The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1962

_F_eb_1_~_ary __ , _1_9_62 ___________________ T_H_E __ O_H_I_O~INDEPE~ D_E ___ T__ B_A_P_T_IS_T ___________________:P~a~ge:__:F~il~t=ee:::n Moffots To Work On 01 B REV. _,\ D MRS. A. DO ALD 10FFAT ''The Moffots'' Rev. and Mrs. Donald Moffat are n O\ V serving the Lord in Cedarville, 0. Brother Moffat is presently pas– tor of the Grace Baptist Church. His ministry is to the many students of the College, to the members of the fclcultv ancl their families and t o the - townspeople of Cedarville as well. ' 'The ~1offats" served in two churches prior to their present min– istry. For a p eriod of approximately tVvo years at the \ i\Talnu t Street Bap– tist Church in \Vaterloo, Iowa, Mr. i offatt was the assistant pastor to Dr. Robert T. Ke tcham. The11 , too, in Bunker Hill, Ill . for a similar length of t11ne where h e ,vas pas tor of tl1e Berean Baptis t Church . 011 c:ompl etio11 of his tr,1i11i11g at tl1e !\1c>o<ly Bible I11slitute, "Don a11<l I.Jois !\1offat" left for tl1e 1nissio11 field of B1aLi1 , locati11g i11 the gr ,1t c ity c>f tv1a11aos ar1d l1opi11g e\., 11tt1a.ll y l (> l) 1 fo1111d \\'orki11g ,1111c)11g tl1e I11<l1~111s c>f tl1 ~ LI PI) ~r I{io egro s ct1011 i11 tl 1 .. d =-11s :\ A111,1/011 \ ' a lley. O tte to tl1e s ric>tts ill11 >ss of frs. Moff ,Ll , tl1<.:)\ ,,, ...rr' fc)rC 'Cl to r t11r11 Le> tl1is l,t11cl . rl"} 1 is j} lJ t SS \\ ~lS of SlIC..:] l , l S ~ (! l" ~ 11,1tt1r ":) tl1,1t it 1, .. t:,t111 ~ i1111)c>ssi\)le for tl1 '"111 t<> re t t1111 le> tl1 )ir 1111s~1c,11ar)' (>Jt - ]ea,1c1rt). 1 t ,, as cl,1ri11g tl1 )ir s .. uo11 cl 1)rts– tc1ralc at 131111k .. r Il ill , Ill . tl1~t l tl1 ]__,orcl <)J'>t... l1l... cl tl1c... clc><,r f<)r tl1t)111 t<J ( r,,e '" itl1 LI ( Ass(J ·ia li<>11 <Jf l3n1)tists I~r \".c,r]d l~, 1 a11g li~111. lJ trc, 1l>r a1)Jlr<.> ii11,lt l}' J3 \\'<>11d< rf11l y· :.nrs, 1r. Jof ,1t ,,,c,rl <] ,t J l:.'1I)t1tali<)J1 1 ir, ·tor '111d 1;,i Id J{ 11r 11 L, ti,, . r . l offat fc,r J)flJ1 < f tl1is ti111 ,i ·r l ,t J ' j J l l] l (> ( i. . j () I l , :; Home Office in Philadelphia , Pe11n. vVhile they wer e with the A.B.W .E. , the presen t Candidate Program of this Mission was inaugurated. Due to illness as a result of nerves, and under the guidance of the Lord, it became necessary for Mr. Moffat to engage, for a period of a little over a year , in heavy con b'"l.1ction \vork tha t kept him out-of-door . Thi aided him i11 buildi11g up physically a11d rem0\ 1 i11g almost entirely this nervous condition. It vlas \\ 1 hile e11gaged in thi co11- structio11 V\ 1 ork, that the cloor next opened for him to serve a ot1n– sellor of Stt1der1ts a t helto11 Colleg , Ringwood, . J. \Vith his exp erie11ce as a missio1 ary, as a fielcl represe11ta– tive, e tc. 11 see1necl 1no t t1ited for this 1ni11istry. I-Iere lie \\ 1 ,1s privileg cl 11ol 011ly to giv co1L111sel to )'Ot111g m 11 a11cl \\, ome11 i1 tl1e tl1i11 gs of tl1 Lord, l)tl t ,11 o \\ 1 as gr,t11 tecl tl1 <)1)– J)Ort11111 l y t c, tett( 11 j 1 l 1 1e J\ 1 l)le l)e– parl1n 11 t c>f t l1e c:(>l l(•gc. 'f rs . \I of– f ,ll se1vcc.l as s. ista11t to t11 R gis– t rar. ,, 11it·l1 ,, (>l k 1)1 c> t1gl1 t 11 1 \ t)1 \ (:lc)st) t<> tl1c•c.,(• s lt1cl(•11 t s as ,,e·l1 . rl 111 ot1gl1 tl1()1t 111i11i~l1, at Sl1elto11, t11 :.r, ~1rc~ tt,cl,t\ <>tt t 111 fc>r<.. ig11 la11cls, • \ ' t>t111g I)C<.>l)ll~ ,vit1lt':,')t 11g fc>r .... l111~l . At Sl1ellcn1 tl1 t.. , g~1i11ell 111~1g l1t 111t<) ..c.·c)llt-..g<.· }if ., n11cl ,. ·c>l lt•gt t)l't>l>l<:·111 " ," ~111 <>I ,,,J1ic l1 \\ cl~ tl1 l ,()J'cl's \\ 1 H) 1 c>f 11r 11nri11g tl1P111 fc>r tl,t ir J) l't Sl'"rtt 111i11- islr\ ' at (;race lla1>ti t l1t1rL·l1 i11 • ( LI ar, , ill . (),, ~r tl1e t, r:,; , littlt l>) littl , l r:-. . l t1f fat l1as regai11t (l 11 ,1ltl1 i1t1 1 ·trt"1tgl l1 , :,;t> tl1, t lf>Cl,l) sl1 is itl)h: Lt> t-'"1 tt~r i11t,) tl1t ,,, >rk of tl1 ·l1t1r ·11 rtl n1g ,,,itl1 l1t r l111sl),t11cl . JI r ti111t is t,1)·(~11 t1 1 ,,,itl1 t ,tcl1i11g 1 i,u1cJ, " r, it1g as C'hurch secretary , b eing ,L Pastor's , vife, assisting James Johnson in his \~.1ork of t~diti11g this 1nagaz1ne, and being a co11fidant ancl a frie11d to the students. ' 'The Don Moffat '' sa,,. . . . "It is the Lord that has brought tt s l1ere. \\le've 11ever b 3en l1appier in a11y v,·ork tha11 ,,,e are right no,\·! Trl 1ly, He 'moves in mvsteriot1s \\ 1 avs' , . . . . 'His , v,1y a1 e past f111 cl i11g ot1t' .. . Otu· desire is to do onl,, Hi \\'ill . ' ,,·hatever that might, and ,,,herever it mip-~1t 1--~1:-1:· ----------- I hearcl His call, "Come follo\\,," That ,vas all. Earth's joy gre\, 1 dim; M) 1 soul ,,,en t after Hi1n. I rose and follo,ved ; That wa all. ,,,ould you 11ot follo,v If ) ' OU heard Hi call? The Missionary Page Editor Jaine Jolu1 011 ap- proached u tl1e otl1er day asking that \\'e "ha11dle a mis io11ary page for the reacler of The Ohio I11de– pe11de11t Baptist." \ e ar 11ot too ure tha t ,ve ha, 'e \\·hat it take to mea ure up to ti h a task, but after prayer, feel led to believe tl1e Lo rel ,vot1lcl l1ave t1 "gi,,e it a U")' .,. Th ,, a}· ,,, ee it. thi "p,1ge" i · to b take11 t11) ,,·1th tl1e t1b1e t of ··mi . io11s" in ~1 , er. ger1 r,1] ·ort of ,, 1 n\·. It 111,1, 111clt1cle brief ; articles () tl tl1e t1l)j c·t of 1111 ·sic>11 ·, 111is ic>11ar) pri11c•iple ,111d l)rac·tic.'t" '. 111i ·sio11ar, '\l) r t 11t·e.. , 1111 ~~io1,t11 \ a11cc.·clc>l s a11cl , , 11,1, , (>t1. \\ t' • l1(>1)e ,, (' c.·a11 1Jres 11t 111at r1,1l tl11.1t \\ il J l)rO \ e i1lSl)tr111g t(> 1·( l T ()\11 r nclt-.r. \ \ e 11,1, e 11(> tle 11 e tt1 e11terlt1111 , t() 111t\rL~l, till ptll't.. . \ \ e 111,11'.t) 110 p1 c·tt 11 ·t~ l>f l>e111g · \\ 11t– f."l \ .. \ l 11t·l1 c>t <>t1r 111,lll I ial ,, 111 l>e ,, l1 a t ,, l" 11.1, t.. c· t1 llt:·tl <.>tt t of nr t tclt..\ i<lt111cl l1t .. tt'" ,111tl tl1r·1e al(>11g tl1t• ,,,t, It 111q!)1t l>t:" tl1at "\( l art tl1t~ [><>\\l'\\()r <>f itr·tll\ ..;111tdl>lt f<>l' :-,11c·l1 a 1> , ~ as tl11~ \\7t i11- ' tlt• \ ' t>t1 tl se·11cl tl1e111 tl> tl\ ~<) • tl1 ·tt tl1 , 111n, l>e sl1c.1rt l ,, itl1 <>tl1- . ., crs . 1\ 11) tl1i11g I> 1 ti11 11t le> tl1 .sttlljt ·l c>f ·'111is "io11s" ,,ill l) gin 1- J,, rt t 't i, 1 t l' l.J t t 11 J1 ,lr fro111 ' ' <)tt . ., - 1 {1~\ . J.\. l) ~ l 1{ . 1\ . I)() \ l~ l ~ l }; J.1 J\ J •