The Ohio Independent Baptist, March 1961

:.::.....:..!~-·\ _e_n_..:t :.--------------1 _l l l () l t l t) I l 1 1 I' l l )_1•_'1_· _I_J,_\ _1"_1·_1 ~_'1_·____________ _;_?v,;,,.,;f ..... t 1 '_.:..:L9:_6:....;.I 1 \ l, 1 t : ,, rit ~, tr >Ill lln11g1ti . .. . \ .l, ., 1~ c., )• - 1 l < l : • 1 1\ f 1 , ( I 1 r l S t I l \ l' l l I J\ f I' i l ' ~ l C.11{ 1 C.'{ l ll st r.111gt - ]}( ,tl ()\\ ()l' C. \ <.' 11 ()t)l l rc,1tl\ c>f c. '-''<1 a1r l~t' 111g 111 tl1c t1,1t i, c. lt\tl ·)1 a111tl11g tllt' 1\f 1 it .. 111 }1ri~t i.111 ,11<l .. <. t ' t11g- t tt. 111 t,1kc <) \ 'r t l l t' t; l ll '. ~l' >111g tlt ( ' () l ll l(ltlS t }1<:) ]1;·<.l 111.,tlt' fro111 lt' ,l\ c. s ,, ..1s ,l JC)\ i 11 - tlt .. ~ e, tr,,, l1cre tl1c ht1r 11 c.)\ , , ,, ~ti ,, itl1 11co1Jle a11cl tl1C)" pl.ll : ;, t p,ll111 l),.._ 11cl1es i11 tl1 ~1islt'S fD· t ;1, foll, to .. 1t 1111011 . \, 1 h e11 tl1e1 , ,. 110 n101 e 1Jl,1c0 i11 ide, the)· .. toc.1d <)ttt.... ide ~111d looked i11 t11e ,,rin– <.10,, . The J. fri ca11 ch11rcl1 ,,·i11do,,· . . . are jt1'" t 1101 s a11cl 11othi11g for a ('lo ing t1cl1 a gl<1 or creen. .. "" pe,1li11g of n1a.king decoration \\ ith lea\ ... I do ,,·i h \ ·011 cot1ld have • ee11 ho,,· creati\·e the~' are. . . . .. ;\fr1ca11 children take a certain ki11cl of le af here and make chain . Thev # ha,·e no pa te. b11t they ti e ery .. mall ,\·ooden peg to hold the leave together. The)· ha,·e no trin g either to attach all thi to the church beam , bt1t that, no problem to th 0 m. They braided ome hea,ry grass \vhich gro,\· e\·er}"'''here , and that erved \·en· ,,·ell. ' 'The last of December I ,vent ,vith some se111or missionaries to st1rvey some of the , ~ast area of this part of Africa. \\' e ,,rent nearly to the Sudan border, co,·ering abot1t 2 .000 miles on the e undescribal.}le African roads, and a\ •eraged about 12 mile p er hour! . . . Thi ,vas an interesting, in formative, full of e periences , trip for me. The Gosp el ,vas given to some for the first time , and to others for just the second. if any offerings to appease the god could b e seen, generally consisting of a dead stick stuck in the ground, and a small basket \vith some rice, cotto11 or p ea– nuts attached to the sick. Oh, hovv \\.re need missionaries. ' 'Two times a week I 'm having a class ,vith the teen-age girls. Once a ,, 1 eek I'm teaching some fellows to \\Tite. T\\·o of the latter come about 12 miles one vw1ay for class." ---- ------ tatistics show that 10,000 people are killed by liquor, where only one is killed by a mad dog; ) 1 et we shoot the dog and license the liquor. ----- ----- \ \ 1 e are found to find another \ \ "e are told to tell another \\ 7 e are \Von to \\rin nnother ,,?e are saved to save another. ;\ ll:·lt r 11 .1, Jt1st <<)tll<:' frc)1t1 ~11s. ( -,l'<lrg(' I l\111l tl1.1l }>,l'ilc>r ;('C)rg' ll t111t of tll(' l~ 111111 ,111\1c' l Il ~11J– l i l C' l 1t11 ·11 of ~l ol clo ,, ilS sc> ill ,1ft 'r tl1 111c>1 t1i11g s r\ ice of J a11. t11 tl1r1t a 111 111l)cr 1)ll)'Sicir111 took l 1i 111 t c) l1i · offi c.·c a11d l(1t('r all 'cl i11 , 1otl1 r ·011st1lt, 11l . II l1ad lo~ t 35 l)Ot111,ls si11cc comi11g to Toi do, bt1t did 11ot tl1i11k too n1t1cl1 of it, b t1t1s of the h ea ry load of getti11g a building opera– tio11 t111cler \vay. It \Va d ecided tl1at l1e \\ 1 ,1 ufferi11g from toxic th} 1 roid and \Vould ha e to ha e a long r est . fter five vveek of home re t, h e and Mrs. Hunt ha e DO\\' gone to Florida for a month. \\ 1 e are ure all our churches will join in praying for l1is early and complete r ecovery. .L E\\ 1 A SI TA1 T AT E~1 1A UEL After reading the above we can all join ,vi tl1 the Hun ts in feel– ing that it ,vas indeed provid ential that the long search for an as– sista1 t nastor came to an end vvith - the call of Rev. ,.f . \ Vesley Bliss; also in the return to Toledo of Rev. .l.f yro11 \\ illia1n , who also is h elping in tl1e pastor's absence . In ou1 11ext issue \\ 1 e l1ope to h ave n1ore to say about the coming of Brother Bliss to our stat e, and of the i1nprO\"e1nen t of Pastor Hunt's h ealth. "''HAT CA I GIVE? \ Vl1at ca11 I give Him, Poor as I am? I f I were a sh epherd I ,vould bring a lamb; If I \Vere a ,vise man I would do my part. Yet "vhat ca11 I give Hun. I ' ll give I--Iim my h eart. -Chr£stia11a Ro:sse tti ---------- Hl.i. DRA1TCE I .l THE PULPIT W esley once .. aid, ' The1·e are . ome men ,vho p1~eacl1 o ,vell when in the pulpit that it i a hame the}'" h ould ever come out of it; and when they a1·e out of it thc3· live .)o illy tha t it is a shame t~e}· . hould e, 1 er ente1· it.' '- t1ndaJr 1 chool Time ( \11~: 1{ "J'f JI•: IJl I~ 1 1 I~ J•J ll 1 I\ a y 111 o 11 c 1 1.1 c > Ik j f • c I i 11 a ( ) J 1 i c> I I ' 11 () 11 'igl1l>(> t', 111 t1r1 ar11101111c · - 111t•11t c>f tl1 C' \ 1sit cJ f tl1 I{ ' cl _., ross lJl r>o( l111cJ1Ji1 ' a 11 cl tl1 • r<.·< 111 st fc>r (lo1 ors tl1 • c l1 ,1fr- 1n t1t1 saicl, "'l ,h r i5 11 0 st1lJs tit11lc fc>r llloocl . CJ one kno, s wh thcr it ,vill l) ,·o 1 or yot1r neighbor ,vho ,vill l)e tl1e next to need it. " It was a splendid appeal t o gi, 1 e in order to supply the need of another. It remi11ded me of h ovv another had responded to our need. For it is \\'ritten that "Christ died for our sins ;" cctl1e just for the unjust ; H e bore our sins in His own body on the tree." He did something for us as our substitute before the judgment of Almi.ghty God that we could not do for ot1rselves. H e obtai11ed eternal red emption for those ,vho '.Jlould trust Hin1. Ther e is no substitute for His b!ood ejther . "Except b y the shedding of blood is no remission," so rea~ls God 7 s \ Vord. A11d there is a reality in the experience of the release from the b t1rden of sin vvh en one gives recep– tion to Jesus Christ as Lord and Sa,·ior. Expression of this is often sung in these familiar words: c:There is a fountain filled with blood Dravvn from Immanuel,s veins; And sinners, plunged beneath that flood Lose all their guilty stains. ,T ---------- ROA 11~ GS OF THE EDITOR (Continued from par,e 19 > ,v e fear commt1nities like that need a11 old-fashioned protracted n1eeting for three or more ,veeks, that keeps on a11d on u11til Christians go to vvork and sin11ers b ecome concerned. Eight day revivals are fine \vhere the church and field are read y, but \\rill accom– pl1s}l little ,vhere a fe,v faithful souls are pitted against an unstirred, in– differen t community. Brother P eltier certainly has a faithful fe\v-four vvomen hold child evangelism classes and have \VOn mothers as ,,·ell as children. Some of these came out for membership du1ing the meetings, and so about ix or seven vvill be added to the church. Yet the com- 111u11ity has so much churchianity that it cannot see its real need. Pray for thi~ truggling country church-it needs 0\1r help,