The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1961

l l~R \ '\ I R \ . I l' \ '\ ' , '1lt hers l ·'l t I t , .. al crn I I~ 11.t, l l n1cn1.. l 11 1111, a( n ,,c rk th,tt ,, n1 1 l1t ,veil 11tt t r }°'1t'l .1 \~ne , J ,n, •it,; l{ 1th11r..._i • nd .1 l tn an \, t t l\lkr,t 111 : l\l\ll ,nd t., cller in I , l1, i.1. t ,,rl,th, \1, cr~ ) Z \ tJ... 10 1-=-rc11tl1 \\ t.,t •\tr1 n: \lien •n cntr.,l \ tr1<.,lt1 Rcp\tl lil: \udre,· 1 tll... ,n, 11 nlt~ t,n turl, ugh, Rc.,l - erc .111 \ l. r l .el1nl, 1rt 1n l r., il: .,nd l.d1th I''- ,net .,nd 11, 11 .,nd Bctt, 1,urtt>n i11 \\ (. ,, \ i, giqi \ ., \ tl1t~ ,tt \it 1,r, .,n l f., tile, 111t.n1l,ers .,t t.,1 1 , ~'e ( llt~!,!c nt'C'tl <>ur pr,l\ er. C'il..,e .,1, rh",c " ne,, f.t<..ulcv n1cn1l)cr, ,,ht> n'\ ,c c.t.11 nr tl1t tc.1cl11ng <h(.'\.lt1lc ,on1e l i ti ,c tin1t' .,rol L 11.irkcr . reg1 tr~tr and tt,h.. ht. l)I })~\cl1t1lc.1g,. t\lbert .1 I.... h.,'~c. ne,, l1l..,r..,r1an. ,-\u tin I~ln1ore. tt .h. l1in~ Bl t.10,. L B I~r, e. J)l1} Sll <ind \t .1cl1 · ,l1 B ale. Ht\tory: J o l1n ~ . Rt'(: \.. SJ...'<.~l1. Jan1e I~. Rus ell. [ngl1 h tllll . .\rt. Rutl1 F n11tl1, ~Ius1c , and Rot1 nt., E \\ ,se. Bu 1ne ·. Pra, for D~tle D~i, 1 and his family! Just .1 tl1e, "t re ready to return to Alaska, cl1e1r d.tughter i\f.tr1lyn fell and haJ to go ... ro rhe 110 p1tal ,, 1th her knee. A fe,v ,, eek later their daughter Carol had to ha, e an appendectomy' Then rents and Ii, 1ng tO t are o high 1n Anchorage, the, "111 need ... l 50 more a month in _upport and moving back "ill cost 1 ,000. \\·hen you read this the1· n1ay be on their ,, ay back. so pray for a safe journey! Pray also for all our approved schools. \\.~e ha, e no room to tell of large enrol– ment . ne" land bought. etc., so FI~.,\LL Y. PRAY 1-fORE UB CRIP- TIO " \X"ILL E ABLE U TO GET B.,\CK TO A 20 PAGE OIB! BEHI;\D "THE RELIGIOU l JRTAI1 T ( Conti111ted from page 15) p.n1. each t111cl,1:· ,,?e go to the local cli11ic for a en·ice co11 i ti11g of the i11gi11g of h)·rnn a1 d a pecial 1 um– ber. Then ,,·e go in1mediatel y to the tc1te Ho pital, ,, 1 hicl1 is located just Olit ide the citv limits , to ha\ 1 e a • er\·ice of h)·1n11s, a special number a11d a brief message over the public addres , rstem. There are some " eighteen hunclred patients a t this hos- pital a11d \\"e tn1st that many of them are beii1g reached \\'ith the Gospel , along ,,~ith the hundred of ern– plo:·ee ,,·110 clo not k110,v Christ as • a,·1ot1r. Please pra}· for us and our efforts for the Lord in tl1e Xorth Country, ,,·l1ere Re,·elatio11 is neeclecl more than Religion. HE c1, 1 E THE BEST He ki10,\·s. H e lo,·es. He cares! ~otl1ing this thought can d1rri. Or1l ~ 1 the best He gi\·es to those \\~110 lea, 1 e the choice to Him! -------- i\. n1a11 can f~1il n1a11\ 1 tirnes. bt1t l1e • is11 ·t a fail11re t111 til l1e begins to bla1ne so111ebod\ 1 el e. • 1·ou ca1111ot expect to feel Goel'\ J)re e11ce if ) 1 0t1 are too bus)'. THE 0 .1.B. NEEDS YOUR HELP NOW ! ! ! 'l "l1t' t'<lil<)t ,,cl111c1 like~ t<> lr·ll c>f l,i~ r<>a11,i11~, .1 11 cl l>lf''i\U1gs al 1\J11cs, \ tt~. ~ 1 (}. a l :\<' ' ' I ,\ 111c' S<.' 11t . 3, al ( ,.1r11c'11l('r a 11 1 \ll)a11\ Sc1)t . 1() . a11cl .1t '\<.' ' ' ,11 l tl1t' l 7tl1 ; l)11t l,is I~l Jl,- l)I : IS l~()l~ ~rill\ S 11,\ -I\'1\l , \ l I\11)1,()\ l~\l~" ' [' OT; 'f'II E ( 11~. c ~c)111111c)11 st\11s(' \\ 0111(1 tc,11 115 t o <11 <>1) it , si 11 ct' so fp,, S(\c>111 le) c.·;1rc ,, l1c tl1c~r 1t l i\ c·s c>r clies, l1,1s ,111v 11e\VS c)r tlrlic: lc.-.. ~ l>11l tl1 ' 11 ,, l1(1t ft1rtl1e1 11111' ,, Clttl c.l c>11r assc>c:irttccl cl1t1rc·hcs 11(1\ c? Or ,, c cot1 lcl c·t1 t it clc>,,'n to l)~1ac ". ,, l1icl1 i ,111 a11y otl1er I~. B. tate I)HI)er l1a ; b11t tl1 11 more ,vot1ld clrop it a11cl S,l)' it ,,,as 11ot ,,·ortl1 $2 ,l } e(1r. ·o ,,·11ere ,,,ot1ld ot1r acl, 1 ,111 tage lJe? \\ 1 e ,,,otilcl ratl1er get it back t o 20 page ! \ , ~h)' all the ft1ss? BEC USE \\ 1 ITH THI I UETHE PRICE OF PRINTif\JG GOE UP 25%! The l)rethre11 ca11 reft1se to face this issue a tl1ey did at Camp Pa tmos, bt1t the editor ca11 t! H e 11eeds yot1r h elp i11- stead of praises. \'' ill )' Oll a11cl your cht1rch h elp? If only h alf of ot1r pas– tor and churches did their b est in ,t fall st1bscription campaign, vve could easily get an extra 500; and if all of them did, \Ve co11ld get \vhat we r eal– ly need, 1,000. Your editor 1njght tlic' <>f t}1c:\ tl 1111g t}1al ki}J<.,tl t}1 'C) )C)J"– c~cl l>c>y i11 ~t 111 , }c)11 f)at ·l1- l1a111Ji11 ~ss– tl1ot1gl1, so 1nayl> \\ <' 1) tt 'r s >ttl for 7f5(} 11t'\V stt l)s ·ri11tio11sl ft s tl<> lat1gl1i11g 111atlc r , lJr<'tl1r ·11 : \\' I .. : Il JS'"r l l i \ \ ' I~ YOlTR r :O-OP– Ell ,\ '1"' IO O I~ C ;() ) 'f OI 1 B l TSI– t Ii, SI - -------- B 'E '"fEEI M II as U nclesiral)le R est1lt'i T re1n 11clot1slv ~ S ri<>tl '> POENI ,vITII PUJ. CH good thir1g lo re1ne111l)e1, 11d a b etter thi11g to do, Is to ,vork ,,,ith the co11structio11 ga11g nd 11ot tl1e wrecking cre\V. -Author 11nknown. "E11ough spiritual po\ver to ,vaste to put a tl1ousand to sha1ne. ' ' is going • 1agaras "The cht1rch fills its purpose \vhen filled \vitl1 the Holy Ghost. Life is a grindstone, and whether it grincls a man down or polish es him up depends on the stuff he's made of. AUGUST GIFTS TO THE OHIO ASSOCIATION T. Fred Russe)', Treasurer , 615 Washington Ave., iles, Ohio Calvary Baptist Church-Tiffin ... .. . .. .. .. . ..... . . ... .. ... .. . . .. $17.80 First Baptist Church-McDonald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 Emmant1el Baptist Church-Toledo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35.00 Brookside Baptist Church-Cleveland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 T orth Royalton Baptist Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00 ~ orton Center Baptist Church-Barberton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 First Baptist Church-Gallipolis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 Berea Baptist Cl1urch-Berea ................................... . Calv·ary Baptist Cl1urcl1-1 orwalk Fir t Bap tist Church-Sb·ongsville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 · 5.00 23.40 l1aron Baptist Churcl1 S. S.- Sharo11, P ,1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 Betl1lehe1n Baptist Church-Cleveland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 Ced,1r Hill Baptist Cl1t1rch-Cleveland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.00 Bil)le ~1 issio11 Baptist Church--Re)'11oldsbt1rg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 Fi1 5t B,1ptist Cl1t1rc-h-Bo,, 1 li11g Gree11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00 ,.f ri11it) 1 Baptist Cl1urcl1-Lorai11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 00 Total . . . . . . .7.. . ..... S.... .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... 8191.20