The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1960

YOUR REPRESENTA– TIVE'S REPORT \ "ur d1 c1.. r • 11 1 r 1 rt ,t nt ,ci"c h.1, ti r1 ·1t. 1 h• tl11rd t .. tl l <. ,n rc-1 ()rt 1t .\\ ,ch l ,\Ol~ } f4.. t\( lt \\,l\ ht.'\( t,t•c.,lU\C 01 r lht ht 1...., n1t int<.) <.>Ur fell<.>,, , h 11) .-11 n e, r l, t• t<.lrt - c,,tl,e t)t tl1cn1 \, 1 1tl1 , , th n' ,, t r<: i0 1tt 1n .1 per , on..i l ,, ~)', t t ,\l ,,t h.1, c.. 'l lk.en in thtn1 .tnd rnay 1 , t t1 .h .1 .t licclt tl> l{o ,, 1th the1r dec1 1on ) l '-'t . t. tl1e n1. jor trcd1t goe to tl1e1r J .1,t "' ,. .tnd t1 f ten r11uc. l1 to ne1ghbor1ng l ht·~ ,tn'-i ~.1,tor It 1, ,, ontlertu l to be r .1 · t per i t d ,n our h1 tory ,,·hen we t) tten l u ~h~1 eeker a,va} 1n usp1cion, tc:.tring tl1e) n1igl1t be convention p ie try- 1 ng co inf1ltr.tte our a,;,, oc1ac1on. e are "till c.iretul co receive only fu ndamental B.ipti t c.l1urches that are fu lly separated trt)nl the ~.\n1er1can Bapt1 t Convention; 41nd vet ,, e ha, e the ,velcome mat out to r tho e ot like precious fai th An other en couragement has been that n1ore churc.he are pu tting the association on their budget. Fi r t the Bible Mission Bapt1 c Church o f Reynoldsbu rg, began to ·end 1n regular gifts, then the Huntsburg and 1 Torcon Center churches. The latest ad– d ition i Calvary Baptis t of alem , which is only 9 rr1onch old and has only 26 mem– bers They have voted co send in 3 per quarter If chey can do it , a ll of our churches can. Once ,ve get 1 OO Ofo coopera– tion financially, we believe we v. 1 ill get it e, ·ery ocher ~·ay. Churches chat g ive will \\ant the O IB co keep track of what the a ociac1on 1s doing, and they will send messengers co che an:iual meetings. They v. ill begin to "associate" instead of being only a name on a roster . Before we mention some of ou r d ifficul- . . . ties. v.·e "'·ant co repor t on ou r activ1c1es, so no one ,vil 1 suppose some failures came from laziness. Dur ing the pas t association– al year ,ve have spoken in 60 churches, one missi on and one school . W e have g iven 111 sermons, taken part in three or– d inations. given ten rad io talks, condueted 1( Bible classes i n Gibsonburg, caught unday school classes sometimes or talked co the you ng people, had many personal and pulpi t committee conferences, and "- r1tten at lease l ,000 letters and about as many pos e cards. W e have given a week each month to the edi ting of the magazine, bu r chat is taken for granted. D ering the lase three years we have spoken 10 126 chu rches and missions, 109 of chem in ou r fellowship . W e a re still looking for 1nv1cacions from the other 14, fo r v.:e do chink an edi tor needs co kno\\ all of che churches and get an opportuni ty ro push the magazi ne in all of chem coo. \\,rr e also en joy second and th ird time invi– cac1ons co come and minister. for that proves che blessings are mutual. While v. e spend more than half time in chis half c1me job, v:e would l ike co make it a full time m1nisu y. W e are will ing co come in and help canvass any community v. 1 here a near-by chu rch or a local associa- . . . c1on 1s crying co scare a new testimony - and preach there also for a v.·hile, until a regula r missionary pastor can be secured. ~ 7 e v.rould al so like co do more Bi ble con– ference and evangelistic v.·o rk. Af ter 40 years o f preaching we feel qual ified for the fi rst, and after 5 ~2 years of evangelistic r 111 ( 111 \\<.lrk 1n \ \ tst \ 1r.1~in1.t \\<. feel .1 t lt~1st ,on1t·,, < 1 f1cd {01 tht ~ccond . \Y/e arc ,\t )<>u r st t\ t<.c., l1r<. th rcn. \: hcncvcr you c<.l led <)f ch<. l l t1I) p1rit t<) c.1 11 U( <>n us. \X 1 <.' rr.1\'cll<.•d l I.> I ( } n11 lts h} ca 1. bus ,lnll ()l.1nc in c>u r I.1s t, n11n1 , c1y, <1 n d turned lll ~ l ,) I ) tnt<> t he ,l~SOCla tl<>n a J crc.t,u r, u1 tc>ta l trJ. vel ,tnd o ff1cc ex l ensc ,, J\ onl y 9 1 ~ 8 1, th,tnks co the hclJ) t he orth 13cthcl As,oc 1a t1 on ga ve fc>r the J , ? 0() miles ,vc co11sumed an crying to sta1 t a \\ o rk 1n ,1bsonbu rg That 1neans ,,·e contr1 bt1 ced 31 I to ou r own I ,80() salary O\\ fc> r ou r d isappoi ntments, so tha t you might p ray fo r us and the association W e fa il ed in ou r f1rsc attempt co scare a The Rest of the Story L. U' . Beckie, W e a re wont to s ing of sheph~rds, And the heavenly glo ry bright, Of the angels and their message, On cha t peaceful , holy night; Of the virg in mother Mary, And the Babe so meek and mild , Of the worship of the wise men, When they found the heavenly Child . But so oft we end the story , When ' tis only just begu n, For we fail to g ive the message , That this Ch ild is God the on ; God, come down from heaven 's glory, To this world of sin and strife, Here co pray and coil and suffer, Here co live the oerfecc Life; Here co give H imself a Ransom, Crucified on Calvary's tree, Through His blood providing pardon , Perfea cleansing, full and free. And the comb, thank God, is empcy, Jesus sits at God's right hand , N ow a loving , mighty Savior– pread the news co every land. Oh! I love the Chri stmas story , When the news js told comp lete: For ' twas thus the p irit brought me Prostrate at the avior 's feet ; And when H e shall come in glory, Take me co H imself, I know I shall still repeat the story Tha t I learned so long ago. church , partly at least because we had no financial assis tan ce to offer chem. W e could not g ive when nothing for church expansion was sent in. W e felt the disap– pointment in ou r failure co secure a Home for the Aged also, although we personally had no pare in it except to boost for it. o few people have a "pocket-book faith ." They wane the tru stees o f Home and Camp co have faith co go ahead on a shoe sering and are willing co get on the band wagon afcer it gees co r olling! Ou r churches need the fai th co g ive first. Another d isappoi ntment came when sub– scr iptions stopped comjng in from May on through August, and we got behind in our monthly bills to the pr inter. We have been caught from chi ldhood co hate debt and co be ashamed of unpa id b ills! Just when we were rejoici ng 10 over 1700 subscriptions 1n Apri l , pasto rs and churches forgot to l .1ck t\,1rs . K,1urz UJ> in her va li.1 nt ,1rrcrnpts to 1c.1ch <>ur go,d o f 2 ,()()() . (' J"hat is the nu 111hc1 \\' • n1ust h.1vc: if our rn,tgn~i nc i to 1,~1y for itself.) N<> thing n1uch \Vas dr)nc to get rcnc\va ls. a nd dcJwn went the lis t to 160() 1 It sti ll isn' t rnuch above th at . Wherever there is an enthusias t ic 1>,t • t<>r a n d a µood su bscri l>t ic>n captain or cc>mmi tccc, subscri ~)tions come in We mu t con fess that we can no more unders tand carelessness in J)romoci ng and readi ng our stare i,aper than ,ts a pastor we could un– c.lerscand how people cou ld claim to be saved and no t want co go to cl1urch N ot that ou r maga2i ne is all it could be. but there 1s a bless ing in fellowsh1p 1f in nothing e lse What we need is more chu rches tha t will see to it by one plan or another cha t every ac tive membcrsh11) home ,vi ll gee the magaz ine They can get 1c at the old race of 1.50 that way and every home will get the informa tion and 1nsp1ra– cion co make chem better members o f the home church. W e believe 1c would pay off In closing we \vant co say chat we sc1ll believe the WORK OF THE LOCAL CHURCH is t!1e most important. That 1s why we wane news o f wha t is going on. That 1s why we preach and pray for har– mony wherever we go, for where we have harmonious churches we have souls saved and a growing work. May God bless our local churches! FORTY YEARS OF PREACHING When a you ng man seven weeks o ff the fa rm is asked co take a unday preaching appointment, you may be sare he is thrilled . In the heat of harvest in 19 17 I had made my final surrender to go into full time Christian service; chat October I started my high school work six weeks lace, and now three years lacer I was a fresh– man a t ioex Falls College, a small Baptist school in my native sta te of ouch Dakota. I had waited so long to preach, and co think chat now at las t my opportuni– ty had come was indeed wonderful. I can never forger char aturday evening of Oet. 23 , 1920. When I b~arded a train for che village of W akonda forry miles sou th , I fou nd I wou ld have the company of D ean A. W . Fauquet and Professor Lawrence E. elson, "\\rho were also going to preaching appointments. I visited a while with each one of chem. trying to act wise and scholar ly. Then I noc:ced a demu r l1ccle sophomore a fev..· seats ahead, who · was goi ng home co , ·is ic her fol ks It came over me that a gentl eman at college ( and I was crying occasionally to act like one ) should at lease say hello to a gi rl from h1s ov.. 1 n school. o I went and introduced mysel f and spen t fi ve minu tes in cha tt1n_g wi th her . Little d id either of us dream tha t five years lacer we v.•ou ld Join hea rt and hand in marriage. All I cou ld chink abou t that n ight v.•as that I must not calk to her coo !ong or chose p rofessors "-'Ould chink me coo frivoloes co preach o I ,vent back and sa t with Professor Fauq uec u ncil m y station was called. The next morning I p reacheJ my first. sermon on "Modern Apostles." I can re– member nothing about che previous un– day school session or more abou t the open ·