The Ohio Independent Baptist, April 1960

I, \ ~ 1l < • s < f 4 ' l 11 l~ I : 1 l I I <) 1, t , ",l1lti11t1e,l fr, 111 1>1t•T<' 1 ' ) • • • ,,·rrP i11 t l1e })l't>< ,\,, l)t llttt t 111µ· 11\ ,l llcl])t ist l' cl,),,·1, 11\ 1llt ' ll,l , t' ll\ (' ll t ,t I () 11 t 11 t, <) 11 1 ~~ I) l n l 1 t' t l 1 l'.' l' < l t t l < l ])ltt it i11 ,,·11:11 l1:1c l Jlt'<' \ t<llt,1., · \,,, ' l\ a l·1,itt'll ]~1·ctl1rp11 e l111r(· l1 l>11il,l - • 111!!.'. \I .1r,·l1 1 ·~t 11 ,, l' ]lt't'ctelte<l t'<)l" l 'n "t ,) r • J a,· l, l ) <),, 1,, i 11 t l 1(' 111 t l 1•11 - i 11,, a1 tl1c • ·<, rt,>11 1 <' 111 <'1' l)Htltist t'"> • " 'ltlll't'h rltt' \. ltH<l ;!..J.:.. lll Sttll - • ,ln , ~, lt,Jtll ,llttl , l'r,· l!<)l)t l ntte11(l- n11~1e i11 tltt' \\(lr~l1fi) " L' r,· i<·P ctlH<). \ e<>1 11>1P t·c1 111e ft)l'\rHr<l tl> 1111ite ,,·itl1 tl1e vl1t1 r vl1- ~c.> tll l't l1i11g· tl1at, l 1 ct l) l > <, 11, H l 111 <.> ~ t l', ·(_) 1·) • ~ 1111 l l a~· ,1 t tl1i~ g-rtl,,· i11g· t·l111rel1. l 11 tl1) clftc1·– ll<)<)ll ,r ,\ l1,1ti ,l ,·i~it ,,·it 11 [.>a st 1· 1)<\H ll ll t\111·,- i11 tll<' stt1cl , ,. of I 1--0,,,.11 • • ~ t. 11,\ J)ti~t ()f ~\l'-1· 11 cl l)Ollt t}1 lJla 11~ t ltt? l l c) llll 1 0 1111l1i tt \ l1a., f 1· 't1li"ti11~ all tl1 ( ., l1t11·ch e · i11 1·ai - .. 1110· tl1at . ·;~O.l}()() ,,· 11 Pd £01· t11· l;"" 1, L'U'tll,tr l~a1)tist II 111e. \\Te tl1 11 tll't>, ·r 0 11 to 1 ,1ll111a<.lg to I 1·er1 11 f 0 1· I els tor 11. f . 1 at i11 the e, ,.e11i11g. 1Te le l i11 a li,relJ.. 0110- ~t'}1·, · itl' a11 1 tl1e11 ba1)tiz d a 'andi- <late 1) for 11 t111·11e 1 111 loo. <)11 • · Tl1P 'I rt1c 1·a · of +od.' l t '\"cl'-1 c1 g<)O(l .. ' Pl'\"it a11<.l it ,,ra <>'QOJ to .."t-le tl1at tl1 I.1ortl i -- '011ti11ui11g to bl ss tl1is ,,·01 .. k that Broth r 'at . t ,1 rt 1 11 ar I,.. 2 , ,.ear a 0'0 . "' . IT ,,. ,·e1·. ,,. .·hot1l l p1~aj'" f 01· :\Ir . l 1 atl' , ft>r .-l1c ha. lleen ill i11ee la ·t ~ o, · :}111 l> \r ,,·i tl1 cl 11 a1·t 011tli ti 011. 1.... e:t rtla,· ,,~e l1a cl a11otl1 r 1·r:t • a 11 l 11 al"(l a :ti1·ri11g· e,ra11 o· li:ti ~ t)r1 t1011 £1--0111 J>,1. tor-- T11 ;l{ r. Ile <>r ••,,· ) '· a1· ·till i11 tl1 . cl1ool l1(>1t ·P. l)11t th 11 ,,T ·hu1· 11 i al- 111o~t r (\cl <.1,,.. . 'fl1at ,, 11i110· ,r c11· ,·c • (l o,,-11 t l T Pl)e1· ~a11clll ·lc)r a11d ·poke at tl1e Bible 1 hl11·t l1 that R e , T. La1111e B e at1 e) T co11du t t l1<)1·e . Ile i. Bapti:ti · in all hi. cl <>et1·i11e a11 1 oft en . lll)P li f 01· <>111· J)a tot\" i11 tl1is ar·ea. II i. a 111ail ·lerl~ a11cl arri 011 l1i. 1 l11· istia11 ,,·01·lr i11 hi.· . pa1~ tim . l I <1) 'e1·,..e: our pr,.a)· )1· • f 01· a a ··11on1 -t ,,11' ' 111a11 l1 e ha a l1a1·cl ti111 1 getti110- hi. 11 ial1b 1,. to ('Ollie to }1i.· tor -fl'Ollt a. ·:e111l)l:\r. " l )11 thi11g i. . u1·e : he i · faithful. Eael1 'ft1e:cla,.. ,,·e t ea ·h a l ible • <·la . i11 1 i l) 11b11rg, ,,·l1er e a : 111ctll u1·ot11) i: cl t e1·111i11ed e11ol1 o·l1 to ta1·t a ne,v ,vo1·k to 1--ent a Lu– tl1e1·a11 ·ht1rch l)uilcling fo1~ ). 1 u 11 lay er·,·iC' . . I)1·a , ,. ,,·i th 11.· t hat ,,·e '" 1nav find God' man to undertake ~ to ·bepher ..d thi. 1'·orlr. \ e want to 1Jegi11 no later· tha11 ... fay fi1.. ·t. It i goi110' to take a n1an ' '"ho i - ,,·illi11g to g· t a jolJ. l)11t fortL111- ,11 .. 1.,r j<JlJ . PClll fai1·]~T Ccl.'Y t g t i11 tl1e a1·ea. BRIEF BOUT OUR MI ION ND SCHOOL l 1 l i: I >•\ l { \ ,, I I , l J 1~: ( • <) 1, l , I•; < : l •: : 111 .J,lllllHI"\ tll <' l)Hl-\kc't llcll l tPHlll • jcl\1 r11t' ) '<' <l <'Hs1 l<> J>ltt) ( 1 ll ril-\t ia11 "<'ltc>(lll-\ i11 ~P\\ \ '"<>rl\ ,lll<l . <'''r ~ J <'rsc')· a 11 < l ,, < > 11 , t 11 t I 11• <' c• g ,l 111 c' ~ ! ... \ 1\ 1 <) r <' i 111 l) <> r t ,t 11 t g· H111 <) i s 1 > r i 11 µ; ,,c>11 fc>r lc),\llS tc> l1r-l11 f'i11n11(·<' l) cls1 ,111cl l't1t1tr<1 llt1ilcli11g· (ll'<>jrc·ts. <),·p r $(i().()()() ,,·c) rt11 f llo11cl:-; 11 ,1,·c' ll<' 11 S() lcl, l )ll t 111 01'(\ \\rl l} 1)(' 11 cle(l . rl'll(')" ('fl}')\ ,>%. ::\11~81()~.c\l 11~~~ 'l() l RJ.\ T F R: '\\ P ,., J1011lcl l1 a, 1 <1 li:te 1 Ir,,Ti11 .. -.ta11to11 a.· a 111 e111l)er f B1·ool<– si le a. ,,·el l a: :\IJ·: . • 1 ta11t 11 ·o 1011 't f 01·g·et hi 111. F r 111 1 al, 1 a1·3.. 1 ~a J)ti. t, ( 1 le,.. la 11 1 tl1e1·e i R , . a11 l )I1\ ·. ,J a111r.: (ja1·lo,,... \ · am· f 1'0111 Pda 1~ I Iill 1 le,·e la11d, R 'r. a11 l Jl1· . Ebra 'iol e 111a11 and R v. l > a 111 a11cl :i\lr:. 1·aig· lJoth of • .,. ig·E 1--ia : :i\Ir." . Dale Davi. la. l{a ~ 1 e11e, ·a Fox, 1 le, ·ela11cl · R v. J a11 ( jaz lil< F 1·a11 •e: D1·. ... 1111 Iri.. 1 . ( 1 0110·0: Ala11 '1 . :\let ·alf, le,~ - la)) 1. \\T \, 1 ill li:t tlJ e otllel' l)alf fro111 thi: ehureh 11ext 111011th. 13 P'f IST BIBI1E HE~IIX RY: Tc.:i 11 Hl)eal{eI\ ·011 trilJ 1 t d to tb e • 11tc·Ps.· f thr ;-th a1111t1al 111i ·. io11- a1·,.. ('C)11fc-11'e11ce )Ia1·. 7-11. :\Ii - '" :io11a1~ie.: ancl pa. to1· · ,,. 11 l{11ow11 i11 ()l1io ,,·ho . p ke ,,·er R , ,. Pat1l ~ r <:>tzl r. ,·rter·a11 111i. io11a1·y to F r <111th E<1t1ato1·ial """\ f1 .. i ~a~ Re,T. To111 1r 0111) O' (: 1~ of F 01·t ''T R)"llC ,,· 110 l'"' ~ s1>ol<<' 0 11 the · l )ra11 c: h ,vor k )" ·- t e 111 of ho111e 111is.·io11.· ; ] 101-- 11 ·e ll ot1c l( of :\IcD011ald ,, 1 110 tolcl of l1e1· ,,,.ork i11 ,,r Pst f1~i ·a~ a11d I I 111·JT I c:\ \ r 1·ie:, , , t era11 u11 1 1 .. ~ .t\l~'\,T E i11 tl1 l>J1ilipJ)i11 :. Tb r ,,·ere 111c111).. ,,Tor' l{-, 11 p. £01' tl1 h lp of sttt(l e 11t. i11tc1-- ·te 1 i11 111i ion– a r ,. 111t1cl i ·i11 c.:i s · hool. f 1-- 11a tion- • ,tls, litt rattrrr a11cl 1)1·i11ti11g. r I I E ~ fl\ f :\ J 1~ R :\ I \ X .. : 'Il1 ir 11 ra r ap11·oa ·11111°· ft11· - lot1gJ1 f ro111 t 11 ~0110'0 ha. only 8]) 111·1· (1 tl1c-1111 tl1at 11111t'l1 l1a1~c1 1· to e,·ct11g·elizr J,1 11101· , ,illc1ge b - fo1--r tl1 )- lea,· . f 11 "J a11l1a1·)'" alo11e t h r}- J)1--ea • 11 eel i 11 11i11 villc1ges. That i: ,,·hat ,,. l ·all 111i ~· io11a1"}'" z al. \\ 1 l~~T ER~ J~ \I rl I~ •T J 3l li L .. l~ ( 1 ()LI-' EC t E : R (> \ ' . .J. 1~ . P1· \\' i tt. 1) l L i11 111 H11 <t g· r r c > f th r ~ <• h <> < > 1, t1 ,1 s l) re 11 0·1·a11l<'<l ,t 2 \ ' <'Hrs 1Pcl\ 7 e <>f ctl>s<111e<1 ,.... '" t<) se1·,·) i11 the : a111e ca1Ja C! ity iu l"r,tPI f'c>r t'1P l~rHC1l - \n1 Pri<·c111 11 1. ~1it,1f<' c>I' Jiil >li c·al ~tt tcli Ps. II <' Hll< I hi~ f'a111il~ ,,·ill ]c·,1,·p i11 .f ttl\ . , \ () \\ PC' k. S\llll)llPl ' ~c· l1<><>l ,vi ii ,;p. g· i 11 • r 1111 (' 27 t 11 , r i g· l 1 t }1 r t p 1 · t 1 1" (i \]{]{( 1 Jl lPP1itlg'8 cl1 J JC)llg' l{P,l<'h . ... \tl,\' <>JlP i111Pr<'s1rcl i11 g·c)i11g f'<>t' <> 11" a 11 c 1 ~ t"' -'. i 11 !_!' r <> 1• t 11 e1 , , t 11 p 1· t 'l'IIJ~: J)l ' l If \:\f~ 1 : 'l l1 rsr f<1itl1f11l {)hie> 111i.. ·ic>ll<ll'iP.' to t l1r I->J1iliJlJ)i11 rs <ll'r 1 l,11111i11g t<> 1· <l t 11 r 11 to :\ I cl 11 i l c1 i 11 • J t t 1 y lJ y f cl it l 1 t cl l<i 11g l>oo lei 11g. · f 1·0111 ~a11 ~ ra 11- <·i.-eo .J11l,,. 2:3r 1. J>ra\" that the,,. • • • 111a5-" 11,l\rp :t1ffi('iP11t .'llpport l>y the11 :o thP)" C'a11 CYO. :\ I ()RE .:\ l I~ HI()~ 1 \RI E ~ 1 T 1 >J \ Y F ()R : Thc-\"e ar ) for :pee ial 11eec1.·. Re,T. 1 r,Ti11 ~ 1 ta11to11 B.l\I-:\I. ,,To1·l< l' at C+ra3, ,Till e, T 1111., l1a bee11 . i ·k £01-- :0111 e ti1ne a11c1 110,, · 111t1. t t1n– c1erg·o . 11rg·erJ". Pra).. fo1· l1i.· l31·},.a11 l T. pr arhe1· a .· i:ta11ts J)ra~v" tl1at hP lllcl)T l1a,,e a rapid re ;OVel':)r a11d for ]1i: fi11a11 ·ia] 11eed a: ,vell. Tl1e "\ er--11011 ,, be1-. · report pai11- ful ab: · .\ ·e. a11d i11£ ection . :\I1\. . "\\-re lJe1· ha: hacl th fir ·t a11cl Re,· . ,,.,. el) 1.. a11cl 011e of the chil cl1--e11 thr :ec:011cl. Santa Do111i11go, like c1ll thE t1--opic:: i: a bacl plac for 8ll th thing ·. R v. Jin1 "\\ ill ·011 B.)1-:\I. " ·ork– cr i11 Brazil, i. ha, 1 i11g a cata1~act 1--p1110,Tecl fro111 011e e, ...e · R ,,. Viro·il .. :\f 011 ,·.-111itl1, I i1·e ·to1· of 2\Iid- • ?\I a1)l : i11 "\"\ l1eatou hacl both leo·: brol<e11 i11 a11 aeti le11t: hi · . 011 al... o l1acl a l Pg lJroke11 ; a11d the on of Re,,. a11 l l\I1·.· . Ilar1--,, Bab o ·l( ~ ( l~. 11-:\ I. i11 l31·azil ) lo. t hi.· lif . · '1,hc othc1· aJ)ti.:t ~Ii 1-1\Ii · io11,· I l 0111 f 01· .:\liH:io11a1--,r ( 1 11 ildre11 at - .. De,ritt,..ill , X. Y. al o 11 ed 1 1·a)'" l''. · f 1· 11101'e f inct11cial I 01·t . Ollr •ttI)- BELLEFONTAINE Y.P. KNOW BIBLE Tl1e (~t1iz T ea111 of 1 al·var3.. Ba1)– ti:t of B 11 fo11taine ,,·e11t Ul) a ~:a i11:t t,,·o otl1e1· ea111 at the "\\T e:t Libert,· Hio·h ~ ·11001 .Jf a1~ch .. 12t11 i11 the Log·a11 ( 1 01111t) 1 Yot1tl1 £01· 1 l11·i. t eo11te8t ,. 'l he,? al o o·ot " t hear a :tir1~i11g· 111e :ag f1"0ID R,·a11g·<1li .·1 ( 1 ,1rlc> J>i <'ll'OJ ,t11lo, ,,,.ho ,v,tl-\ l1ol(li11µ: 111e ,ti110·~ ,,,itl1 tl1 (f1· c1t e 1 l1a1 eJ at "\\Te t LilJe1·t3-?.