The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1961

~_f_aJ_ 1 ._1_9_6_I_________________________T __ HE ___ O_H_IO __ I_N_D_E_P_EN __ D_EN __ T__ B_A_PT __ IS_T________________________ P_a~ge__ P_if_teen_ ie11ce a a pastor or e, a11geli t. ome of tl1e pastors of the large t cl1t1rcl1es }1a, 1 e left tl1eir respo11 ibilities i11 order to get ft1rther edt1cation · and tl1ese "-' churcl1es are co11ti11ui11g tl1eir s(1laries so tl1e, 1 ca11 1naintai11 tl1eir families . ,, l1ile i11 scl1ool. Here again ,, e see tl1e indigeneous pri11ciple at ,,·ork, as ,, 7 e obser, 1 e tl1e local cl1urcl1 re– cog11izi11 g the importa11ce of trai11ecJ leadersl1ip a11d t1pporti11g tl11s pro– gra111 fi11a11ciall~·. ,~,e ha, 1 e n, 0 l1ospital . 011e at Ipp~' a11cl tl1e other at Ko1rmra. These ha, e the pote11tial of reacl1i11g n1any ,, 110 otl1er,, ic;e ,, 1 ot1lcl 11ot l1ear tl1e crospel. ,,..e are praying much for ad– ditional doctors and nt1rses to help 1neet tl1e needs there in Africa. Tl1e Koumra l1ospital is erecti11g a fine 11e,, 1 building and I ,vas deligl1ted to see the progress being made. 1\.p– proxin1atel)1 se, ·en hundred people came each da)· for medical h elp and each one hears the good ne\\ 1 S of sal– , ,ation. Dr. Seymour, at present, is the onI,~doctor on the field and car- " ries \ 1 er~ 1 hea,1' resp onsibilities. The ,,.rork of the dispensaries sl1ould not be minimized as they not 011ly ha,,e an e,,angelistic outreach bl1t render a real sen ·ice in maintaining the health of ot1r nati,·e ,vorkers and tl1eir families as the\' come in for , regular physical examinations. These dispe11saries are l1nder the direction of ot1r nurses and are located on our ,·~1riot1s stations. "f}1e cr\ 1 of Af 1 ic·a tc>cl a,, i ~ for ed lI- , catio11 a11d tl1e scl1ools \\ 1 e clo l1a, e are cro\, 1 ded ,,,ith cl1ilclre11. 111 adcli– tic)11 to fl 11 uml)cr of ele1nen tar\' ., c·1Joo1s, tl1ere are Fre11cl1 scl1ools at 13a11gftSS<Ju a1 1<l B,1liml)a. \\l}1en I ar– ri,,ed ~1t Ft. A1·cl1rt111l)a111t. thP,re ,,,ere al ()ut tl1r e l1 t111(lrecl fi11 looki11g c11il– dr 11 ,,,110 }1ad ,,,alk cl six 111ilcs f 101n Bali1111)a to tl1 ai rp<>rt tcJ gre ·l in ... l t)1a11kf>cl -.<>d fcJr tl1c~111 rts I sa\· tl1 "'lTI sta1 di11g tl1 r i11 tl1e attr~1cti,, cl a11 t111if<JJ r11s a11<l, lrtt<:)r, as I sa \\' t1Je ,,,orJ, tl1 )' \\ 7 re dc)i11g i1a tl1 ) class- roo111. ( ~l11.1rcl1 s l1a,, gi\ c~11 tl10,1s[111ds c,f dollcrS, cJld Oil }1u11clred cllCl l\\T'.>Jll) 1 JJli si<JJlctri S ar i11, ~s ti11g tl1 ir li, 1 es i11 tl1i ,, ell k-is it \\ ort]1 it? Is it ,, ()J t 11,, l1il to 11~1, c.1 11 111 cl r '.)ds c1f cl1u1 ·l1 ..s .. tal)]i ]1 '.)cl Ia1agi11g "11 t)Jt \\ ,t\ f 1OJJl little~ a 1111 li s i11 a 1>11 ]1 t1<a l<-> 1 cit, ·l1l1rc·l1 ,,itl1 a11 at 1 da111c of 3, 0 JJ OJ)]:)? ]), ga1 , itcl1 doc.:toi s glo1 ious)) sa, .1d, JJO\\ r– f 11~ 111( f 1icJ\1\ l ac<JJI i11 tl1 Jo ·, 1 cl1,1itl1 11ak s it ,t g)<Jd i11,c .. st111 11l. l1 11 t] J It 11cl1 go '"J 11111c.)11t 1 cc og- Jll/ ~ l]l \o\()J] <Jf Olll (\-\ ) ~11ti t ii 1t~ 111 c]J( 11 J<H1111LtJ ,,]1c,1 ,l go,c.)11 (Conti ,u d on g 1 ) OlJR AN UAI~ MEETING \"!HERE? ? Emmanuel Baptist Church, Columbus "VHEN?? Oct. 16 through 19. Plan to come! WITH OUR APPROVED SCHOOLS Ceclrlr\ 1 i11e CcJllege i\ rejoic·i11g tl1at it\ bo11cl 1sstie of ~ l 50. ()00 ]1t1S bec11 \Olcl. 11.11c)tl1er ser1c~ ,,,ill 1Je offerecl (. )011. a11cl it 1 1101Jecl tl1at t11e respc)11se \\ 1 ill be ec1t1all)· goocl. Tl1e pla11s for tije ''J\Iore tl1a11 c;\ 1 11111,1~1t1111" are con1- • 1Jlete. J\1ost of )'Ot1 11,1, e see11 tl1e 1JiC;tt1re 011 t11 e last Bt1lleti11 of Ceclar– , ,ille College. o all \\ e 11eecl to clo is t1rge ) ' Oll all to IJr,l)' a11cl gi, e to tl1° c ..11cl t11is 111t1cl1 11eec1ed aclclitio11 111igl1t soo11 becon1e a realit\ . , Anot11er cat1se of rejoicing is the c.ie11ce gra11t gi,·en to ~fr. D,1lc' Tl101npson, instrt1ctor i11 Bota11) 1 a11cl Zoology. He is 011e of 45 l1igl1 schooi a11d co]lege teachers of science and n1athematics to receive this grant for a year of ndditio11al schooling at Ohio t c1 te U11i, 1 ersity. It ,vill enable hi1n to finish hi ,vork for a Master's De– gree ancl do co11sic1erable sh1cl)' to– \\ r1rcl l1is Pl1. D. degree. BAPTI T SE~1I J\ .. RY OF THE BIBLE Tl1i scl1ool i11 Cle, ,ela11d for tl1e trai11i11g of pas tors a11d l1ristia11 \\'Orkers a1no11g tl1e colorecl people i cl,Ji11g a grea t ,,·ork throt1gl1 tl1e ma11y l~ible Clt1bs t c1t1gl1t l))' stt1cle11 ts a11d graclt1a tes. A cot1rse i11 Bil)le clt1 b a11cl , nc~1tio11 Bible school ,,·c>rk is lrtt1gl1t, a11cl tl1is spri11g tl1e scco11cl a11tl fot1rtl1 I\1011cla\'S of tl1e 1no11tl1 are set as1cle • fc)r spec·ial trai11i11g c.·las'ies for tl1c co111i11g D., 1 .B.S. \\ ork of tl1e 'it1111111e1. \\YES'fER'\ B.<\l)'fl T I !IBI.JE OLIJEGE I Iigl1 c11()01 Se11ior 1),l)', 1\1)111 l L1t l1 \\ras tl1e l)est l'\CI li elcl , ,, 1 ill1 ~ 1 <; ,·i ·itors. ·1·11e a1111,1~ll cl1oir t<>t1r 1 !l-·Jcl 20 co11certs i11 Califor11ia a11cl r( 3 St1 ltecl i11 tl1c gift of ~1 '5~ I~airl a11e 50(, I~c)rcl i11 goc>cl cc)11clit1011. Otl1er <ril ts l1:1, 1 e l)een recei\ 1 ecl l)\' tl1e ~ , <;( l1c)cJ1 , i11c1t1cli11g a bec1t1tst of <.>1~500 fro111 tl1c estate c>f a Cl1ri\tia11 cot1ple. '"fl1i.'l st1111111er tl1ere \\ 1 111 l)e a fi, 1 e– \\1eek st1111111er ses io11 tl1i~ , ·ear, a11 cl ., ~111 Isr,1el Tot1r tl1,lt 16 l1a, e alread)' <;1g11ecl lllJ for , or t111clot1l)tecll} n1ore l)'' tl11s ti111e. Tl1ere \\ ill al!)o l)e ~1 . S111111ner i\ ~en1l)l)' Alig. 14-1 , ,, 1tl1 D1. P<1t1l R. J ackso11 spca:ki11g t,, ice claily a11cl ,vitl1 1111cl,1)· scl1ool ,, ork– shops a11cl <> tl1er com es. BAPTI T BIBLE SE~1I~ARY J oh11 so11 Cit}', .. . Y. 011 Fricl,1y, April -, the fact1l~·, staff a11cl stt1cle1 t · \\ elcon1ecl tl1e lnrge t 11t1111ber of gt1e t to Ope11 H ot1se i11 tl1e 11i11e , ·e,1r histor\' of the . ~ occa ion. ix st ,ltes ,, ere represe11tecl , 11n111el}' : Illi11oi ·, 11 icl1iga11, ~ ,v J er– se)·, ... e,,~York, Penns) l\·a11ia a11d \ "ir– gj11ia. Ap1)roxin1atel) 1 011e l1l111(lred cl1l1rc:l1es ,1tte11clecl fro1n tl1ree cleno1ni- 11c.1tio11s (Baptist, Cl1ri tia11 & 11 i~– ~io11ar, · Allia11ce, a11cl ~Ietl1oc1i ·t) . • Tl1e cl,l)' of Ope11 Hot1 e l>ega11 at 7. 30 c.1.111. \\ 1tl1 rcgi ·trnt1011 111 Tl10111- ... \011 H ,1Il lot111gc. Gt1e~ts ,, ere as 1~11ecl to t<Jllr grcJ111Js ,, l11cl1 , i~1t cl cJ,1.., e~ 1 <.. < i(le11c:e 11~111 , ~1cl111i11i tr:.1tic>11 l) t11lcl– i11g , clas~100111 a11cl off1c:e bt1ilcli11gs s11clc\ ~l1c>,, i11g life., ,1t I~ 13 ~ . ,11,cl cl1 - 11L.1) '-> <Ji ~t,1clc11t ,1cti, 1tic. ~ 1\ft \r a \ll l't1t1ot1~ 111or11111g e, 1) <)11t~ e11j(>) 1 ecl r1 t1 c.\e lt111cl1 i11 tl1c' ~t l1c>ol c·afett' ria . (Co1itinued on page 16) The BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY OFFERS - ------- Three ) 'ea r 1raduate "e111innrr thorough training for Christian Service 13il)le ollege - ,, ith a 1eneral our:se J)lus strong n1inors for Li sionarie hristian l!ducation l)ireccor~ i\lu~ic l)irecrors l', StOf!>-ll1 e e111inary ,vork 1,,o '\'ea1 ertif1c, te our es ht1r 11 e reca1y Cc,ur e ha i c1an \XI orker' c>ur e )rtl1odox holarl) l~,11.,ci ti l c,cated 1n beauc1f ul rand lla1)id , I or 1 n f orn1, tion ,, rite: l1r1 c-c<;ntere<.l 1 l 1 l11g,1n BAPTIST H ·OLOGICAL SEMINAIRY 811 Wealthy St., S. ., Grar,d Rapid 6, Micf1Jg ,1