The Ohio Independent Baptist, March 1958

"\\~ l l 1· I)() ~l l ~l ~ '1'1 1 ~l ~ l ' 1, ~ \ ~ I( l T [) ? • ~llllll' , t'H l'~ ,lg'() cl )'C llllg' llllll - . ... . 1,tt'1· i11 \\""(\~t \ "irt?.i11ia <\ 11<l P<l 1t clll 11\ 11\P ()l1i() l~i\'(' 1' . \\Tll)• (litl l1l' tlt) it , :\l<)st 111i11istc1·s l1a,·<) e11<) ll~l1 f.c1itl1 i11 (T t1cl t<) l{e l) R111il– i11g. l)111 111e bClst ofte11 ,va11t to r1111 <1,,·a,· fr<)111 111eir f iel(l ._. J t l1c1~ l)e:01{ 8clitl tl1at l1al£ of th ])cl t t1r" of 0111· rot111 tr~" ,,. 11ld g·la d- 1,· 1·e i~11 if t 11e~· 0111~,. ,,·er e . 111' till"\\" eo11ltl o· t a11otl1er c11111·eh. . ~ ftt"\11 t lie,· l1et:0111 e :o c1i. 0111--ag·ecl tl1,1t tl1c")~· · tlo it c111~·,,,. a)~. "\\ h;· i •t) l . lt 111a,· be tl1at .·0111e 111i11ist cr . • clP,·<.") 101) 11 ll'e1·: £01· the sa111 1·easo11 tl1eir 11c1ri. l1io11e1·s clo- l)eea118r of tl1eir . I)i1·itt1al fr11:t1·atio11. <111cl l,1tl~ c)f faitl1. :\Io ·t p eo1)le i11 tl1i.- 111t)"t l1lest of all la11 cl .· are 1111- l1a l) i13-. a11cl D1i11i ·t r: a1·e apt to <:atr l1 tl1e g·e11e1·al fe,·e1· of clisc: 11- t e11t. So far as t l1c1t i.· trt1 , it i.· ,1 ~i11, for 111i11i:ter.· : 1101111 1<11 o,,· l"> a 11 l '~ . e · 1· t of l) e i 11 g· ·o 11 t 11 t i 11 ,,·l1a t:oe, ·er ·tat e t l1e,,. fi11c1 th e111- • ~el ,·e"'. If the)'" l1a ' ' P t1--11l~.. f 01·- ~a k e 11 th ,,·or 1 c1 a11cl 1) tt t t 11 ]~i1l g· - clo111 of ocl fj 1·. ·t, tl1 ~- . h 011 l cl 11 ot allo,,· tl1e111. ·e I·", t o b ate11 11p ,,·ith jealo11sies a11cl f1·11. ·tratrc1 c1111l1itio11 . "\\Te are })e l \ l ta cle l, )10,,·e,, r t hcl t 111o"'t f1111cla111e11ta l 111i11i.·tcr~ l1c-r\·c fo r alte11 ·e lfi~h a111 l)i tio11 i11 t 1 ,·rr)· att of c1lig11i11g tl1e111. ·el ,·es ,,·itl1 ,:1 :111all a11c1 l e:pi. cl 1·eliu:io1L· g·rot111 . a 11(1 a r e . 'llff e ei11g f ro111 t 1 e l'P"tle: 11e:~ of tl1ei1· c:011g·r eg·atio11. r ,1 tl1er tl1a11 fro111 i1111e1· J'e. tles:- 11 e of tl1eir 0,,-11 . Too 111a11,· ., t l111rl' h 111e111ber. a r e l i l~e th a11- c· ie11 t ... \.the11ia11:, ,,Tl10 . pe11t t11eir ti111) i11 11otl1i11g r l.·e t11a11 to tell () l' }1ea r Ollle 11e,,T t]1i11i!,'. rr11e,· (lo • 11ot go to ('1111rc·l1 to fee<l t l1ri1· "'<> lll 011 tl1e lJle · ·eel o1c1 ({o.ipel, l111t to ha,.. e tl1eir ea r .· tiC'l,l (l ''"·itl1 "'iC)111e 11 ,,. tl1 eor~·. 01· tl1eir fee1i11g~ ~tirrc-icl l>, ... l1ill-l)ill,.. 11111. ·ic 01· .· c 11 . a- • • tio11al pr lac·l1i11g·. TJ1e}" 1·t111 l1 el' e a11ll tl1e1·e to hea r p<JJ>11lar preal'l1- e1·~. a11 cl eo111c 1101110 to eo1111)lc1i11 tl1at tl1 '.l clea r olcl el111rc:l1 is 0111,· • l1a If f11ll. The}· l)r.g·i11 to f t1 . ·. • for cl 11 e ,\~ l)a. tor, ,,·J1e11 tl1 c ·l1a1lC' e. a r e 11i11e to te11 tl1at t l1 e 11ext 11a:– tor ,,.. ill 011ly· J)r<.)a ·}1 o,.. r r ,,.. 11at tl1eir olcl J)a ·to1· ga\·r thP111 l1efore. X <> ,vo11 c1er })a. ·to1·~ lJreome 1·r. ·t– ]e..., , ,,·l1 e111 t11c.i,.,. ha,·r to 111i11i. t e1· • 111c>11 tl1 a f t Pr 111011 t J1 to a 1·e. ·t] P.'S c·c,11g r Pga tio11 . THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST J)f~tt)· g·c>ssi11 c111 l <111ar1·cl~11g a1· <'\·r11 1 ,lr<l< r to l >r,lr. "\'\Te .111. ·t 1·r- ePi, <'Ct n lrt tc1· f ro111 011 of 11r } 1{11 :\ I 111i8Hio11a1·ie8 ,,,.h h,18 £01111<1 st1l'l1 thi11g·. c1efeati11g· l1iH ,,·c)r]{ les: tl1,111 six 111011th, 1 ,1ft r l) (' Q i 1111 i 11 g:. T f . t t c 11 t l 1 i 11 g-. er op 011t i11 cl 111i.·8io11 l'l1111·c:l1, \\"hat 111l1. t tl1i110·: lJ lil<r i11 a ·ht11· ·h ,·rhe1· t" t 11e , .. ea rs 11,1-v·e 111--oug·ht lo,~11 tl1e 111011; 1·, ,. of a 111111 11--ecl cli. ag1·ee- 111e11ts / .L\ 11 able 111i11i. ter J 1--ea ·11 .· a11 1 pra~Y\ a11d ,,To1·l<: hi. h ea1·t 011t a11cl .·ee. all his effo1"'t. ne11tralize 1 i11 th arid l)atl1 of rriti ·i. 111 that a11 11e,,· 111e111l)e1·. 111 t1:t 1·ecei ' "e r it h e1· befo1·r 01· . 0011 afte1" their l)a})ti.·111. ...\ g·ai11 a11 l agai11 lie f i11 1. tl1 at 11 i: 111ost 111--01111.'i11 p ro:1)ec-ts ca1111ot talcP that lci11 1 of clll i11itic1tio11 a11 l l ea,rE\ 01' sta)· to acl cl to tl1 1111111ber of li:il– J11.-io11ecl fc>l l< tl1at eo111c to cl1111·tl1 l)11t sit 011 the sic1r li11 :. X o,,. '\Y'e 1< 11 o,,· t 11 at . ·0111eti111r: t11e 1)asto1· lo:e: l1i.· J)ati 11 a11 1 acl 1: to tl1e . 11111 tot,11 of frictio11. ::.\I i11 i:ter.- arti 11ot 1 rf tt . l)1tt tl1c)· l1.'llcll1)· l1a ,·c g·oocl i11 te11 ti 011. . If 0111,· tl1c 111 )111b r.1 ,,·011lcl 1111 l r- • 8ta11c1 tl1at (~o l (loe: 11ot l1a,.. e a clo11l1]( .-ta11cla1·c1, a11cl that it i. j11 ·t a. ,,·iel(ec1 for tl1e111 to l)lo,,T their to1):' · a ., it is for their })a:– tor to clo .·o tl1r~· ,,,.ot1l l trJT t o brl1a,Te l)Etter the111. ·el,,..1. a111111al{e it a.·irr fc>r 111111 to clo tl1 sam . Tl1e fc1tt i: tl1at l)otl1 111i11i. te1'. a11cl 111 P111l) r1·~ i ctltr tl1 111:el\" : too se rio11sl:"T, clll(l ftl.'8, ,, 1 11 11 t]1e~T 011g-J1t to :it l><l('I~ a11cl ha,...c cl goo l Ja11g:l1. l la1>J))- i. tl1c ·011g 1· @:a– tio,1 ,,·110 ha . at lea:t 011e :a11 - tifiecl l111111ori.·t. \Yl10 ea11 lilce f.1i11C'ol11 tell a f111111.' ' :to1·3.. j11. t '" l1r 11 it is 11 ee(lcc1 the 1110. ·t. \\T l1a,·e .'t'Pll it , a,,e 1110re tha11 011 sit11at io11. } i11all3"", th 1-- e i: tl1e 1)r·oble111 of l ra(l e1· ,. }1j1) - 01· • l1a11 ,,. J'c1tl1 1· :-icl.\", of follo,,· r:l1i1) ? Ba1>ti. t J)a st or ~ 1111tst 1·e111e1111l)e1· tJ1at the)" <l l'C 11 ot J rir. ·t ' t}1 at C' a11 clri,re t }1 c·<)110·1--eµ:a tion 1)11 t 1111cle1·-:hephe1· 1. ,,·110 a ,,e to lea cl th flo · l{. "- 0111e- t i111 e8 111 i11i:t 1-. , b ron1e a1111)i ti 011. to 111,1 l{e a 11a111 f 01· the 111. e1,.. . a . c: l1l1rel1 l)11ild 1-. · or eo11g·1·eo·atio11 dol1l)ler·.· a11 l cl1'i,· tl1 ie p opl 011 to \\'Ol"'l~ a11 1 ~:i ,Te 1111 ti l the3.. 1~ebel. ,\ e a1· t1r tl1at a. tl1 IJ01--c1 lool<.· clo,v11 011 tl1 .1\111 1--i ·a11 c·hl1r·cl1 . ce11e he ometi111e · f el ~· 111orr s()l'l'\"' for tl1e flo ·1< th,111 f 1· • tile :l1e1)l1er l. ~\ ncl } 7 et ' '"l1at i a pa. to1· fo1· if 11e j ,· 11ot to l acl March 1958 }1is J)eo1>l c> i11tc> sot1l -,vi1111i11g .-t11cl iri,·i11g· a11cl r,rr r )'" otl1rr 1 l1ri:tia11 g·1·ace? If he p1·aeticr8 ,,·h,1t }1r ] rearhes, : }1011lcl 11ot tl1r. 1r1e111l>rr: l >L) ~·lc11 to fol io,,· l1i111 ! I f (le1 r1·al ' (1 ,l , "111 ,,ra: j11. ·tifi cl i11 ]'(:\ ·ig11i11~ fro111 tl1 r c11·111,,. l1eea11sr all hi. • a 1,·ice ,,Ta: 1·rjectecl ,,·hat :hall ,vr :a,T al~o11t a 1ni11i.·t er ,,,.110 finds • tl1at hi. leade1-., r f11. al l hi.· . t1Q.·- ge. tio11. £01" a 1,.. a11 ·e? If the)" clo 11101-- e tl1a11 tl1at, a11cl 1111 cle1--c11t l1i: infl 11 e11re ,,,.ith 11ett~T ·I'i ti ·i. ·111: l)e– . i cl e h o,,.. ca 11 the :v- e ·cape a : ha l" e of the bla1ne for hi. · l)1·ealcdo,,·11 i11 health? Tl1e:y.. l1a,·e 11·i,·e11 a e:oocl 111 aJ1 to c1e. pai1-- ! 1. ha 11]~ the Lo1~c1 it i 11ot 11. 11al– l~· <111ite a.· bacl a ,,-e l1a,Te pi~– tt11·e l it: l)11t ,,- l1a,.. e put it ~tl'Oll o·J,.. C)llt of Ol1T }O'\"e for Oll l" ~. frl l(>,,· 11111Ji.· t r 1·.· . "\"Ve ,,a11t them to l1elie,·e a11(l ,,e ,, ... a11t tl1e lead– i11g 1t1e111ber. of 0111· eh111--ch to lJelie,·e. that their parti ·11l a1-- it11- a tio11 is 11ot . ·o l1acl 1111 t "\'{ l1a t lo,Te a11cl ,,·i]li11p:11e. : to 1111de1 .. ta11 l a11 :ol ,·e a 11 c.1if f ic11l tie. and bri11g· l>ae; l{ tl1 e ha1)I)J" ho11e:}"moo11 la),. the)· c11j O}Te 1 the f i1· t )·ear of the 11a. ·to1·a te. Tha ,,·ill p1·0,Te a fa1-– p:1· ater l)l e. i11g to their-- ·ht11-- ·11 tl1a11 a 11e,'"· pa:to1·. Lo,~e au l 1111- clcr:ta11 li11g· C'a11 111alce a 11e,,,. pa ·– tor 01it of tl1e ol cl 0110, a11d hri t \\.i 11 t 11 11 l 1a',.e t l 1e \. i . t O l" J. i11 tea a of . 0111e ht1111a11 factio11. J3ETTER Tll ~ LE~TEX ~ E \. ~. ;\ ...\ t tl1i. ti111e of ,·ear 111illio11. of .._ J)1·ote.·ta11t.1 c1l"e ap i110· Ron1 i11 t lie l~e :)J)i11~: f Le11 t. The ,,·01· l eo111e.· f ro111 a 11 old E 11°·li~ h ,,· 01'cl fo1· lo11g·, a11 l .:o l111c1011btecll)" 111ea11: the long f cl . t of the ch 11rel1 ,,..ear. ...\ 1 h1·i:t111a: 111 e1uo1·ializecl t11e bi1·tl1 of 1 hri:t. I.Je11t 1· mi11de 1 t l1e111 of J1i: f 01·t3· la}" · of te1111 ta– tio11 (: oo 1 ~-,1~icla , ,. of 11 is death, • Ea.-- t r of hi.~ 1· . t1r1·ectio11, a11d ·o 011 th1·0112.:l1 tl1 go. p 1 .:to1·~·. 111 a (la~T ,,r]1011 fe,,• l)eople t:011lcl 1•eacl tl1e1' 111av }1a,re }) e11 "'Ollle ben fit ~ i11 11. i11g· pe ·ia 1 daJ""l· to tea ·11 tl1e 111ai11 poi11t.· of tl1e life and cleath of 0111· L 1· l · b11t i11 ti111e it t111·11ecl 1 l11·i ·tia1 it,.. i11to a 1·elig·ion of • f 1·111 a11c1 tra litio11, a11 1 tl1e R - fOl' l1lc1tio11 \\ra.1 11 ede(l to ·ct it £1,ee. X o,,· afte1· fo11r l111ndred "\~ea1·: of ' f1·eeclo111. 11111:t ,,Te 1·et11r11 to 1)011 l- age ao·ai 11 ? :\ f <>: t 13 a 1) t i :-; ts f t1 PI t l 1 er ' i ,l