The Ohio Independent Baptist, June 1958

piigr· T,v '11t~, TiiE HIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST J unc 1958 ~~~--~~~~~~~- -------------------------~ J l l (> r, 1 i 11 !!.' f' <, r I ) a"' t <Jr 1 { <) l H' 1• t 1 la r – r e1 t at fht\ l',1111<lt'11 t·l111 rt·l1. ~itt('l' )l\' \\ ,l" ()1\ }1 l" \ tll'H t it>ll. 'l'll is (•( lt11t 1·, t•l1t1rrl1 1~ 1 :.!;~ , .t',ll's <)1(1 . .. ,llltl '"' "till g'()lttg· ~tl'()tlg'. 'l J1c1 t t' \ t'l l i 11~· ,, t' ,,.t' l't' <11 l~ 1 i rst ' l);lJ)tl"t <)f ~l<'(li11n. <lll(>t l lt'l' <· l1111·el1 ,,·i th ;1 g·()<.(1 l'\' ('11111~' ~('1' \ ' i ('('. l t \\ ct , !!_<.)<J<.{ t<.l l>t' \Ylt lt Olll' Ol(l [' 1- }(,\\ lll'l})C'r 111 \\T<'~t \ Tirgi11i,1, <llt(l <' ttj<)., tltt' ltt)"l)italit : .. <>t 1l1e 8111('1 - ~(' 1' l1tl111t'. I l<),,. 111a11,.. ti111(\ ' l <licl ' t 11,11 i11 \\T t'~t , .,. irg:i11i,1 1 clo11 't l,tlt)\\, ll11t I a111 g l acl 1I1c1t 110,,· il1r "',1111(' l10~1)italit : · i~ c1,·ailc1l)lc i 11 t)l1io. If I ,,·ere to ·ta1't telli11~: 11<),,. 11111e11 I t 11 i11l, of tl1 :\I e li11a 11a8tor. I ,,·011ld 111al,e ot11e1· · .lL"'cllot1s : b11t l tlo11 't 111ea11 it t J1at ,,·a~· ,,·e j11st l,110,,.. ear.11 othe1-- o ,, e 11. ,,... c \\''c1 11 t to lo,..e all tl1e 11astt>l\ i11 tl1e () ... \ RB( 1 • a11(1 1101)0 tl1e, · ,,·ill lea1·11 to lo,Te tl1ei1· edito1· . ' ~\ F E"\\T PE~ T )- l Tl\I:\IER ...\TE~ J>a~tt>1·~ tl1at ,,·ixl1 to l1a,·) t l1 e fltli t or :111)111~.. for the111 ,,rl1il 011 \·acatio11 l1a, · ~ t 11c. · cl,tt ~· to el100:e fro111 : J 111:r· 27 ~ .,_.\110·. 3 1() ~± \\ ...1·itr i11 soo11 01· 1T<)11r (lat ._ 111a,~ l)e tal{ 11 . "\\ h eth er th • e l11tr t l1 be la 1·g·e 01· ·111all , fi r , ·t (' 0 111e fir ·t .,er,re 1. ' ' l\I \ ... r \ ERi i ( T (}0 I) ' ( ?ntinued from page 7) tl1 t.1 11lt1111ate goal 0£ all aeti, 1 itie.· of 1 ec1a_J·,·ille Colleg·e, i11tll1c1i11~r tl1e c·t1rr1c:11l11111 of t hP 1Jio1og·.\" . le- 11art111e11t , p,·er b eto111es ot l1 e r tha 11 to rxa lt (ro<l a11 cl Hi~ " 1 011 ,J E\' lt8 ( 1 l1 ri.·t , 111a)· ({c) 1 elo:e thr (loo rs of tl1c~ in:tit.11tio11. "\\.,.r ofte11 t l1i11k of tl1e :roc1le.·s lll>r le of 1 0 1111111111i. ·111 a. a 111011aee tc) 011r . oeiet).. a11cl to the ,,.. orl c1 a.– a ,\·l1ole . Do ,,·e e,·er stoJ) to t l1i11l{ of the (Joelle.. : 11hilo. ·opl1 ,T of 0, ?o– l11tio11 lJei11g propaga t ecl i11 the c·olJr2es a11(l t111i,·e r .· itic: of Olll' o,, ·11 l,111c1 tocla3.. ? To111orro,,· ' traC' l1e1·s c11·e bei11g trai11ed a11cl t eeped i11 tl1i cloetri11e toclaJ... The e ,,,ill l1e aclclecl to the g· r eat 11t11nl)e 1· of P"\.. ()ll1tio11i. t. alreacl>,,. i11 011r :('11001 "~· te111. Tl1i.- i.1 a11 appalli11~: t11011gl1 t. ~ tOJ) aucl eo11 ·icl er it: i111 plic a ti 011. . . C · ec1ar, .. ille 1 011 efre ha. a g·rea t Job to clo . alo11g' ,,.. it11 othe1· i11. tit11- tio11!::I of J1ig·l1e1· ecl11C'a tio11 ,,·110 a1·e ta11cli11g for the "\'\T 01·cl of Goel i 11 c·o111 lJa ti11g: t1i. J)1·e \"'ale11t J)l1 i 1 o. _ (JJ)11~'". PraJr tl1at (;()Cl ,,·ill r.11al>l r 11'-) tcJ 111 .)Pt t }1 i. tre111 r11<1011 • <· l 1a l– I e11 gP a11cl tc1 ta1·r~'" 011 i11 tl1e llat– tle fo1· t1·t1tl1. -- BOOK REVIEWS 'J'/1(' / )11 1 <JrCl / )J'(J[J[Clll 1)\r \\r. l~ 1811- • er- ll1111ter: 17:-{ ])flg·rs: *1.3() 1111 ·c>11g-l1 tl1e1 (: "\I{I1l 1 offiC' r, 6()~ 1 l } Li 1 · t lj · ~ . ) Pcl l' ) or 11 ~--, t .. S 111 t e l ~ , 11 - l' ,l ~ o 3, 111. .._ 1)1' . I~ . 'I'. I{ettl1ct111 :a,... t l1i.· is ' a '~ 111l1st 11001( fo1' all JJa. 01-. ·. J t 111 ig·l1 t be ,,·e 11 fo r ~ .. 01111g· 111ar1·iecl c·c)11 11leH to o·et it too a 11cl 1·eacl it, ,111 l it ,,·ill c111·e the111 of e,r 1· ,,.. ant– i11p: cl lj,~orce : 0 1' it 111ig·l1t l)e a goo l l1oolr to c:i1·rl1la te a1·01111 l t l1e 11 0 111e , of the ·0110·1·eg·ation. ,<~11 ,,rill 11ot ag·1·re ,,·it11 it , b11t all ,,ill ha,Te to acl111it t l1at tl1e a11tl101· 1na1--shall.· cl lot of • ic1·i1)t111·e 0 11 l1i ·i l e. T 11 e ll... o , 1 r l c r j' 1, l 11.,. o r cl b ~\"·· ; eo 1· g e IIe11cle1· ·011 . F .R.C-1-.~ 1 ., ::.\I.R.i .L. !Ie1--e i. a . ec·o11 cl of t l1i.· E11gli. h a11t l1or \.; boc)k:s J)11t Ollt l)) T tl1e ial– ' ra r).. 13 ool{: R oo111 . 1 a l,·a r.'r l-3a1)ti:t ~11l1rt l1, ( 'o,, j11g·to11, K>'"· The1·e a1·p 1:-3-! })ag'e.· of r l1c)ite stt1 lie1 · 011 t}1p i11s1)i1·atio11, t111it;T, a11cl ,,·011c101>, · of t l1 13i1Jlr a11cl ho,,· to .· t111,-- it. • It i.· \Y1·itt c11 :o si1111)l.'.. t11c1t la)"- 111 e11 c:a11 e11jo~r it a11 (l 1 rofi b,.. it <ftiite a: 11111(']1 as 111i11i.. t r . . lt {.· ,y·e11 ,rortl1 it.· . ·2. e.. /r111 ic l '1·op/1 ec.1J i>l tl, f ()! cl 1 1 e.· taJJl fJl f 1)) 7 .._ \ a l' ()}l l{li u·c1·111a11· . ....., ' ~ 011cl r r,Ta11 ; 13.) l)ag· .· · . ·2.~)-1 ~ elot l1. Thi.- ,,·o r 1( i.. a 1 (:l xer 11 c11 t p o!)- 1 tla r trPat111c>11t of t l1e cl l' P<l a11- 1101 111 c·e 1 i11 j1 .· title . It i. ,,Tpll ,,,. ri tte11 a 11 cl s l1 (>1 1l cl be1 r e,,·arcli11t!.· t<) a ll.''" ,'P l'i ()ll. .'t11cl 11 t \\"}1 . t,11{CS t11 <> ti111e to 1·pa lit 1· ,1tl1er C'ar efttll,·. 'l 1 l1c lJool( to11ta i1 1. · a g· lo.1.·ar)· , · a f'i11u sP l<'<'i i\'C> lJil> lic>g r<tJ>lt.,· ,111c l clil i11cl t1x. .. i t 1 ,.0 111· ()rclers Lorcl by Rol>ert ._ Sa \'a gr ; 1'1011 < lt1 r,·a 11 ; (54 J >ages ; *1.(){J · J>aJJ 1·. '1 1 1 al1tl101· ' . · CXJ) (:ll'ie 11c0.· i11 ~ 011th 111r 1·iea l1a,·c (·011tril)l1tecl to,,~a1·cl t J1 i.· . 111,111 , 1 oltt1110 c·o11ce1·11- i11g· 111 i.· ·io11 a1·y ,,·01·1{ i11 Ect1aclo1· a11 cl other pa1·t. of Latin 111erica. ]~. p e ·iall3r cl1alleno·ing· ar e the ·l1apte1-. e11titlc l :.\fid- 1 e11tt1ry Ia1--ty1" a11c1 ::.\fi.. io11ary' I1111)1·e · io11 of hi Ilomeland. ' ' ,,_\ "'o 1Vo,1cler ll' e Are L o i11g by RolJ 1,t :\Io1'1·i ·. arl ::.\Iclntir"e .·a~?. · ' E,· I')'" .... 111e1·ica11 e,Tery pru - to1·, ,,.. ho lo,"e. l1i. col1nt1·y a11cl i: concer11ed o,,.e1-- tl1e p1, e. ent " To1--lcl r1,i . ·i, a11cl the . t1"eno·th of om- 1111111i. 111 : ho11lcl ha,re thi l)ook. It 1·e1 ort. a11 11nlJe lie, ,.a l)le tale a11c1 f ollo,,.._ · i11 t he 1111cle1·g·1·ol1ncl the R eel a 0 ·e11 t · i11 t 11ei1· I lot to le ·tro,, ..\111rriea. ' ' It i.· p11l)li.. hecl l)Jr Tl1._e 13ool{111ail er. Box 101 .Jl111,1·a,~ IIill ~ 1 tatio11, Xe,,,. Yo1·k: l(i, N.Y~ 2:30 J)c-lt!P." , l)I'ite . ·2.3(). Tl1c ff r11tr JJcforc ,. t1t11 .·c t 11~,,_ Re,·. .J o. ·e ~Ia11 tlol'iao, l'J 1·. :\Ia11,,. of o11 r 1·e a clr r : ,,·ill r e111e111 be1· tl1e ~·vo11- lerf 11l c1 rtiele: tl1i · nati,re Filipi110 ra11 i11 tl1r <)113 a } .. ea1-- 01· mo1·e ag·o. I le l1a: 11 0,,, 1· cei,Te (l l1i · l\Ia. te1·' -. J)rg· r t~r f1·0111 } clitl1 Tl1coloaic:al ( . ~ ~r 111111c1r,.. a11cl ,,·ill 8l101·t1,, 1· t111·11 . ' t <) l1is <),,.. 11 to1111 t1·,.. to .·er, 1 e l111cl er • .r\li \\rF.1 . ,\T(.) clo 11ot 11 ,1,·e the })l'ice or 1111l)lisher, l ) Llt 11r~re 011r J) eo11lr to ,r1·itc to 'l 1 l1r .r\ ... ·o<·iatio11 of l a11- t ists fol' "\\T orl<l J-<: , ·a11g·pli. ·111, 1: ()4 ~tllclff 1>lc1~·. l,) t l1 cT Ra te ~ 1 t1'eet .· , J>J1ilacl cJ11l1i<l ~, J) r1111c1., a11c.l a .·l~ t l1e1111 to . ·cl11tl it. It ,,·ill tl1rill , ro11r 80 t 1 l. • ·;--------------------------------------------------. The Golden Gate to Christian Service On our be~utiful campus overlooking San Francisco Bay, high school grads can obtain- A CHRISTIAN EDUCATION FOR LIFE AND SERVICE. Four and five year degr ee prog1:ams: A.B. & B.Th . A thl'ee-year diploma cou1·se. FOR BIBLE STUDY THE BIBLE COLLEGE Write for free catalog "''ESTERN BAPTIST BIBLE COLLEGE Rev. H. 0. Van Gi lder, D.D., President Hill and Ehn Sh·eet , El Cenito, Cal.