The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1961

CedarvlJJe CoJJege :1 I librart ,~-~~~-~-~ CP~.., .... ,·, , Cedarvi!le Bapt!st Collei·e For: Library · THE OHIO Volt1me XXXIV OVEMBER, 1961 umber 1 - - • F ..i\CULTY A D Last )'ear we proudly pich1recl tl1e stud nt bod> and fac·ulty of eclar– vil le (__.ollege, with most of tl1e 351 stu– <ler1ts 111 tl1 picture. ,.fhi s year there are se\' 11 n1or f act1lty me1nl)ers a11d 77 ,nor s tude11ts. ,.I'he 428 s tucl 11ls co111 fro111 '34 s tat s, \\·itl1 Ol1io f11r11isl1i11g 161, I\1icl1ig,111 (-;4 , ,t11<l l11 - dia11a 42. E\ 1 , 11 f~tr a,.va, ( ~,tlifor11i,1 • is r >pr :.s 11t .,tl b)' tl1rc.>) s tt1cl 11ls , ~111cl Arizo11ft l)}' <,, 1 >. \~' l1il > tl1 co11tc->1111)lat ~cl slt1cl< 11t t1!1ic,11 l)l1ildi11g t>t11c1 1~<>l lJ ( r c l< (l t]1is ]ast s t1111111 :.r for ]a ·k of s11ffie i 11l gifts, , l)c:.at1tif,1I l)ric ]1C,111 11<>nr tl1 ·a1:11J)ltS '" as 1,urc] 1r1s cl ,,,it 11 rcHJn a f<Jr 25 l ucl ',)11t l<J re lit \ ' t tl1 ;) ·r<l,, 1 c..l < < l do1111ilori. E,e11 so 111,11, stttcl 11ts ., l1a, lit1cl to f im1d r<,<)Jll ii 1 J,,,1t1Ps. ;\ ·a1 ~1)aig1 is 110\\' c)11 t c, se ll $ 1·11 , 10() \\\ ortl1 <)f 1)011 ls to J), ) for i11'lJ)1 o, - 111 11t , lrt ,l<l )' 111ade a11d for 11 \I\' ·01 - t111c l io11 o i11t·o11 f.l-J)l oc]t1 ·im1g do1·111i- to1 i s, t ·. if t~ ar ) al <) 11 cl d to ·--,.,..-..;;.~ _ ...,,.......~a- - z - ' ..... • • '"fUDE T BODY O CEDAR ILLE COLLEGE G' l ~ ,e_~ ~ ().) ,\ \~I t make up the differenc betwee11 tt1i– tio11 fees and tl1e real cost of tr,1i11i11g tl1 stt1dents. $70,000 ,vill hnv to be received to CO\.'er tl1at cliffere11ce. Tl1e11, si11ce the cc)111l)i11ecl ITT'tn a11cl stt1cle r1t t1r1io11 l)t1ilcli11g \vill 11c)t b e tl1c·o1ne p1 ocl uci11g, l)o11cls ·n1111ot l)e sold for 1t, bt1t tl1 11tire <.·ost 111t1 ·t l) c.:. I)rC)\ iclf•cl i11 g1f l<i. "['11al l)rc>jC<.'l l') so 11r ssi11g, 11<J t <>111, l)ec.:at1s~ a la1 g" r g~'J r1 is 1 \ '<lecl l)tl t tl1e c>lcl g, 111 ,, 1 ll I)l'O\' t Clt' rt 1~11g{"r e l1,11)e l t11a11 ~I 1l11t~r ..1l1 rt l)(•I, a11cl tl1 <>l ei c.: l1apcl I'> 11t'f•clc )cl fc,r ·lass roc,111sf , t•s , ~t11cl t1·t • stt1cle11t lc>t111gc is 1tC)\\ <Ht tl1e fir!) l flc)c>r <>f tl1 ~ 111 11 's tl<1r111 , a11cl tl1al s1)ncc· is 11 '>cLIEcl ft,r 111<1rt cl<>r1nit<1r, 1 r<>(>111. .. S<> <;):t('ll <lcJ ll nr gi, t 11 fen· tl1t ~t,1 clt•11t ,111i<)J1-g} 1 11111r1sj,1111 ,vill 1> r<>, i<lt c· l1at> 1 SJ)U · ~, ·la s r<><J111s , t1 1cl clc>r111it <>l') r< ,0111 ns \\' t 111 )11r s tt1cl 11l < c,i·rt ~l> l>11 clc~11l tl1is } ta, is l iss J1t ,,c~rl) \\lc)t>cl~ of l-t.., c1~- torin , a jt111ior iii tile lit1si11t ss I t l ar t- me11t. 11 \\ 1 rite , "Tt1e da)', Oct. 10, \\'<l ot1r a1111t1al Da} of Pray·er. I hot1lcl 'U}, Fall Da}' of Prayer, becat1 c \\' al ·o h,1, 011e i11 tl1 pri11g. Tl1e e11tire \ i · set ,1sic.le for pr:.l)'er. \ \ e 111 et ,1t clif– f ere11t ti111 'S tl1rc>,1gl1<>t1t tl1e cl,1, ,1 ' a ·tt1c.le11t l)ocl) , a11cl tl1e11 ~1t , ,11 iot1 t1111es l)1e,1k ttp 111tc> g1c.>t1ps for p1\l\ er f :,l ,}1 c:lt1 l) c>r grc.>tll) 111eet ,111<.l 1t 1 t1 \ t 1\ 1 ,l l)](.''>S ltlg. rl'llf' l 01 cl l t~all) 1 l>le'>~e (lt11 i11g n11cl aft 't tl11, <.1,l, ..\\ e ,llt' l1a, 1 i11g t'\ t'11i11g ('l.1",t', tl11~ ) t '~ \t Lt is fc>r tl1t• [)\tt t) t>~t ~.> t l1t•l1>111 ~ I)t•c>J)lt i11 t<>,, 11 or frc>111 11t igl1l>t>r111g t (>,, 1 11s a11cl ·l1t1rc)1 •s ,,,11<) 111i g)1t ,, a11l le> gf• t ,1 f ,, c·xtra lit1t1r ' t)f ' rt~cli t <>t ,, li e> j,1~t ,, f111l t t> })re> it frc}111 Ll1c~ c<>ttt~(·. It als<> }1c 1 l1>s tl1ost.~ ~t11 clt nts ,, l1 c> 111a l1a, t' l ' t 11llic·t~ i11 tilt clail, ~ ·l1e<l11lt . 1 l1a, . 11 , , - ., 11i11g ·litss a11cl . <) far l lik it . 'l ' ltt) t1 "11, II, 111t.~f 1 t rrt1c~cla, 01 'I '11t1rs la, 11igl1 t for a 1> rio I elf l ~' to 2 1 2 l1ot1r -."