The Ohio Independent Baptist, April 1961

• 11 \ l\ \ ~ 1 t ., l.., 1 4 " I ltl' 1'1 \ ,, l,lr tlll' 1\(' ' ' ~, 111 arl' 111.ttt1ri11g .111cl tlll' l<)l .1ttllll lll·f 111ilt'l, dl c idt' " . l l ,, 111 1 l' l)ll l ll<.' ,.)lcl •11111' 1, (cl< t l),tll fil'lcl . l t 1, l1tll1('tl tl1.1t t ' ll<)11trl1 ll>t1atic)11, ,, ill <. ' ()111<.' 111 ,,\ tl1.1t it l'.lll 1 c..' ,t,11 ll'(l t 111~ ~\1111111( l '"1"111.:)l l ' ' ' ,11 l)l' l\() 1)1 ()\\)('l'l l\ <.' " ttt– clt' llt, 11,1, tl11, \<:'tlr l)t'C1.l \lS <)f c r< ,, lt l t l'lltlilJ<.)11,, l)tll 11,1~tc>r~ ~111c1 <.>tltl'l' ,\t t' 111 gl'<..1 tc) ,, 1 ilt\ i11 .:111cl t(\11 \\ llt' ll tl1 '\ 1)1 .. 111 t<.) l ~l) llll' ,\11(1 11()\\ 111a11~· 1)1 ()'l)t t.'l t, <. ,t\1clt't1l~ tl1cr ,, ill l)f' i11 tlit gt<.>1111 I'l1c, ~1rc ,, <.'lco111 tc> , i . it t·l.1,,t"' ' \ l cl11cl,1, tl1rot1g l1 ri– cl.1, ,, l1c·11 tllt'rt' ,t11 cl to talk ,, itl1 fat·11lt, 111<.'111\)c•r · ,1ftcr cl,1 .. (' a11cl ,, itl1 t .. 1f f ,ll)<>ttt cot1rsc. tl1e, ,, i 11 to # t .. 1kt', ,111cl sc) ft1rtl1. 1~ or tl10 e ,,·110 tlet111itl' l,· 1>1~111 tc) ntte11cl eclar\·ille t<>r tl1<.' fir .. t t1111c 11e "\t f,lll, 110 ft1r– tl1e1 t1111e .'l1c)t1lcl l)e lo t to regi ter. 13, . 11111111cr it ,, ill , . r,· like],, b e t oo # • I.. 1te ---------- \\.E TER~ B. PT I T BIBLE OLLEGE T,,·o 11e,,· i11 h'l1ctor l1av·e b ee11 ,1clclecl to the f,1ct1lt,· at \\,.e ter11: 1:fr. " El~ ot \\ . Joh11 011 of De11\·er Colo., ,, 110 ,,ill teach pePcl1 ,111cl E clL1ca– tio11. He ,,·ill al o p as tor a church. He took 11i Bible b·aini11g a t Bapti t Bible College ir1 Den\·er , and ha an ~I ..,\ . degree fro1n the U11i,·er ity of Colorado. Harla11 Rahilly \\·ill t each ~Ii io11 . He i a graduate of Bapti t Bible en1inary in Joh11 on City J. .Y., a11d has take11 additional ,,,ark at \\"e tern . He has 1,5 year of experi– e11ce a a mi ionarv i11 Liberia tin- • cler Bapti t ~Iid-~1i ion . ---------- B..\PTI T BIBLE EMI ARY \ , ,.e are happy to an11ounce the c:omi11g of h\ 7 0 11e,\' faculty member ~I r. \\Yendell Kempton who '\ivill ser e a Director of Chri tia11 er"rice, and ~Ir. Ed,,·ard pencer, , vho r ecently ,,·a pastor of the Penfield Jct . Bapti t Church of Lorain Ohio, will serve a an A i tant Professor in E11glish. 111 aclclition to hi dutie as Director of Christian er,·ice, 11r Kempto11 '"·ill sen:e as Coach of the B.B. . Ba ket-ball teams . A ,ve mention tl1i item ,\·e salute :\Ir. Mead Arm– strong ,,·ho has served as successful \ "ar it~· Coach for a number of years , arid 1Ir. Charles Benedict , ,vho has piloted the J.\ ". Team. It is \\rith regret that we announce the resignation of N1iss Agnes Holt of our English Department . Miss Holt ic;; appl}·ing for Foreign f ission serv– ice. \\"e are happy to announce that ~fr. Robert Lightner has enrolled for t Our Approv d ____ cho l1is <.l<)<.' lri11al 1>t <>gran1 a l l )nlla'-1 ' l'l1C' tll (l~i<.·a l s(' tl\lllal \ . l l <.' \\ ill ll(' l,\h.ii1g lt',\\ <.' <> f ,t l>~C t\ 't' lr<l tll 13.13. •. f<lt tl11 \ 11, , r 1 < >"(' 1, < l t l 1 l r. l , i g l 1 t 11 <' i a 11 cl 1 t i"'i l l c>lt l1a, t' 111 ,tcl , a re~,l t'<>ttli il>t• · lt cl 11 le> 1~.l~.S \\ '<' ,, i 11 tl1c' 111 ( ;clcl 's 1>1 ~si11 r ,l ~ Ll1 t"') itlll)l ' 11'\ l'lll t}1 ll' 111,lt\S. ,.rl1t' Gtl1 t\ 111111,tl ltt cl \11t f iss ions 1 1 cllo,, sl1ip ~011f crt'11ct' l1a · j11 t co11- ('l11cl<:'cl . 1\ ll i11clicatic>11s ,1r tl1at tl1i ,, a · c)11 of tl1 111os t cl1(1ll ' 11g i11g co11- f t'r ' 11c<."', , ·er t o b 11 lcl lt11cler the att I)ic of tl1 IF . The 1 tir 111i11(1ry Fa111il)' ,, a bl s cl a a re tilt of the co11ferc11ce e ions. Tl10 · 1nis io11aries a11cl 1ni sio11 p r, 011n I l)re. e11t \i\' r : Rev. Guy Ki11g, Re,·. \ \ 1 illian1 Flt co, R \'. Bob olli11 , Ii s Jes ica M i111 , Re, ,. and ~Ir . tepl1e11 reen , Rev. a11d Mrs. Bernarcl Ba11croft , Rev. lbert \ il– lit11n , Re,.r. \ Villard tull and Dr. Harold Co1nn1011s. The tl1eme of the conference ,vas " 01ne Ha\·e ot the Kno,vledge," frorn I orii1thia11 15: 34. T l1e mi - sio1 arie dealt ,vith e,,eral different topics and participated ii1 a panel discl1S io11 01 "~1is ionary Relaxation" and in a \Vork hop dealing with ccPreparation for the Field." SMF Preside11t , William H awk, and the Pla111 ing Committee are to b e com– me11ded for a job ,,,ell done . ----- ----- GRA D RAPIDS BAPT IST THEOLOGICAL SEMI ARY The Second An1 ual Bible Confer– ence of the Grand Rapids Baptist Theological Seminary as h eld Feb– ruary 20-24 ,vith almost 1000 register– ing be ides many others being in at– tendance which made a vast increase over last )'ear. Drs . Rober t Ke tcharn Da,,id Allen , a11d vValte r W ilson were MAKE THE MOST • OF COLLEGE YEARS AT Ga in a Christ - Centered education with degree in ARTS*, SCIENCE**, MUSIC *offe ring ma jors in Sib le, Music, His to ry a nd the Socio I Sclences , Engl ish, and Phy sical Education. •*offering mo jors in Phys ical Sciences, Bio· logical Sciences, Christion Education, and Business Administration. Also available : Psychology and Ed uca ti o n courses. WRITE FOR CATALOG TODAY l]l( tl1ni11 S}) < k ' J'S, 11,11111> "l' <>f <>l l 1 ' rs ~1c lcl1 C'\\C'Cl tl1c ' eonf 1 rr·1t · ~ it1 - <·lt1clit1g 1)1 . l ) ;t, 1el C)l1\ l•~ ,111 ' 1' JJ, c) (('SS<> i V1c·t<>r 1a t11c'\\~, nnll 1{ , . 1[ f•rl1crt \ ' ctn clc, r L, 1gl. Il cc>1cl 1 n g a rt is l , ~11. Jin11n1c l c l) c>11alcl , fron1 ])}1ila– <lc,l1)l1ia \\US l l1 SC) l<>P, l . l{c•v. 1~1111 'S ])ra1J 'r c>f ll1 ' l~aclio BilJlc ~lass n11cl Prof sso1 Doo11 ,t11 cl1r 'Cl(•cl ll1c c :or1f t>1 . c11c·e 1nt1sic.·al p1ogram fcah1ri11 g var1- ot1s mt1sjcal grottps. Dr . W. v\ 1 i1lJert \ \ 1 c· lcl1, 1Jrcsicle11t, l( 1 cl tl1c C(>11f re, 1c· \,\ ith a k 11 se11s <)f the p1ril's mo\– i11g t1po11 hearts. t1nclay scl1ool , cl1t1rcl1 a11d topical clinic sessions and ,,,orkshops \\'ere held in the aft rnoons. These \vere condt1cted by the principal sp eakers as \vell as 1-1rs. Robert Ketcham, 1 rs. Reginald 1atthe\vs, Professor v\' ar– r en Faber , Dr. heldo11 Quincer, Re,·. Joseph Balbach , Rev. Fred BarlO\\, and Dr. Do11n Ke tcham . The confer– ence ,vas of such a higl1 spiritual level that many co11curred vvith Dr. \Vilson when h e said it was the b es t con– ference h e had atte11ded for years. A special feature was Alumni Day, when many graduates of the school united in supporting its work. A sum of $8500.00 ,va pledged toward the n ew campus project. Students and faculty h ave pledged $14,000.00. The Alumnus of the year, Rev. Guy King, D irector of H iawatha Land In– dependent Baptist Missions, Inc., was recognized and honored by the Alum– ni Association and was awarded the 0. W. anOsdel Memorial trophy. A momentous decision was made by the Advisor y Council vvhen it ap– proved a campaign to raise $450,- 000.00 so that buildings might be erected and the ne,v camp us, in northeasten1 sect ion of Grand Rapids, be occup ied in the fall of 1962. '"f' -; \: -rf~;-- - • I ( EDARVlllE OHI O JAMES T JE REMIAH, President