The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1961

~Ja_n_uary~,_1_9_6_1________ ~~~~~----TH __E_ 1 _0~H;..::.:..:IO:_:I~N=D=-=EPENDENT BAPTIST same. It might only provide the bare ne– cessities for staying in school, but it taught me lessons that no book on homiletics could ever teach. I learned more out on the field than my course in Pastoral The– ology could give me or rather, the com– bination of the two was invaluable. You can do it, too, my young aspirant to the ministry! If you are sure God has call– ed you, you can be just as sure that he has called you to prepare for his service, and that he will give you the grace and the grit to get your education. If you do not have gri t enough to preach your way through school, or to work yourself through some way, you do not have the grit to take the even harder knocks of the full time ministry. Soldiers train before they attempt to fight, and so should you. • TUDEPlT EVAJ.tGELI T : a1--- on Fremo11t write from the Phil– ippines of the week-e11d mi11i trie of tudent at the Bible I11 titu te at :\1anila. ' ' Thi 1norning I loaded 16 tudents into my Travelall and took them out to four cliffer ent town for Bible cla e and unday chool center . We have cho en ix large towns ,vhere ,,Te ome day pray tl1ere will be local chlU"cl1e a11d as a faculty a11d tt1de11t. body, will concentrate ou1-- teaching and eva11- geli tic effort . I prai e the Lord for the enthu ia tic pirit the tu– dent are howing towa1~d thi work.' ' I hear me11 p1·aying everywhere for more faitl1; but v\Then I li~ ten to them carefull)r a11d get at the real heart of their p1--a3rer , very often it i not n1ore faith at al) that they are ,va11 ti11g but a change from faith to ight. Faith ay · 11ot, ' ' I see that it i.· good for 111e, ancl so God mu. t have ent it ' bl1t ' ' God sent it a11d o it 1n11. t be good for me. ' ' Faith ,~t'a1l{ing i11 the dark ,vith God 011ly pray. I1i1n to cla:p it hand mo1·e clo e– ly- does not eve11 as]( IIim for the lifti11g of the <larl{11e . o that the ma11 may fi11d the ,vay ]1im · If.– JJh,illips Broolrs. DR TKE E I. 1 A DI EA E ? If it .iJ , it i. the only di ease 1. That is contracted by an act of the will; i 'l'hat rec1 uires a license to spread; 3. That is lJottled and sold; 4. 'l'hat pro<luc s revenue for the gov rnrn nt ; 5. 'rhat is hat.>it-for1ning ; 6. 'I'hat provok 1·ime ; 7. 'l'hat is sp1· ad by adv rti. ing; . That is not au ed by g rm 01· • virus; 9. 'rhat ba1·s the pati 11t f1·om hea ,,e11. OUR HONOR ROLL CHURCHES Wonderfu l! We have eight churches now that subscribe for al l their active membership families a nd g,ec it at the old race of $1.50. They are : Subs. Bible Baptist of Bedford, with _______ 57 Whipple Ave. Baptist of Canton ______ 32 Brookside Baptise, CleveJand _______ 129 Bible Baptist , Grove City _________ 21 Road Fork Baptist, Harri etcsvi lle ____ 18 First Baptist, New London ________ __54 Calvary Baptise, Salem ------------- _7 First Baptist, Strongsville ---------- 10 Actually, we are sure Bible Baptist of Grove City and First Baptise of Strongsville have more than one for each membership home. Undoubtedly some not even mem– bers have been led by a lively st1bscription campaign co subscribe. If only every pastor saw to ic such a campaign was put on once a year, we could double our subscriptions in 1961! The following churches, while not hav– ing all their membership homes subscribe, have 10% or more of their membership list subscribe : Subs. Berea Baptist, with ____________ 33 Clintonville Baptist, Columbus ______23 Fostoria Bapti st __________________ 86 Midview Baptist, Grafton ___________ 17 Huntsburg Baptist _________________17 Penfield Jct. Baptist, Lorain ---------30 Calvary Baptist, Massillon ___________6 Northfield Baptise _______________ 16 Bible Baptist, N. Madison ___________ l l Calvary Baptist, Norwalk ___________ 39 Bible Mission Baptist, Otsego ________8 Grace Baptist, Rocky River _________ l l Maranacha Baptist, Springfield _______ 13 First Baptist, Stryker _______________12 Grace Baptist, Sunbury ______________ 4 Calvary Baptist, Tiffin ---------------8 Several of these 16 churches deserve special mention , for they are almost 100% churches-in fact, they would save money if they gave free subscriptions to a few families and got them all for $1.50 a year. Of course, we don't mind getting $2! Fos– toria, Midview, Huntsburg, Calvary of Norwalk and Otsego are those honor– bright churches, next to the eight that subscribe for all. All 24 of them supply us with 662 of our 1627 paid subscrip– tions! We have 61 free ones, mostly to missionaries, making now a total of 1688. We hope many of the other 99 churches will put on campaigns between now and April and see what they can do. ee our Fellowship Pages for our plan for a big u,inter-spring cartipaign co go over our long standing goal of 2,000 subscriptions. Page Three The Ohio Independent Baptist Published Monthly by THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES Publication Office 153 South Jefferson, Berne, Ind . Editor RALPH T . NORDLUND 586 Maple Street Fostoria, Ohio Circulation Manager MRS. JOHN KAUTZ 4519 Welling ton Ave. Parma 34, Ohio Subscription Rate : Per si ogle copy ------------- $ .15 Per Year ------------------$2.00 DEADLINE FOR NEWS : 15th of each month Advertising Rate: Per column inch ------------ $2 .00 Per half page ------------- $2 7 .00 Per full page -------------- $50.00 Second class postage paid at Berne, Indiana. Postmaster: Please send form 3547 to The Ohio Independent Baptist, 4 519 Wellington Ave., Parma 34, Ohio. COUNCIL AND OFFICER Chairman Rev. Hall Dautel, 1209 Second Sc. Portsmouth, Ohio Secretar1 Rev. Adam A. Galt pencer, Ohio Treasurer Rev. T. Fred Hussey 615 Washington Ave. N.iles, Ohio Missionar,y Ch111. Rev. Lynn Roger 785 N. Boyden Northfield, Ohio Youth Dffector Rev . lenn Greenwood 315 . Ken ington Place pr1ngf ield, Ohio Other AJembers EARL V WlLLETI JOHN BAL O JOHN TRO ALLAN LEWI DEAN HENRY