The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1960

I ag '.1 ,, o I L 1 F l ( .I] lJlll~ll l 1'18 ,I{ · · I ,, a .... , 11 t 11 <,, t i 11 ,1 l l t , i l i 11 t I 1 c.\ 1111tl , t t>I t It<.\ t• ll\~r 'g·nt it)tl a11tl H~– s t' t11l>I, •• l)rt>, ·. ,) :14. clll t1lclt l>t' tl;e t'l 11ft',, ttl11 t)f l{ t•h ()llc>,1 111 nftt'r 11(' ltitll f,lilt'<l 1<.l llf'l'<l l1~s fntl1Pr· , ,\·«1r11i11gs c1g·,1i11~t t',,11 ,,· t) Jl lt.' 11 ? \\. l1t' t 11<: r S c.l l o 111(l11 r e- t•<>rtl t' <l l1i"tt r,· l)r \\'l'<)tl' to J) r r , ·e11t • tl1n t l1i,t<>r)· 111al\t'. littl(' <1iff() re11ce. r11e ' rl(l t hi11 0· i~ tl1at l1i~ ~011 ,,·a cl 111t'111l)t'r )f t l1t 1 eo11g·1· ga tio11 of l srH (' l n11tl ) ' 1 t '"els i11 al111ost cl ll t' ,·il. ~cl<ltlt' r ~ti ll. i11 tl1iR cla).. ,v,J1 e t1 e l1 t1 r t· 11 111e 111 bc.:) rsl1 i 11 is Sllp})O,"' l t llf' r r~ t1·i ·t ' ll to tl1 c aved, n1a11y t•l1t11·l' ll 111(•111l)e1 .. ~ a e1111Jl with l ;<)(l 's l)l' l)l "\ it ·u11da).. a11d 1 .. t1n ,,·it 11 t 11'.\ cl , ·il · · JI' ,, .. 1 all th r e t r tl1 ,,. k. rl'lll' })Op 11,lr gla11101·izatio11 of <)llr ~~l,·i.· l 1 .. esl j .. a11cl :ramble l) r 11 cli ·t: i11 th p1 .. e a11c1 o,,. r 111 c1i1· h ,1 ]1acl it ffe ·t. ~\ the 1 "ra lite. ,,·er i11fl11e11 · d l)~"' tl1eir }1 ,1 tl1 11 11 igh bor , :o 11ri. tia11 a1·e i11flu n d b)"" tl1 i1111noral ·li111atr i11 ,,,.l1i ·h tlie)T li,"e. 011 'e ,,.. 111 11 " - r e u J) JJO. d to dre tl{ ee11t l~·. ,,·c1 lk p1· pe1·l) 1 • • 'it prop– er I,·. a 11 (1 1 ,111 u1·e l~y· let th m 11 eek clft. )1· the111. Tho. r tl1at clid other– ,,·ise ,,·e1· 1 all 1 fli1·t: an 1 ,vor 'e. X o,,· it i. .""111art to dre . 01· l111clre ,,·it}1 a11 (:'\" t . e.. r app al uddle (·ar cl1·i,·r~:. a11d do e,· 1·)Tt h i11g to ti1-- 11p the pa.· io11 · of tl1 i1· 1nale eo1111 a11i 11.1. 'l l1e11 th y l1a,'P. tl1e eff1-- 11t l')" t l la1ne tl1e 1na11 1£ h e g<.>L>. t e111por·a1--il~Ti11. an a11d yielcl to t e111ptation. )" 111-- (:' litor lri,·r.· ·011 si lerabl)r ,rcrk-c11tl. to l1i: appoi11tment ; a11 l h e i utt r]~y· a111aze 1 to s ho,,r t 11 <'raze i: . pr )acli110- f r ,,..omen to c.·11 lllle th 111a11 ,,·110 tal{e~ them f 1.. a (l1·i,·e. .L \ fe" " y ar. ag·o it ,, a, 011lJ" tl1r )'"01111g girl: that cli l it : 110,,- n1idcll aO' d ,,,.0111e11 are (loi11g· it. 'a11 it l) that ,,·ive do it to t l1eir o,,·11 l1 t1: ba11 1.'. 0 1' ar tl1< 1 , ~ o,1t 1·icli11g· ,,·itl1 . 0111 11e r> ]~; ·~ 1111. ba11 cl . l ,· l1ally ,,,ive c,·i,·r t h r i r 1111. l)cll1 cl .-- 1 ..oon1 enOll gh for "a f e cl1·i,·i11g . Ilo'\"r ma11y of tl1 . e ~ha111 1 s. ,,·0111e11 ar ehu1·c·]1 111 1 111ll 1-. · a11cl e, · n a,·ed hurcb 111 e111l)Pl'. ? 'l,11 1 1·e ,tr o 111a11~Ttl1at ~<>111<.) , a,·<'ll ,,·0111 11 11111:t be doi11g it too. Tt 111ial1t llc ,,·e>ll fo r 11 to 11otil·e t l 1 ,11 <, 11 r t P x t : a y th at a 11 no. t , 1 l1 •\ril ,va · clo11e in t l1:\ u1id t of t 11 (\ t·<)11p;rl'g·a 1 l()t\. • • ~<)111 , () r t 11 , ('\ ii 111a,· ltil\' (' l>PPll vcl111111itt 1 <1 i11 • thP \' t'r,· e<J\trt~ <>I' tit<' J;c> r<l. ll ,1cl • t'\ ii \\ <ltlll'tl l><'!! \L11 t <l t'rec111 t1 11t t l1r t ,c' lllJllt' tl1P \Y<l) tl1ej 1 clitl 1,11 t,lllPr11c1c·le i11 tl,c 1,t"t <l,tj"S <>f l•: li ? 11,t<l tl1P 11 atl1P11 c·11:to1l1 <>f l1,tv– i11g· 1<' 1111)1(' J)1·ostit ,1t c~ er J)t i11to 1~1·c1< I. so thctt ~ol 111<>11 ;:111cl th 11 ig·h 11ri< ~t allo,,·e<l i111111orctlit, 1 o 1·ear it .· t1gl~T l1racl i11 thr t e1nple <'<lltrts ? l )i(l Rel1oboar11 u: the <'<>t11·1 <>f t 11< ,,,0111< 11 a: a J)la ·e to 111al(c> <lc1te, ,,·itl1 lJ,l l girl. ? MAY 15TH IS HOME DAY \\'" i l1 , ,. 011 r <· 11111-- · h tak a11 of- .. f< 1 ri110" t]1at dav . o ~ 1 r can O'et our C' ~ J f <)111 fo1· t11e ..:\ g·ecl ! .t\ 11 ou1-- <·l111r<·l1es 111u t l1 el1) to make i t ('(>111 trl1e. rl,]1 at , i11 ('0111€. 1--ig:h t iu to the ~ctl'red co11fine of th e ch11r h in ti1ne. of r eliO'io11. clecle11 io11 i a f ,1<·t as olcl a. ·bur h l1i tory. :\ I ocler11i... ti · ·l111rch · b ga11 to PXJ)eri111e11t ,,·ith ,vay to a, ,e ' tl1e yol111g people fro1n th world a11cl 110] 1 th 111 f r the church .·0111r forty year a"o. Fir. t movie tool, t }1 r plaC' e of the e, reni11g I r eael1i11g er, 1 i · a11d \\' k-11ight J)a1--tie: a11d . ,,·i1n and game. ,vere 11~E cl to l>1'ilJ young p ople to at- tP11 cl ., lll1Clay , r\"i e , 0 t}1ey vVOllld 1)( eli()'il)]e for th ,,r l{lJT fun• h • t]1 11 da11 i11<Y hega11 to be 111t1--o- l11cecl 011 atl1rclay night., to l~eep t h young off the .·tr et. ; a11d 11<)\\T .. 1 l111day 11ight da11 e have tal{r 11 th J piace of both hri. tian ~:11clra,·or a 11 c1 the eve11in0' ervice. h11rr h ,,~orl{ 011. i t. i11 c.ihap ro11- j 11g· s,,·i111 pa1't ie bo,vlinO' partie , r t> lle1· l<ati11g· 1)a1·ti , a11 1 what- 11ot- 1. e. \\T 0 are 11ot e 11 le11111i11g· all of tl1c)~e tl1i110's ,,·h ole ale. ( 11ly part- 11 r rsl1 i p cl;11 <'i11g i im1noral i11 it , Te1 r ,,. 11atur , thol1gl1 111i.xed l)athi11g ,rith after-. ,,·i111 lo11ing · 1--tai11ly l1 cts it.· cla110' r : . The otl1er tl1i11g ·:ire1 0111,.. <'''il ,,·hc11 ex j ._ cro,vcl ' < • ot1t . pi1·it11a ]itv a11 l ·arele. ·11es.· 111c:1l, es for to~ 111t1 1 h fan1i liarity l)et,,·ee11 tl1 . exe~. t1r funda- 111e11tal cl1t11'c:he ar atlopt.i11o> t J1e e 111 Pt l1 11101.. and 11101·e ex ept for tl1 c c·a 1-- l J)la.'ri11g a11cl da11 ·i11g. 'l l1r 0111,r liffere11 1 e i: that tl1e) 1 rlcl\' <' 1· p~c>rt Pcl t<> 111rsP thi 11~s :10 \ ' Petr · J,ttPr th,t11 1 l1e 111C> l l t 1·11 i:tic· • Mny 1960 t·l1ttr<·l1<'"' ,t 11c l hH\'P 11c>t .)' Pt all<>\Vc ·,1 th<·111 1<> 1HI\<' tl1ci J>luc· p <>I' SJ>iri111nl _\ ' ()lltl1 f' e}l()\\'~J1iJ) lllPPt i11g~ ,ltl(l f]l' S t 111 < l ct .)' <' ,• c 11 i 11 g· l > 1• (> H < • h i 11 g· s P r \ 1 i c• e. 11 111 H) ' I > c· t I 1 ,t t <, t I r J > r Pa c' h i 11 g· rlll<I })fH)r i11g ('H l l ~<l\' (' ()lll' <lrift j,1to ~ P11t Prtc1i111r1< 11 c·l1t1r<'l1ic-t11 - it,r frC>lll t}1 <1 P\' il~ \\' C <•,ttl ~CJ • P,1: i 1 v· :re i 11 t 11 ) <>111 (ll' C' h 11re11 C'~. • 'l,}1p,r l1a, 1 r ll(Jt l1 elcl their ) t() llllg J>PC>plr ,,,ith their fu11, or lured t hr111 i11 to ( 1 hri. ·t ia11 "e1--viee ,,·ith tl1(l pro111i:e of high . alari . job sert1rity an l g·oocl p e11. ion. . Iay– b ,, 1 ,,,ill . ueeee 1 ,vith th very 1netJ1ocl.· l ) ) ' \\ 1 l1ieh they failed~ l)ut Jrour dito1-- i.' ol l e11ouo-h to ~aJ 7 ._ . d ' ' ,,.,.ait 2.3 year\· b fore :) 1 ou JU ge. Yottr ditor did ·01ne experi- 111 e11ti11g ,vitl1 g·ame · and partie: fro111 1916 to 1937 fir. t a a cla.. J)l.. . icle11t a11d later a a pa tor; a11 l hi. ·onC'lt1 io11 ,va. t hat the 111ore 11tertai11m 11t you g·ive th e 11101· the yOUll<Y p eople ,vill ,,ra11t, 1111til th 3'" ,,Till lo e all ta te for prayer a11d prea hi11g and Bible tt1cl1r... u ·l1 method an lure them a,,~ay from movie ancl da11ce for a '"hile, but oon they ,,,.ill wa11t ~·o mu h e11te1--tainme11t t hat the el1111'ch ha to clraw the line, a11d l>a ·l, to tl1e ,v-01-- ld they ,rill go– a11 1 clrag· on1e of ot1r b tter you11g I eo1)le ,vi th them . ,,Te ha,"e no dot1bt tl1at a,"ed )'"C)U11()' p eople 11ee 1 ome ocial ac– ti,,. it ie. and th at m11 h ,vat hf11l- 11e a11d praye1· 1111der the 1--igl1t 1 a ler hip a11 lteep them i11 line; l)t1t ,,The11 tl1 people ri e up to pla3 1 ,rhether i11 merica or in the le.·ert of ~inai ther e i cla11ger that aln10 t all e, 1 il ,,,. ill 0111e i11 t t h , ,er)' co11gregation it el f. 11r - })asto1-. . ho11ld at lea ! lr11ow that all th r ea. 011. ,, 7 e O'l'"e for 011r clrift into partie a11d a111u. eme11t ar the , ...e1 .. y r ea 011 tl1e 1110 1ern- i ti l111r he. g·a, 1 e forty Jrea r . ag- . _..\ . 1~ a113 1 olcler pa tor ,,·110 ,ra: i11 a on,,e11tio11 cl1111' 11 forty )·car. ag if tl1e editor i.· 11ot tell– i11g the be1~ tr11th. Tr111po1·ar~' , 11 <: ' C'8 cloe. 11ot prove p ern1ane11t l)l es .. i11g. A DANGEROUS HABIT 1 f 111i11i t er i11 . ome cle11omina- • ti 11 .· a1~ t e1111)te l t ·0111JJ1·01111. e too 111t1 ·h ot11-.. a1 ..e t 111ptecl to x- ·el l tl1e i1-- 1Jrethre11 i11 conde1nna– tio11. l1a b 111a~,. ha ,·e be 11 ,,1·011~ \,·he11 11 r n<·c·11: r <l ~Jic·air1l1 of al – \Y,l.)' · fi11tli110· J'altlt ,vitl1 J1in1, bttt