The Ohio Independent Baptist, April 1960

VOLUME XXXII • • THE OHIO APRIL 1960 Number 6 ----------------------------------~..;;;;.;;.;;..;.;~- TELL ME THE STORY OF EASTER By Ralph T. Nordlund Tell me the story of Easter, Show me the tomb where He lay, Tell me the news of His triumph Early that first Easter Day. Tell how He suffered in anguish, Bearing the price of our sin, How He was buried and g·uarded, Sealed and imprisoned within. CHORUS: Tell me the story of Easter, Show me the tomb where He lay, Tell me the news of His triumph Ea.rly that first Easter Day Rich was the tomb where they laid Him, Frag·rant the spices and balm, Fair was the g·arden of flowers, Silent the vigil and calm. Then the earth, trembling·, surrendered Soldiers were frig·htened and fled; Back rolled the stone by the ang·el, Forth came the Christ from the dead! Show me the tomb where they laid Him, Empty but eloquent room; ' 'He is not here, but is risen," He who has conquered the tomb! Ang·els now ling·er with comfo~t, . Death has been I'obbed of 1ts sting ; Mortals believing·, can worship, Lift up their voices and sing·! - Can be sung· to the tune of Tell Me the Story of Jesus