The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1961

October 1961 Page Fiftee11 B)· Kenneth Eisentrager, ewberry, fichigan, Hia\vatha Lu11d I11clependent Baptist ~fission A significant mark of tl1e age in ,,,hich \\Te li,re is the multiplication of religions. Our field here at ew– beIT),\ fichigan, is a classic example of this trend. This small to\\'11 "',i th a population of less than 3,000 l1as in it and its environs t\,,.elve acti,,e churches, teaching their , ,arious hues of doctrine. There is no 11eed for other groups to begin ,~lark here, although there are rt1mors that this \\ill happe11. Religion has not bee11 and is not st1fficie11t to meet tl1e need of its co11- stituenc)·, of that I am cert,1in. Xe,,·berry pro,·es that this i so, and it has beco1ne a b11rde11 to tis to fi11d a \\'ay to bri11g tl1e message of Re\·elatio11 to tl1ose ,, 1 110 are l1idde11 behind the "Religiot1s urtai11." It is true tl1at these souls are often , ·ery 1nt1ch l1idcle11 a11d ot1t of reach, cts illt1strated by those \\Tho l1a\'e pl1oned tis after \Ve ha ,Te c,11led at their ho1nes \\ itl1ot1t fi11di11g the1n, asking tis 11ot to call agai11 because "\\ 1 e belo11g to such-u11cl-sucl1 de1101ni11a– tiort." Prc1y that Goel \\ill ope11 a cha1111el \v]1erebv \\ e ,,,ill be • e11abled to reach manv of tl1ese ~ f<)lks. Jestis said, "\~There I am, tl1ere sl1,1ll also 1ny ser\ 1 a11t be." ( Joh11 12 :26 ) rf}1is })ccarne Ollf guidi11g \ el SC as \\ 1 C Jef t tl1e ,,,ork clt Ce11tr,11 Bapti~l '-"11t1rcl1 of l3i11gl1an1 to11 , ~ C\\' York, i11 ~lay of 196() tc, seek God's leacl– i11g i11 tl1 > J1r1e of 111issio11ar 1 service. l1a, i11g l)e 11 acce1)tecl l)y t11e Ili ~1- '".ratl1a Lar1d I11dep e11cle11t 13,t1)t1~t tissio11s, \\'e tocJk sec11l~1r e1111)lc)) 111er1t ii J3j11gl1a111to11 i,1 orcl r t<, st1st~1i11 11111111111111111111:. ~I/Ill lJIII II I JI lllf!)l/1 /I 'I lil!i.. . , ,, 01u· fa1nily ,,,hilc \\'e \\'ere cloing cleputatio11 vvork co11tint1ed for eight 1no11ths \vhen Goel clirectecl ti to cuncliclate at the First B,1ptist Cht1rch of e,vben·y, \vhich ,,,us fol– lo\\'e<l by ,1 1111a11i1nous call to ser\'e as pastor of t l1is Cl1urcl1. Tl1e call ,,·as accepted a11d \\'e r11oved to tl1e The E1sentrager Fam1ly fielcl 011 tl1e 1 l <.>f Ja11t1,1r)\ 19'31. ~e,, l)err) i~ ~ll)prc>:\i1nt1tel}' ·15 111iles 11ortl1 ttr1cl 2:3 1111lc \\'CSt c>f tl1(..\, 1<1c– k111,1c· 't1 ,1it'>, ,, l1ic:l1 jc)i11 I... <tkc~ 11cl1iga11 (111cl llt1rc>11 , a11tl is lc)calecl ,ll111 c>(;.t r11icl,, cl\' l)et\, ec11 La1'"t~~ St1- • l)cri<lr a11cl :\1 icl1ig,111 i11 tl1e l 1 t1l)C'l' 1) ·11i11\11J,1 c,f ~l icl1iga11. It 11,1\ l)e ' tl [l rc·al j<>\ t<) '>t' t, t· tl1"' I .. c>1cl l1er \ nncl tc> l>ttilcl 111)<H1 tl1c fc>t111clat1<)11 laicl l))' r 11r J)rc·cl cc..:('SSc>r , tl1' l{<~,. ~larti11 • f'' ear, ,, ,., ,,,,11111 1111, / ,,,~.,,1~"·•., ' 'FA1Tll 011ETII T!Y Jil~A111 G. 1 ' J ,vs ,,,110 ,,,ill 11ot ilnt 1 r 11 cl1t1l'c l1 ,vill tu11 i11 our· ~ 1 ssa_g· t o Is r,1 l ' ' broadcast s nir cl O\'er 50 stat.1011 s ,v.1tl1 coas t-to-coast a11d f or ig·11 co,? rag , 111cl t1d111g· tl1 State of l sr ~lel . J961 1r1arl s ou1· 25tl1 )' ar of broa_<l :ast i11g· t l1 gOS]l l to J \VS . 1011 t}1-.t O-llJDllt)1 g I\' lll g l)y t)l I"ord's JJ OJ>l l< ps tl11s , ,ital 111 ssag 011 tl1 air. 1 a)' ,v }1av y o11. r Jl ra)' rfi1l suJ>JJort. S 11d 01· fr coJl )' of ttr i11for111a t i, , 111 g- azin , 1\1 L ~ ~ A I~ T I 1 A l :J l .1. M SSAG TO ISRA - L, Inc. )3o 6 2,.., neanl l o t ~th ,Ne,) akl N ' ' 01k tro]le, \vho has become the Deputa– tion Secretary for tl1e Hia,,·atha Lu11d Inde1)ende11t Baptist ~Ii s1011s. The fello\vship \\ 7 hich ,,·e 11a\·e l1ad \\ 1 ith tl1e missio11uries hclS literal!,· been ., "like to iliat abo\·e." Be111g 011e of tl1e 1nost recent to unite '" ith tl1e ;\fission, I can SU}' qt1ite object1, 1 el)' tl1at the Hic:1,,,atha Lancl 11iss1011 11as ,l l)ancl of cle\·oted ,,,ork– ers ,, ho l1a\·e re,111)' " ta) ed b) tl1e st11ff'' t11rot1gh tl1e ~·ear a11d 11,1,,e tl1e real 111ettle. It 11(15 l.,ee11 ,1n1a?i11g for tis to see ho,\ c;ocl's ser, <lilt l1a\ 1 e go11e i11to 111a11)· a re111c>te (1re,1, a11cl agai11st t11e <>cltls c>f rcligiot1 presst1re , i11clif f ercr1ce, l1,1rcl11ess, t1per– sti tio11, i11 i:1clclit1011 to poor eco11c>111ic co11clitio11 , t111 ~n1plo~ 1 - 111e11t t111cl le)\\ ,,,,1gc~. 11t1, e t111- cler (;c)cl est..llJ]i l1ecl c·l1,1rcl1es, l)11ilt l111cla,· cl1ool<; a11cl l)t11lcl- . i11gs \\ l1icl1 ,lre i1111)rec; l\'('. rfl1i\ is i11clcecl c1f c;ocl, a11cl \\ E' ar '). l)lca~eel to l)e a part of it. 'fl1c ,, c>rl at . C \ 1 l1errJ' l1~1cl (1 ~111a]l l)egi1111i11g 111 ,1 c>l)bler sl1c>p ,, l11cl1 ,, ,l..., lc)c·atecl c>11 tl1f• sa111e 1)ro1)crt) ,, l1cre tl1c 1)rc\c•11 t c:11t1rcl1 is loc:,1t(\cl. 1'11 LA11 tl l1tlS l)le~ eel clc>,, 11 tl1rc>t1gl1 tl1c~ , e(1r . Tl1e St111cl,1, c:l1(>C>l 11 ..1"- • l)ec=>11 tl\ eragi11g l)c.\t,, ce11 \i'\t\ n11cl c;e\ t"'11t, c>, er tl1e !)Cric>cl of 111011tl1"– tJ1,1t ,, e 11,1, c l)e )11 l1e1 :. . a11 cl ,,, ' !l"-k ~ 1 011 lo 111ak " it ,1 1 e..11 111~1t tt' t of 1 <. gt1- lar 1)1 ,l\ t:.'r t11at 1t ,, ill 111c rr·.1".l111gl~ 111()et tl1c 11ct·cl~ c>f <lttr C>111111t111it,,. • "f'l1t• f:1ct tl1at tlit\ l J1)1)e r l 1 c\1111l, 1la at - trr1 ts 111~t11, 1 l<lt111 .... t tc> tl\ Il' 'll )rt s a11cl • 1) \autiful I,tll'', :111cl ft>r< ,t, l>ri11~, 11 l ,lll\' \ l'i If <)I\ l<> ( ) t 11 \t l'\ l P s i 11 t }1 .. .... ,1111n1t\r ,t.l,<>11 . l)ra, tl1n t \\ e \\i ll ., J1 a, e a g<)(lcl 111i111 .... t1, ,, itl, tl1 ·e ,, 110 " ccl111e ft>r fHal, a cla, or fc,r n fc \\ • \\ l k:-;. rr]1e11 t}1cr' i Otlr , C)lltlg }J 0- J) lc>' \\( k \\t ]1c1 , e <1 ll c)l)l), ( ' l t1 l ) a11(l 13i l; le St t1cl ) C;rcllt l) c>f jt111ior .111cl SPJ ic> r l1ig]1 ag )s (\er, l ,l1t11 cla, 11 ig l1t . 'T'11f' ,l \ l' l\lgc ,llt )11 l 111('(: .. al tl 1i · 111c 1 ti11g is fil tc· \11. 'c>111c of tl1t.~sc \ c> t1 11g t)COJ)lc~ <1rt' still t111 1, t <l a11cl ,, ' a1 ~ <111:,.;:1ot1 fell tl1C'11 s,11, 1 t'tn1 ,111cl tl 1,1 t tl1c <>t11t'1s ,,di l>\(•c>n1r· st1 <>11g ( l1r1st1,111 <111(1 lt'J, '11t 101 t 11< I <)1 cl s ,, <lt k J'l11 ,1111ti. , <>tttl1 g1 ()llJ) [)Ol)S )I J)J <>gt ,llllS ( f ()tlgs ..111(1 111c ~s,1gt.'s ,lt tl1 ' I(> 11 11 > 1)1t,1ls P\()l\ llll ld\ ,lftt\lllO(Hl \t <lit• 1> 11 ta t1lt11 I litt[ll)\ !en 11111 1 >\ t I 111 t l '"l 11 t]ll J),ll l <>f t}1t \ l>lll g l)PC>J)lt t) s111)I><.>1 t t111s 1111111~t1 t - l( ( Ollltllli