl1e I.Jor cl a11cl ,,~a11t to tlo ,,·hat ,re ea11 to p 1·0111o t e tl1e c·all",P (Jf Xe,,· r r:ta111011t 1 l1ri:– tia11it~~. \\... e are u l ac.1 to :r ,vl1at l1a~ lJ :le11 <1011e at ( 1 a111p J) a t111t): a 11 t l at ( 1 P cl a r, i 11 . a 11 t 1 }1 o1) e fo r a II 0111e for tl1r ... \..g·ecl a ft1 ,,· } .. ea r x f1·0111 110,, r ; l)11t ,,·p clo 11ot r ealize1 }10,r i111po1·ta11t 1>111Jli('it}" i~ i11 t l1e ]JrcJ111ot io11 of tl1e C'a 11 ·e t l1at is llea1· to ol11· l1eart. . ~or clo ,,·e , ·is11al ize tl1e 1>otP11tial itie. of ftl ll i11fcJr111a– tio11 i11 al] ot1 r fa111 i]ie. . Let ·.- t 1· ,~ ' it 011t fo r cl ) .. ea r a 11cl . er ,vl1at t l1e <)111 ·a11 clo fo1· Otll' eht1r c- he:,, ! ( f \\ <\ t'HJ \ ll <> t J) Pl'SllH <l l' t )1P l11 1<> .· 11l >– ' t' l'lh (l f c) r P\'rr, l'a111 il,·, lC't 11H ,1t • • le1n~t tr,y t c> <l o11l>l r tl1 e1 .·11l1seriJ)t io11 • li~t. "\\.,.p l>r li r ,·r it ,,·ill 111,ll{r thP111 1)<'1 tPr ( 1 ]1ristia 11: . llrtt (' l' i11fo1·111ecl l!c11>ti~ts, clll(l lll{)rr ,,rilli11g• t o g:i,T \ fc>1· tl1 P . 1>r e,1cl c)f tlt r. (}o. pel at l1c, 111e1 a 11 1 rl l>r O<lcl . '1 I l E I ~ J l T fi 'I, I C 1 1~~ T r\ l 11( · ' Set a ,,·at t h, ) Lc>rcl l)efo1· e 111}T 111011tJ1 ; k:rep tl1e 1001' of 111y li1):. ' ' 1 1 l1e 1.). al111i:t t1tt er e 1 that 1)1'a~'"e1· l)e ·at1. e he k11e,,· lie ,,~a ~~ p1--0 11e t o . a:y· thi11g· h hot1l l not. Ho,,· 11111t l1 ,,.. e all 11eecl to p1·ay tl1e ame 1 etitio11 ! E,re11 :\lo e. 011ce pol{e i11acl, 7 i. ecll}T ,vith hi. liI ancl ,,~a · l{eJ)t out of the Promi. ·ed La11cl. \\Te h c1cl i11te11clecl t o . ·peal<. of tl1 e i11ju t iee of g:o. \ ·ip. lJ11 t 1110. t J eo– ple ~:o ':i11 ,,Titl1011t h~110,,·i11g· it. 'I'l1ey 1'e. e1·\'"e tl1at ,,To1· cl £01· 111a- ~ li<:iot1 · . la111er a11 l the)T 1{110,, .. t h eJ'" are 11 ot 111ali ·io11: . Tl1r:)r jt1. t t l1011gh t le · ·l3r l)lab ! Ilo,,'t g 11il t)r ,, 1 e all a r e . \\Te t e 11 ' thi11g, a lJout ottr 11 r ighl1or: c111 l be ·t f ri e1 l: , a11d e:pe ·iallJT fee 1 ,,·e ha , 1 :l a 1·igl1 t t o cri ticiz 0 11r· J)a.·– to1· a11 cl fe llo,,.. c:hur t l1 111 n1l >e1-.. ·. .i\ ·cordi11g to 11.~ tl1e pa ·tor· 11e, .. e1· cloe. a113· thi11g 1·ig·ht, c111d l1i. ·e1·- 111011 are clull. If he ,, 1 a11 t · di - ·ipli11e, 11 i: too . 11--it t: a11 l if he cloe: 11 ot 111·}.r tli ·i1)li11e 011 l1ea1·- ·a}T li e i a t c>1111)1~0111i: e1\ \\Te fi11 cl fa11lt ,,Ti t l1 tl1e t atl1er .: a11 l ch11r<:h off i ·e1·.' t o , ell) 1 1) lie, r t }1 fil'. ·t J) 1· ·011 ,,.. 110 go ·:ip.- al)ot1t the111. ( ) t1 r lJe: t f rie11cl tolcl 11: tl1a t ]1 i. be: t f1·i en cl l1earcl f 1·0111 hi: be:t fri e11cl ( all 1·0liab] e J)eople ) tl1at the} ... : a,,r l)ea<:011 Dtlll ·a11 i11,·itP a ' :-;tra11~c , r o111,l11 i11to l1is ('ar ,t11tl (lri, 1 P a,va3T, r1 ll e }" cl<'t11all)T 'a\\'" it, so it lia.- t c) l>e trlt e . I s it fair to seatter .- t ori<?s like t l1a t ·? '\\Th,.. 11c) t f o llo,,· th ,:•a,.. - ' io11r ·. ec1111111a11tl a11(l go fi1·st t o tl1e J er .. ·011 i11, ·ol,·e 1 ? \'.\Te ma)" cli ~l'o,·e1· t l1at tl1 C ·t1'a11g ,,·01t1a11 ,,ras the cleaeo11 .· 111othe1\ or a11 olci f l'ie11 l of hi · ,,·ife t l1at l1P t o<>I( h 111e so t lie~~ (' C) tll l 111 et ag·a i11 . It i · a 11 ax– i 0111 of la,,· tl1c:1t tl1e cl '<.:u~· cl ha.· tl1r 1·ig· J1t t c) 111e t hi: c1ettl:f 1-. · f,te e t o fate. l'( t1rely 1 l1t11·rl1 1)eo1)l <)t1 g-l1t to ol)i·e1·,, the 1 111 11tal rt1les of j t1:-; tier. I3 r for e ,re acc11:e ot11· J) a:to1· 01· .·0111e ot 1 e1· t 11 u1· , 11 offic r of 111al– f Pa. a11c-e of cl11t~r, 011g·}1t ,,.. 11ot to tall( it o,·e1· ,, 7 itl1 l1i111, aucl fi11 l 011t ,, l1at t l1e fa<"t · a1· r? I f l1e i ·, ,1 t1·11e 111c111 <>f <{ocl. l1 r ,,·ill rPa<lil\ .. ,1cl111it • t11r1t l1 e is Jl <>t 11e1rfe1c,t a11cl 11rrclx 01tr 11rl1) }t11cl 011r J)ra)' rr.. 111- clercl. ,,·e 111i ia-ht fi11cl 0111 that ,ve ll}l\rr lJ(l(' ]l 111i:ta]<r 11. a11cl he rirrl1t : a11cl tl1e11 ,,~r ,\ .. ill ,, 1 a11t to pit<'l1 i11 ,111 1 l1e l1) hi111 lo a lJetter jo1> for t hr I <)1·cl . If ,,·r are l1<>11 r :t. a11<l 11ot j11.'t · . ta11cl-arou11 l-a11cl -clo- 11<>tl1i11g·' c·riti ·.1. ,,·e ,,.. ill ,,·a11t to help ri'..!l1t tl1e ,,·1·011g· 01-- fil l i11 t}1p clefi ·ie11 (·~.. . ... .,.ot 011 1:-.. i. it l111j11st to talk: al )Ol1t 11eor)le l1rhi11cl tl1Pir })a ·l{.· : l111t it i e,Te11 1111jt1.·t to e1·iti ize to th e fate t111le. : we a1'e ,,illj11g· to offer a l1a11c1 to cor- 1--ect the fault. ' r e l'\'" fe,,· c1~iti ... a1·e .. ,,,,illiug to do that. Ho,v 11111tl1 heart-a ·lie ,,·e cot1l cl pre,·ent if ,,·e tall{ed le ! I-Io,r 1111t · 11 " ~e co11lcl for,,·arcl tl1e ,vo1·l\ of the ~l1111~c-h . .L\. graeioll.· revival " "Ot1ld l)1'eal< 011t, atte11cla11 ·e ,,oulcl i11c1·ea:e. a11d . ot1l ... \\"Ot1ld lJe a,·ecl ! •\ t thi... ti111e of v ea1' ,re a1·e all .. <.'011 t iot1.~ of 011r hool ·-mau, .. of .. th 111 ov·er-c1·0,,.. l ecl a11d . 11ffe1·i11g £1·0111 t ea lier hortag·e.-. . Politi(·ia11.· s l1011 t tl1a t ,,·e 111 1.. t ha, ..e f ede1·al ai l to lJt1ilcl 111ore a11d l)ette1' .·tl1ool. , aucl ed11eator ,, 1 arn 11 tl1at th 1·eal t :t ,, .. ill ·on1e a1·olu1cl 1960. 111id. ·t all tl1e 11oi e a11cl eonft1 io11 ,,·e al. 11 a1' a f ,,. voice ·alli11g for ( 1 hri. t ia11 ... · 1100 ls. tho11 g h a.· .... ,,.et th ir , ,oi ·e i: lil{e the .'ot111cl .. of a ·ri ·l{et at a foot ball game. ...\ 1~eliD'iot1.· lito1· ·a1111ot 1)0: e a. a11 expe1·t i11 tl1e fiel 1 of ed ll – <'a t io11 · l) llt ,,,e t 11 l to ag1·ee ,,·ith ... \ 11 o·t1.,ti11 <;. R1ld 1 i11 ··I e11 li11g '1' l1e 'r,,,.ig. , ' tl1a t t l1e I 1·ogres. i ,·p Etl 11<:cl t io11 1110,·e111 e 11 t l1a.· clo11 e t>ll r <: 11 il cl1·e11 111ore 11a1·111 t ha11 ~roo 1. \\~e also ,1g1·eE> ,,,itl1 Ilol111a11 H,1r– ,·e).. i11 tl1e ~ pt 111l)e1' Reade1· •· Di– g . t th<lt l'OstlJ" l)alace -. , lil\.e tl1e l1igl1 st 11001 i11 Ea:·t Tol lo, a1· 11ot tl1 ,111. ·,,T r to the 11eed for 11101·e t la: 1·00 111 . \. 1·c: l1i t e ·t: are e lli11g· tJ1e })e ple a ,,·a ·t ef11l 1J1·og1·an1 jl1 ·t to li11e t l1ei 1· 0,,..11 poclret .~ . X o ,,,.011tle1.. JJeople ·all f 01· f ed er·al aid ,,· l1 f 11 ,·111all :chool.· ·o ·t l1alf a 111il– li o11. c:l11 l lc:11·g·e1· 11 e~ fo11r a111 fi,·e 111illio11 ! 1 et 11 o,,,. f o li:11 i: t l1a t <·1·1r ,,.. l1e11 f e(lr1·,1l ft111c_ls eo111 e f1·0111 .. tl1e :a111e pocl<et c:l ,"' di ·t1·iet fl111cl . 111i1111: lol',ll le111 ·ril .,~. ~It1st ,,-e • e 11 ot11· la t \.. e:·tig·e f lo )al lf- ~ro,,. er11111e11 t f 01· .- • 11001. 111 1·e eo ' t l)" tl1a 11 ,,·e 11recl. ,,· l1e11 e , "e11 t11all,.. .. ,,re l1a,"e to J)a)· fo1· tl1e111 all)"\\~a~" ! ~0111e f tl1 11 ,,·e1' 111eth d: i11