The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1960

t 11, l l't 1, sc1 lcltl l ~illl' ' ,, (' l1acl 1 (_ 111 fc>r l, c>.1111i11u:~ tl,,1l ,, l' ll(> 11(> l ktll \\ \\ lit l'l' t( l)l~ !it\. \ \ l ' \\ 111 lll"l ,irl 1t1 ,11 ii\ l1cg111 ,, ,t 11 S<.' l l . l ~t 11, \\ lll 11 \\ (' l 1 t\lC'llt'Cl f ()1' l !\ ... t ()1' \ c l,ll1\ ( ...,lt. 11 '"' l,.1<l lt l'l)l'< l it t'(>ltlcl l>t' i11 t }lt llt'\\ l ltilllitll! ~lll(l S() ll,1(1 \ \ (.', l,11t l1c>1ll)l' ,, t'ttl ltl tl1c 1),1,l<lt 111111- , ,]f ,, ltt) ,, l'l k<.'<l s<) l1.1rcl ,111d cl - ,e1, t' l tc, llt' tl1t t irst c)tl<:' le> 1)1 l',1 11 11 l t} 1 C..' 11 l \ \ l)\ t l t) l t l~ l l t \ \ ' Cl i( l g l tc) ~l t' tl1t .. 1t,<.lit()r1\1111 .. ,, l1i('l1 , , a. t o all i11tl'11t~ f111isl1t.."<l. n11cl it ,, a· l )eat1- tilt1l i11tlt"l'(l ..: .. '-'l)t :... - f()t111cl ,1. ~1t El) ri,1 i1 t l1 F ir."t B,11)ti ·t l1t1rt·l1. ~r11e)' l1,1d n, 1 0 icle11tit·,1l r, ice. ( except for tl1e fact tl11 'l1er ca11't xactl) dt1plicate ,1 Ler111on ) i11 t11 111or11ir1g a1 d a ery ,, ell atte11(lecl er, ice t l1at 11ight. , , ·11at a11 01)po1 tt111it) tl1at church ha , ,,1 itl1 it fi11e bt1ilcli11g a11d tandii1g i11 tl1 co1111111111it\'. a11d \\'ith a ,vell " <.)rga11ized taff of ,,·orker . T hey h ad <tlread,· called Re,". ,,,oodro,v 1c- . ('<11 b of Fremo11t. 11ich igan , ,vhen ,, e ,,·ere tl1ere. bt1t had not et h eard " ,,·l1ether he ,,·011ld accept . \ e are glc.1d i all o,,er , , ·ith and no, v '- Brother 1Ic ,1leb i learning ho, v to thi11k of l1iin elf a an Ohioan. \ e are u11der tl1e impre ion l1e ,va b orn educated. ar1d o far l1a labored in ~lichig~111, o it ma}' take a while to ackno",·ledge that Ohio is at least b et– ter becau e it is farther outh and a bit ,,·aimer. Oct. 2nd \\ as a great day at F os– toria and ,,,e \,\ 1 ere not sorry that ii1 the pro,ide11ce of God 110 call h ad come to go el e,vhere. The re\var d for e,·en }'ear of urgii1g and of over three }'ears of 1none}' rai i1 g ,vas t o co1ne that da,, i11 the dedication of ., the fir t u11it of tl1e ne\v plant . Of course mo t of the credit goes t o the OF THE EDITOR l)rt'S('tll }l,l"l(>l' :\11(1 till' l)<'<l J11<' l ll ll "lll<.'l' t l1e <:'c l it<,r is 11<>'' <Hl<' <> l tl 1c· J)l''tl\11<' , 11<.' clic l l,tk<' ·c111s1c lt·1.1 l)lc· ,.1t1, f ,1 ·lttlll 111 \('ei ng tl,, r ';1l iza t1cH1 c> l ,, 11,t t S<ltll<.' l1acl 'i,\tt l ~clt tl ( l 11c'\ <.'r l lt' <l<l tt<' \ \ t' 1111gl1l ncl<l tl1al l"t'i l St111cl ,1, ( ' <.) \ 2 ()L11) \\C \\rt' t t' l 1c>111 ~ l cl l1<.\,1r t,, <> ~lt t r 111g ~t'1111c>11s f r <> 111 }),l\ l ()l" ,.I,ll t'kt'l ,111(1 t<) SC l1i111 l>,11)– ti?l' igl1t l) "<>1)1 a11cl tl1 )11 ser, t' cc>11- 111t111ic>11 . II s tr<>11gl) lJ ]i~, ·rs tl1at l1r11) ti 111 sl1ol1l cl t·o1nr firs t ,111cl tl1c11 cc>111111t111 io11, c:111 cl of cot1rs tl1,1 t is tl1c c:riplt1ra l orcler. \ Vl1 clicl ,111y 011e al)o11t 40 y ,1r, ago thi11k of cl1angi11g t l1 order '? 1 o 011e ver clid d r am of cloi11g it i11 c1 ll of Cl1ri tendo111 t1ntil tl1e 20th ce1 t11r,,. \ e sat there and • tre1n bled a to \\ 1 hich was going t o com f irst 1111til the pt1stor b egan t o p eak, for it ,vot1ld have b ee11 o mt1ch e,1 ier to do it the other , vav around. • It \\'a reall y u11iq t1e: baptis1n and the Lord' upper both i11 the ame evening . Pas tors t ry it ome time, a1 d you vvill h ave no difficulty con– vi1 cing people of the prop er order . \'' e are not t alking abot1t close com– mu11ion- tha t is ometl1ing else and for each local church t o decide . Oct . 8-10 ,ve had a great time at Cedarville. The eighth ,vas Visitor 's Day and ,ve , vere glad t o be there a1 d to join ,,,ith the cro,,,d and hear all the sp eeche . The one b y Dr . Don Sl <l\\(' 11 c) r Jl a ·l · 11 sa ·k. N. J., \ (lS th<' cleeJ)c•s l a 11cl tl1c c>11c· I )}' ti ,< c<>l<H c·cl J>rC'~1clc'11t <> f ( c~ 11t ra l Stal · ,vas t) 1(' 111<>S t •lc>ttt l ·11l . S 1111 clay 111cl r11ing ' ''<' cl1 c>\<' t tt) tc> tl1 c· l ,1ra11 :i tl1a ·l111rch in S1)11t1g f ie l<l ~l11 cl gc>l l <> l1c\ar ancl 111, tk(' tl1e ,\ t:C lll ,lll t l Hll ( 'C ()f 1 1 aS t () I' 1\1 tl1t1r II0,1k. II · is ,111 •x t ra g<><>c.1 tc•,1c· l1 c• r .. 111( 1 ju~l ,ts g<><>cl a p1 <',\ ·11 ~r. \ \ ' r>reclic l a r<'al 111i11is tr}' for l1i1n anc.l c:111 ttpl)t1ilcling <> f tl c c:hurcl1. 1"11at l\\'C1 i11g \\ <' \\'Cr c 1),lck \vitl1 tl1 ' Mc>f– f ,1ts ,111 cl pre,1cl1ecl fc>r hi1n b t,f<> re a f t1ll J1ot1sc. \ itl1 352 stt1clc11t~, 1noc.. t <>f the1n sl c1yi11g \\' k-e11cls, a11cl w itJ1 the ir1str11c tors ,l11cl their f ,1mil ies, ancl a few t 0 \\ 1 nspeopl , it mt1kes a real co1 grega tio11 9 months of the year. God is blessing Pastor Moffat t oo with b aptism c:111d members. Monda)' 11or11i11g \.Ve spoke at ch ape] and that is al,,,ays a blessing. Oct. 16 \ve s 1pplied for the First Bapti t Church of Brunswick a1d then ,vent on to the annual meetiI1gs the next day. ,v e hope by the time the Januar y issue comes out, ,ve "'rill b e able to annou11ce a new pa tor for thi promising field . vVell , we have to sign off and ,,,e'll catch 11p more next time. In the meantime, call on t1s ,vhen you need a t1pply or other help a1d we "vill b e glad to keep b t1sy until the up-call comes. The editor has 1 good supply of tl1e 0 \ 1 en1ber is ue tha t give the report of om~ annual 1neeting. Pastor " 'anti11g them to interest their people in the associa tion and i1 sub criptio1 s can get lots of 25 for $1, which i litt1e more than postage. You ,vill ,vant ext ra copies of the Januar y i Lle that gives the statistics . Since they \vill be larger ,ve ,vill have t o cl1arge $2 for 25 of them for the above pur pose, vvhich i still h ,11£ price; but end i11 your orders by Dec. 15th:- ·----------------------------------------------------------------------·---------------------------· R ER' - of EY, N. J. OFFERS INVESTORS 6 oGUARANTEED INTEREST They must build large enough for a fast growing Fellowship of Baptists for Home Missions Church -at the cost of $125,000. As a mission church they look to the friends and supporters of their pastor and of FBHM for in- vestors who will help them by buying bonds. THf AMERICAN BOND COMPANY has arranged bonds in denominations of $100 $250 $500 $1 000 at 6 per cent . 1. They mature at 6 month intervals from May 1 61 through November 1 '74. 2. Interest is paid May 1 and November 1 through the orth Jersey Trust Company. 3. Pr inciple at maturity will be paid through the above ba11k or your own. For information without obligation, write to Pastor Robert Rogers, Box 416. Ramsey. New Jersey ·-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------·