The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1962

l l )1' 1' 1 \ 11 \\ " o,,,; , ... , · ~t1" () 1-, ) I, t thc111 n, h ,,t ,, c..l\tld h 1, c t ht.'n1 1, d. Rl, • ,, eel l · \\ .1r1 en l . J.1 ob,. \\ ~ 'l n \ 1 1.. ·1• \ I 1' ,~ l t) R <. I Ill l S l l \ \\ "'\ R 1' l R, . b ~ I !e, ,l l1l l l-;or"I. 1."~ . ...,>n'-, t'r, .tn l.,t l"l. l ll u,e 1.. 1, ))c..)J... t, thL l.1te"t (>t ,1 ·~1n1ple ~ t: Ill" 1 1 , ~r tC l,y l)r ror\.l. 1-l1erc .ire 1 \) rr 1,· r n1t't't1n~ t.1lk . l () ,ermon out- 1111<. , . t ,tc...tu.1n ot illu tr.tt1on ·• ,1n<l one '- n c, ft.' ' "- t 1n, 1t.1c1on 1 l1t.: rr .1yer n1et: ting c.1lk <.ie..i l '" 1th , i c.11 · tlt' ' ,, 1111..11 t.1ce hr1 r1an · 1n every '- ht "h Dr r=ord "hallenge us to face chen1 .111 in the light ot G od' ~ 'ord. His ' l1r1~t-1..entereJ ermon outline are excel– lent. ·1n1ple ,ind (lear. H1 heart-'\\'arming 1llu trat1on are , ·er} good. A-\t the end of the book are 10 sug– ~e~t1on on Gospel invitations. Perhaps '\\e (J.nnot agree ,,·1th all of his suggestions, ..uch as his n1ethod of receiving ne'\\r mem– ber . but these are merely ideas which "e rnay take or leave. All in all, it is a tine tool for any one who may be called cpon to speak before a group. Reviewed by Larry D. harpless, illard ALL THE f IRACLE OF THE BIBLE, by Herbert Lockyer, 480 pp. 5.95. Zondervan Publishing H ouse. The upernarural in the cripcures, its scope and significance, is the theme of Dr. Lockyer's latest book. All who p reach and reach will want this book. I consider 1t a mos t valuable asset to my library. Jt cakes you into the background and setting of the 250 miracles found in the Bible, applying the lessons to our own spiritual life. This is really the finest survey of the supernatural in criptures to be found today·. FACI.L G THE U FI ISHED TASK, compiled by J. 0. Percy, 4.50. Zon– dervan Publ . House. Are you interested in a book giving faas and f1~res concerning missionary '\\-ork all over the world? H ere is the book, a large one, filled with statist ics concerning the unevangelized. Here are also some really outstanding missionary messages that challenge you anew from the Word. There is a wealth of material to be used 1n preparing messages on mis– s1cns. It 1s a record of the sermons de- 1:\ ered at the Congress on World Missions held 1n 1961. Last reviews by Max E. , Fostoria. LOOK! TG l)NTO HIM, by Frank E. Gaebele1n. econd printing 1961, S3.00. Z onden:an Publ. H ouse, Grand Rapids. This book, firsc printed in 1941, con- tains daily devotionals which came to the author 1n the quietness of his own fello'\\·sh1p ~vich the Lord. There is a por– c1 on of ... riprure for earh of the 365 da}·s of the year, as well as for a few special occasions, and a short comment on each portion. The majority of the Scrip– ture portions are from the .T., and include at lease one verse from every book but I Peter. ] ohn s Gospel is used most v.yidely. The O.T. references, mostly from the Psalms, provide material for about three se,enths of the book. There is an index which makes reference <Continu~d on p<?ge 19) J a11t1it1v 1Un2 NEWS FROM OUR APPROVED SCHOOLS ( ~T~: t) \I~\ TT ..1 .. I•: ( '()l .1 l .1 I~(;1~ \\' itl1 tl1t' ( 11\l 11i11c' ,,, "<'k." <) f tl1c 1~)(-, l fL2 ~c· l1c>c) l , car l>el1i11cl lt~, ,, c ll ~\\' (' 111,1 ·11 t',l\t"t<.. fc>r r('jc>1c·it1g. \ \ c· l1a, C' ~1 11ca1 C'n1)nl·i t) ~ll1clc11 t <'Il l c>ll - 111('11 t c>f 12c ,, l1ic·l1 r 1) r cc;c11 ts ,l c1t1 tlCl - rl1J1lccl 11t1111l)c.~r si1 cc I 903. ol 0111. l1a tl1crc b cc11 ..1 g rc>\\ tl1 11t1111e ric,1ll), l>ttl a fi11e pirit l1as 1Jre, ,1i lecl si11cc tl1c c1"' b cgi1111i11g of th sc:11001 year . 13 tl1cl J-Ial1, 011 of the m n' clor111 , l1a l1acl a r al f t1cc lifti11g tl1 i l<1 t t1n1111er a1cl fall. t1c:l1 i11te1ior ,,·ork ha bee11 clone a1 d the exterior J1a · lJee11 cov red v\ 1 itl1 asbestos hi11gles. 11e,v vvon1en' s bt1ildi11g 11a b e 11 ptu*cl1a ed just 01 e block off campus and i now housing six– teen girls. Tl1e first floor and base– ment is b eing used for music studios. It i a large h vo-sto1y brick dwelling. ine ne\v teachers h ave joined Cedarville faculty : Mr. Carol Barker , Registrar and Psychology teacher · 1r . Alberta Chaffee, librarian and inst1l1ctor in library science; Ir. At1stin D. Elmore, biology and botany; 1r. L. B. Frye physical science; Mr. Ralph Gale, history; Mr. John vV. Reed , speech ; Mr. James E. Russell , Art and English ; Miss Ruth Smith, mu ic; and Mr . Rodney E. Wyse, business. To date construction on the nevv student center h as not begun. We have received gifts t otaling $12,000 bt1t this is not sufficient for a begin– ning. The only ,vay tlus much need– ecl building may become a reality is t11rc)t1gl1 SlJC'Chll gifts frc>rn fri •11cls of tl1 c·c>ll gP. "I~,1iti or1 frc>m tl1c· slLt– <l ' 11l(i , plt1~ tl10 gi ft ~ f1(>n1 tl1 c· c l111rc;l1- E''> is us e-(l c 11ti1 c.· l> fc>t c>r>rrali c>11 al pt1r– p<>Sf'<; for lh scl1 oc> l. Jf yott ~1rC' c<>11- c 111C'cl alJo t1t tl1t.. f,1t,1re gro"" ll1 c>f tl1C' school yc> tt m,1y ac,5ist lJy he1p– i11g i11creac;e this f lt11cl for Ll1 e co11 - strt1c.·tion c>f tl1e st11den t cen ter. cries "B" l)o11ds arc still ~1vailable, ar11i11g 5% i11terest rclt1rn on your in slment. $105,500.00 are to be sold and $43,500.00 "B" bonds have b ee11 sold to date. \Ve ,vill be h appy to send information in detail t o any– one requesting it. Please adclress your requests to: Cedarville College, Cedar– ville, Ohio. GRA D R PID HA TE -YEAR PLA The Grand Rapids Baptist College and Seminary has taken a n ew step forward. The recent purchase of a new 64 acre campus area has re- ulted in the laying out of a ten year development plan for the College and and Seminary. A well-known local architectural firm has been re– tained for plotting the campus, both for long range growth plus the first phases of a building program. A student registration increase of 65% in the last two years has led the building committee to plan for a minimal emollment of 300-350 in the near future. Building for such a student body presents a tremendous challenge to prayer. In a very real sense the magnitude of the t ask calls ·------------------------------------ l-----------------------------M BAPTIST BIBLE SEl\'IINARY TRAINS LEADERS ! B. B. S . Graduates Ar e Serving W ith Distinctio1 t at Home and on the Mission Field If you are called to full time Christian Service, you should prayerfully con~ider what Baptist Bible Seminary offers. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION WRITE TO DR. .ARTHUR WOOLSEY, PRESIDENT ThB. Bre & Diploma Courses BAPTIST BIBLE SEMINARY JOHNSON CITY, N. Y. ·------~-----------------------------------------------------·