The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1960

December, J 960 for ,1 1nome11t at ,1 f e ,,v figt1r for 1959. Postc1ge cost $6 300, se1 di11g c:l1eck 1.630, telepho11e a1 d cables . '2,500, ad, rertisi11g and lite rature $2,- 9 ( thi hot1ld b e much more ) , leg,11 exp e11se $3,.500, re11t $4,718, of– fice taff a l::1rie $9,000 . The cost i grec.1t to er e a11d keep missio11arie 011 the fie ld. The grec1te r part of the above exp e 11 e con1e from the mi - sio11aries them e lves, ,vho give to tl1is ft111d , bt1t the re t co1nes fro1n c11t1rcJ1e a1 d p ecial gifts. vVa11t t o do som e thu1g for God's missio11ary program? Take on 650 mi sionaries l))' giving a regt1la r gift to the Baptist 1\1i<l-~1issio11s Gene ra l Ft111d. · 011e g·oocl thi110- abo11t being 111arriecl i. that you a11 't make a fool of yol11-- ·elf witl1ot1t l{nowing .t ' 1 . r\ l)l'ea ·her ,,ra a1111oyetl by p eo– J)l e talki11g: d11ri11g· a . er·vice. He J)al1,ed a11(l ,'aid I am alwa;v · afraid to ex1 o. e tho e ,vho m1 - l>el1a,.. e lJecau:e one I admi11i. - t Pr e(l a ever e relJtlke to a young 111a11 ,,·110 ,,.. a laughing and mal{– i110' face. . Afte1-- the . ervice a t" ,,·0111a11 • aid ir, you have made lll C , re l'}" ·ad. That you11g n1an i. .. a11 i<liot.' i11 ce the11 I have f eal'ed I might 1--epro·,le another icliot.' ' 1Teecll e to ay ther e ,va 110 1nor e ,,Thi pering 01.. laughing c:1 f ter tl1at. 1063 RABBIS RECEIVE NEW TESTAMENTS T he 1,000 bi-l ingual New Testaments we mail~d t o Jev1ish rabbis are bearing fruit: Many have writte~ to express their thanks and interest. One rabbt has received Christ as Saviour-now wants to be baptized. Jn an unprecedented group action, 63 rab~i.s wrote requesting bi-lingual New Testaments, g1v1ng t.he · name and address of each- thril I 1ng proof of in· creasing interest of Jews in the New Testament. Nov, we have started a missionary venture to rea ch Jews of France, Sv11tzerland and Belgium. D1rect_ed by a consecrated veteran Hebrew-Chris t ian soul-~1nner, a great opportunity is before us-again with the b1 lingual New Testaments as the key weapon. Je11s prize the bi -lingual edition for its 2 column presentation of He· brev, and second language side by side. It is far and away the best method of printed approach. $1 25 will place a bi-lingual comple te Nev, Testament in the hands of a Jew; for $25.00 you can reach 20 Jews, and their families. Will you help us? Dr. Jacob Gartenhaus, Presid£nt Dr. Robert G. Lee, ChoirrnCJn Advi sory Boord, world renowned rninister and au thor Page Nineteen MISSIONARY BRIEFS MI IONARIE TO PRAY FOR. Mrs. Edna G illis wri tes from Bethel Baptis t of Erie that we d id no t n1ention all their missionaries in the O ctober issue. We are sorry, but are glad to mentio n them now: Rev. and Mrs. Roger Coon , Kenya, Africa; Rev. and Mrs. Wm. H unr icks, Gustine, Calif.; Rev . and Mrs. Eric Larson , Erie, Pa.; and Rev. Bruce Mo rga n , South Newbury, Vt. We usually mentio n a bout ten , so we will also mention Eunice towell , France, a me1nber o f the Ambrose Baptise Church of Fayette; and Beryl G ow, Akron , Ohio, a member of First Baptist of Galion . Next m onth we will mentio n those belongi ng co Euclid-Notting ham . FLORENCE H OUCK BACK IN AFRICA She is under Evangelical Baptist Mis– sions at Miamey. "My heart is filled with praise for bringi ng me back to this land and to the M osl em people. chool begins in October and I expect to teach 24 child ren in the fifth and sixth grades. The h oc season is upon us a nd we a re in constant need for renewed s trength. I am depending upon you for you r prayers in these critical days. Much trouble is going o n in the oudan and Senegal terrjtories to the wes t o f us but all seems to be calm here in the Niger." STARKWEATHER GETTING OUT PANISH BOOK from the new Baptist Mid-Mi ssio ns Press in PL'erco Ri co. They . write : ..We ha\'e surel y been busy la tely try– ing to mee t ou r schedule for the publi ca– tion of the first edition of the unday chool quarterl y, in Spanish. le is called El Libro de los Lib;os" or The Book of books. W e are happy to report the print sh op is comple ted a nd in use. Ano ther mis– s io nary couple are hand li ng the w~rk ?f transla tio n Beu lah types the material in justified f~rm and D ougl~s is resp <?ns!.ble fo r the producti on o f p r inting material. FBHM WORKERS BEING BLE ED Our Area M issionary, James E. G odley, r ., is busy as usual. Thi s fall he ? eld . a revival a t Salem where Leslie W ells 1s mis– sionar y pastor . In late summer h~ :Vas at Parkersburg, W . Va., co help M1ss1on~ry D onald Cv rti s organi ze hi s group there in– to a Baptis t church . H e then went o.n . t? C harles ton, W . Va., to look into poss1b1l1- ties there. H e has been interested in en– couragj n~ street meetings at Chardon, 0 ., aided by the you ng people of our church at Pai nesville a nd Pastor J o hn rrong. The h ope is that finally a work can be star ted there. The work a t Grove tty experienced a rev ival in O ctober u nc.l er an evangelistic effort \\ 1 it l1 Rev Wayne hellenberger of Perry as the evangelise Pastor Geo~ge Myers is rejoicing in che baptism of five WH OT ER even before the meetings began, and in the growth of the unday school . They have had as many as 144. The Macks cam e from Elyria First, so we are also in terested in them out in Iowa. After getting an FBHM church started in ioux Ci cy ( some year s ago they started their first church in Lake, Mich .), they have now begun a new work at Rockwell City, some 100 miles ease o f Sioux City. There used co be a Baptis t church there 25 years ago and there were sti ll 12 fami– lies in and around R ockwell City that wanted a Baptist church . They need more support as they go to this new work where local support will a t first all go to rent, equ ipment, suppl ies, etc. THE HOLMAN WERE JUST IN TIME Out i n the Philippines people die i n a irplane accidents also a nd happy are those that a re already saved. The H olmans a re out there under AB\VE and write of one such case. Among the few who have re– sponded co the G ospel was Mr~. Umayam and her six ch ildren who fa1thfu lly at– tended the classes in the o ld duck barn . H er hu sband has served with the U. S. Army in Germany for the pas t three years. The family was to join him in the U. ., so before they left we felt conscrai ned to visit her assure her of our prayers, and to encourage her to continue in the things o f the Lord. W e gave he r an English Bible. On ~fonday morning we read news o f a p la ne crash in Guam . and by T uesday there was no doubt that the Umayam :ami ly was amo ng the fatalities. There is peace i n knowing that these were prepar– ed co go havi ng heard the Gospel and heeded it . PRAY for Mr. Umayam and Linda as they go co the U . ., and for the people of Pa teros that their hearts will be opened. THE G IRTO BU Y lN VE EZUELA D on and Betty Girton, Baptist Mid– M1ssion workers in Venezuela, writ~ as of Oct . 28 that 7 beli evers were baptized at an Felix , several from a Bible class Don has been teaching. The Bible class has grown co 40. They also hold street meet– ings and repor t good a ttendan~e and a tt~n– t io n. They say they appreciate getting che OIB. THE DURHAM BACK I MANILA They repo rt a good trip over the Pa– cific by sh ip, with opportunities co preach cvi1 ice o n board and to ,vi tne to many– i nclud ing a Chinese physitian who ~vas so 1nteresced he v:ancs to share their daily de– votions. They arr1ve...l 1 n tvfanila, Aug. , l , found as L 1 sual that freight anti cu ton1s cost several hundred dollJrs more than ex– pected . This cer n1 they are hoping co learn Tagalog and rn1nister t<) native that d<) no t kno,, panish or English E THE LORD C~hr1s linn l)a,, B, H lp1ng t o Sc·hool st,lrt a • ()1 a for information a~ co ho\\' . \J rite 1 't 1 e alioi1al rtatlon of l1ri~i.ia.a1 School · 10201 ". •tate :--i t .. 'hicago 28, 111 .