The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1961

r \ 11t1111l l'r < f l ,\l list lltlr ,)1 ". l1tl\ 1 11t t g tl1 r j11 tl1t ~I ..,, 1~t11tl tlrt.'a t l 1,,1,11 ,\ " l111~ll,ll\ .... ' llt){)l :1t tl1 )> t'lt 111< 11t:tr\ 1,, ,}. 1·11' (lrg:111iz!1ti<)11 of • tJ , ''- l1c,tll \\ .1 ,ll't·o1111Jl1sl1f•(l <ltl ~Ia,, " l '-1t,t). ~111cl tilt.' c l1ool B<),trd l r ~t't. tli11g ,, 1tl1 l)l .. 111 l<l 11,1, tl1e ,tl1 1 ~' l't11 111 tl1t. fal l t) f 1961. 1.. l1e I l~'t't ( f ll c~1tio11 f\>r tl11 t'l1ool 11(1 llut l)t'l'll tlt lt'r111i11e<l rl.. 111 l L tl,c fir t f , (', t'1 .. 1l .11 t1l·le, to ucqu~1u1t the 111t: 111llc1 --1111) of ticlid- <) tti11gl1am l~ .. 11)ti t l1t1rcl1 ,, itl1 tl1e pt1rpo e a11d t11 11 of .. 1 l1r1~t1ai1 cl1ool a \\·ell a ,,1 itl1 tl1e 1)rolJle111 a11d dra,, back tl1at ~lC'C'Olllpa1l)' it. E, en trlll) bo1n-ag,1i11 pare11t de- 1re to do e, ·er)i:hing po ible to r.c11 e tl1eir cl1ilclre11 i11 the admonition of the Lord Tl1e i\po ·tle Paul aid: .. It a11)· pro, ide 11ot for hi o,vn, and e~peciall, , for tl10 e of his o~n house, }1 l1atl1 de11ied the faith, and i \Vorse tl1an an ir1fidel.'' ( I Tim. 5: ) \Vhat dee lie n1ean h}' thi ? Certainly he l a 1nore u1 mi11d than merely put– ti11g food 011 the table a11d clothes on .... the back. Your cl1ild i a tri-partite beina: he has a living oul, a body, ,111d a pirit. 1·ot1r child ""ill live for– e\ er. He ,\·ill li, e a long as God li,·e . The Bible emphasized the need of tl1e ",, l1ole'> cl1ild. The l1ri t1an school exists because of the belief that a Cl1ri tia11 e<luca– tio11 pl,1)· a ,'ital part i11 1neeti11g this 11eecl. ecular school are t1nable to pro,·icle for tl11s need. Christian edu– c,:i tio11 ha to do ,\·itl1 e, er 1· subject of k110,, ledge The acldi11g of a fe,v cot1r e in religio11 a11d Bible sh1dy to a chool ct1rricult11n. or the l1olding of religiou exerci e a11d cl1apel ser,·– ic e~ do 11ot 111ake a Clrri tian school. _-eitl1er i it e11ough to have teachers that are members of a Christian cl1t1rch. Christian eclucation requires a Chrisha11 poiI1t of , 1 ie,\ 1 for the '"·hole ct1rrict1lum, a Gocl-ce11tered program in e, 1 er: 1 clepart1ne11t, a11d a bom– agai11 edt1cator before e,,erv class. If ...., ., a child is tat1ght at home and church .... tl1at ..the earth is tl1e Lord's and the ft1llr.e5s thereof," tl1en the same must be tauaht at school. If the school ,,,hich takes up most of a child's time teache the child to tudy facts \~.1ith– out reference ar1d relation to God, then the least that can be expected is a eriot1s 1ne11tal co11fusion, and 1/11111111# .. .... #a, l'\ ('Tl .1 ,t1 <>11.,. I)<>'isil>ilil}' tl1~1t tl1 ~ t' l11lcl \Vtll <l ' \ ' t. 101) 111 tl1 clir · t1011 of I •,1st 1 e\1~l,111<~ '. tl1 " ,va of it 11at11r,1l i11- · lu1,1t1011 ,l\\.,l) i1 c>111 God' 1r1lc1 tJr t,1- ti c>11 of life. \ 1 ~ I) l T .,:\. 1.. I \ \ . I T II T c:oo l)I II 1 R R OD. If tl1 r 1 a11)'lhing Bihl b li vers l1e ld l1igh , it i tl1 honor of our od. tir od i a j alou od. H e will 11ot tolerate ot1r di o,vi1ing Him in a11}' fi Id of endea or- and least of all in the fi Id of educatio11 which i basic and fo1mative to all other fields . hall we co11fess on the Lord's <lay that the glory of God is the chief end of man and during the next five days sPnd our children to an institutio11 \\·hich pr pare them for a life in \,·hich man i set forth as the chief end of life? Divorce is tragic wherever it is found , but the greatest divorce has been the separation of things "sacred' ' a11d things " ecular." Christian educa– tion recognizes no uch cleavage. The Apostle wrote to servants of his day and aid: "Be obedient to them that are your masters according to the fl esh , \vith fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as 1.,nto Clirist: not with eye service, as men pleasers ; but as the servants of Christ doing the \vill of God from the heart; ,,,ith good will doing service, as u11to the Lord a11d not to men." (Ephe– sians 6: 5-7) 011 another occasion h e ,,·rote: "\,\ 1 hether therefore ye eat, or clrink, or \\ 1 hatever ye do, do all to the glory of God.' ' ( I Cor. 10:31 ) The MAKE THE MOST • OF COLLEGE YEARS AT Gain a Christ-Centered education with degree in ARTS*, SCIENCE**, MUSIC •offering moiors in Bible, Mus.ic , History and the Social Sc1ences, English, and Physical Educa hon. ••offering majors in Ph-ysical Sciences, Bio· logical Sciences, Christion Education, ond Business Administration. Also available : Psychology and Edvcatio n courses. WRITE FOR CATALOG TODAY n? t acl1 ·r \\ 1l 11 tl1is ot1 tlook, ·a11 onv y tl11~ (~011(·c~pt to tl1 ·hild·s t1n<lerstan<l– i11g lltclt (;ocl mtist not lJe divorced from \ ' CI vcl,tv life. , , Bihl t acl1ing has a primary place in the curriculum of th ,hristian school. It i folly to think th,tt our childr n are educatecl when they have no knowledg of od nor are rightly related to Him. \Villiam Lyon Phelps, \vho for more than forty years was a di tingui hed professor of English lit– erature at Yale, said: "Everyone who has a thorough knowledge of the Bible may truly be called educated; and no other learning or culture, no matter how extensive or elegant, can, among Europeans or Americans, form a proper substitute. Western civili– zation is founded on the Bible: our ideas, our wisdom, our philosophy, our literature, our art, our ideals, come more from the Bible than from all other books together. I thoroughly be– lieve in a university education for both men and women, but I believe a knowledge of the Bible without ,l college course is more valuable than a college course without the Bible.' ' In an address given in Chicago in 1934 Dr. J. Gresham Machen pon– dered the question, "What is there about Christianity which makes it necessary that there should be Chris– tian schools?" His answer is , "Chris– tianity is , indeed, a \Vay of life; but it is a way of life founded upon a s}·stem of truth. That system of truth is of the most comprehensive kind; it cla hes ,vith the opposing systems CEDARV lll f OH IO JAMES T JERE.M IAH, President •