The Ohio Independent Baptist, June 1962

Dr. Wilbert Welch to Speak 1 r. \\ > ',". ·t \\lt·lc·l, () ( (,r.111<.l 1~ ,,,)i<ls i" l(> I)(' tit <' t'\<.'1,;11g ~l''-·1kt.'r f")r "ll)'11i11, 1 cl:1) 1 , l\ 1<111,l,1,. ()ct. l S, <)/ ti,, t )}1i<) \ ~,tl'- 1,1tillt1 <>f l{t•gt1l~,r 11 ,11lttsl ( l1t1rcl1 c.'~ at1- 11t1&1l :11t'Ltt11g ,1t (.r.. 111 .. 1111 11ll,tcl l~ .. 11 t1~l ( ., l1t1rL' l1, ( , t1, – ,1l1( g.l 1-.all~ })1 \\ L'ltll l~ ,llS{l lll ~] )l',l l, ()11 'J }1tl1 5Cl,1) t'\ t'tl l 11 t_ ,l llc.l fc>r l }1l' llll)t 11 i 11 g }1 i }1 lL' 111<..'~S,lgC t1 t 9: ~Q ,1.111. r ·lll''-1.(1.. 1, tl1r{)ttgl1 ~l ~l1t1r~(l,1,. • l{l'\ l<,1111 i\ I. ~" tr{)t1g. l)JSl<)r ()r al, ar}' n n1 ti t l1ttrLl1. }).1111ts\ 1llt', ()l1il1, a11d ccrL' tdr) of tl1e Ol1ic> \ s~<.ll'i,1ti(l11 ~.,ic.l tl1,1t ..111 (1[ tl1c .. 1)cc1 l,crs for tl1c 111ccti 11g I,.,, L' 11c)t , Lt l1L'Ct1 ~cct1 red l1t1 t tl1a t l1c ,\ 1 ill s<.' 11cl a 1 ist . ,,l1c11 it is c<.>1n11lc.:tcd. Rc\c•r, c tl1c date Oct. 15-18 f<)r th a t 111ceting. ril' l1 t1n1 c.1f fcllo,, ·l1i11 a11d 1)iritt1al blc sing av, 1 ait all ,, l1t) attc11d. Did not see God nor angels Ru .. ia11 o n1onau t :rh erman itov \\ 1 as asl<ed at a 11e\,-.. co11ference ,,,he thcr the 25 hours h e spent i11 1)acc had cl1anocd hi philo oph)' or v\ 77 a") 7 of thinl ing. I l e replied through an interpreter: " ome people a,T there i a od out there. But in ID) 1 tra,,el around .. the e3rth all da), long I looked around and didn t see Him. I a,v no God or angel . Up to ou r fir t orbital flight b 1 1 Yuri :13rgarin 110 God h elped build our rocket. Tl1e rocket vvas made by ot1r people. I don t belic,re in God. I belie,,e in man , his stren gth, his pos- ibilities and his rea on." uch is the philo ophy of Godless communism. I·Io,, 1 much better to say ,:vi th the Psalmist: "The hea, en declare the glor) 1 of God; and the firmament she"''eth H is hand)11vork." Address listings changed .t\ddre s listing for subscribers to the Ohio In – dependent Baptist magazine ha,,e been ch anged to in– clude the city and sta te on each name. In some in– tance before the changing of printers the city and state ,,"ere omitted and sometimes magazines \\Tere sent to the ,,,rong ci ty. \~ 1 ith this ne,v \\ 1 a,· there i le s ch ance for error ,; and ) our cop 1· of the magazine sl1ould not become lo t or ent to another city. Baptist M id-M issions has large outreach Baptist ~ Iid-1\ Iission , one of the approved agencies of the General ssocia tion of Regular Baptist hurches, has had 41 )'ears of experience in ,:vorld missions. T oday there are nearly 700 missionaries sen 1 ing the Lord i11 • 26 different cot1ntries around the vvorld. There are 160 missionaries ,,..orking in the H ome Fields ,,1i th a mini tr,· as , ,aried as the need. l\Iexico ., and Quebec, anada ha,,e recently opened to our n1i ionaries i11 addition to ,,,ark among the migrants, Page 12, JUNE, 1962 111 <>Lt 11t t1i11 1 c,,1l c J\111 cricc1 11 l 11clit111 eg1,1 c111c1 I <111i s 1>L\-1k i11 g 11 t111lc. ,-l l1 r \l e t1c >1n>litc111 l\ lissicJ11s 1}r :1gr~1 111 cx11l.1 11tli11g ~,It 11 g ,,,itl, tl1c ,v, H·l i11 rlt1"t1l ~11 1cl t1rl)~111 nrCtl l-1 l1 cr is :1 sig 11 il'ic,111l <ll tt rcacl1 tc> tl1c J.., isl1 11c<.>jJ) <>tCl tll\ 111g tl1 .. ti111 "' <)f 2 1 111 issic>11 ~1ri ·s. 1·,, c) l1 c)111 s are 111ai11t r1i 11ecl ft> r 111issi<.111~1r, 1 cl1ilclr ., - i\ licl-.i\ Tc111ll'S 111 \\ ' l1 ·~1tc> 11 Il li11c>i s, a11c1 l\ l icl-1\ Jcaclo~ i11 l)t~,, 1tt, illc, J c,,, 'r 7 c> rlt. l1ilclrc 11 i11 t11 c.'sc l1 ,1111cs <11 <>I l1i g l1 scl1 c1c>l age.' a 11 cl J1 a,rc 1cll tr11ecl frc1111 t11c f'ic lcl I l't1rtl1( r tl1 c.'i r cclt1 cn ti cl11 . I l1e 1 lc)111c Of fi r of l3n 1 tist i\ 1 ic.l-J\1 issir>11s is 1, cn t<.'c l i11 C lc\ clrt 11cl, J1i c) a11 cl l)c<.<>111 cs t11e 11t1l) <)t ,vorl, \\ iclc 111tcrc\lS as t1 c 111 a 11 ) 1 11ct .. cls <>f tl1c n1issio11ari1 nrc 111c l nccc)rc.li11g to tl1 c fc1il l1 J)ri11c:i1)le. 1\ll gifts a 1nct nccc) t cli11g to tl1e fai tl1 J)rinci1 lc. 1\ll gifts arc t1sc c1s clcsigna tccl 1))' tl1e clo11ors '" i t11ot1 t clcclt1ctio11s a t1 \ l,ind. ~ Let's re-evaluate our giving Our mcrica11 hurch is intoxicated \\ 1 itl1 JJleast1r piritual ]e tharg)' h as st1rcly crc1)t in anc.l has gradual tal~en over the hurcl1. It is e,,idcnt that it is Laoclici, in attitude, sa)ring that "vve are rich and h a,·c ne1 of nothing." ever h a, 1 c t\ mcrican l1ristians spent mu cl1 on thcmscl,,es to mal e themsel,,es "push" in th< a-called "wor hip.' At the ame time, the churche ha e1n1Jtied on unday night, and \ Vednesday night pra) • meetings are almo t a thing of the past. Expensi , televi ion sets, luxurious boa ts and motors, lal<e cabi and the lil<e have taken o,,cr in our l1earts. In ill condition, our Christians generally feel that they ha gi,,en all they can. In f act, they feel they h a, 1 e gi,, more than they should h a, ,e. If the cry ,,,ere "Go for1 'Be(hold the bridegroom cometh, ' " I \Vonder if , would till feel th a t way. \i\lh ere but for the rare < ce1)tion, is there an; 1 sacrifice to see the Gospel go the end of the earth? The fur1ds are missi11g in church treasurie I because Ch1istians don' t h a, ,e the funds, but becat they are disobedient to the vvorl~ing of the H ol) 1 pj in ~heir li, 1 es to gi,,e so that those vvho h a,,e been mo, b)' od's pirit might go out. urel)' ma11 1~ hristia ,,,ho read this article a11d ,,,ho say they real]>, beli( tha t the hea the11 are lost 11eed to re-evaluate ,vhetl the)' belie,,e it or not. ctions speal, louder tha11 ,,,or If ),Ou h a, ,e $250 for a T \ 7, ,vh)' don' t you forego I TV ancl invest ) our mo11e) 1 in a missionar 1 ? Besid it ,,,ill gi,,e you more time to read )'Our Bible a 1)ra 1 1 for the missionaries. It \i\'Ouldn't be tragic if )Tou don't h ave a boat a motor to play around ,,,itl1. If you don't ha,·e th{ v\ 1 ould ; 1 ou be in unday cl1ool and church more of tt i\ Ian 1 1 other such thi11gs could ,vell be mentioned in t ca tegof") 1 • \i\Th; 1 do y 1 ou h a,re to h a,·e a n e,,, car t ) 1 ear? You could jt1st as ,vell d1i, 1 e it 75,000 miles or rather than 15 ,000 or 20,000. Kenneth J. John ( Fro111 "1"\Iissio11arJ' Gleani1igs", official 11oice Bib~e Baptist Cl1itrcl1, Bedford, Oliio ) . The OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPl f