The Ohio Independent Baptist, June 1962

oug ts on • 1n By Homer E. Graven Pa tor Fir t Barpti t Avon Ohio "For all have inned and come hort of the glory of God . . . ." Romans 3: 23). This pa age teaches us that in is univer al. It i the umrnation of all ,at bas been given in Roman 1: 18-3 :120. Lt in·form u that all living !ople have sinned and are inning. God would have everyone, regardless of 1ce, color, or citizenship to know hi true relationship to h is Creator. i one of in and di obedience to God holy commandment . It mea n 1at every un ·aved per on i a rebellious subject to Almighty God, hi Creator . Let u take a closer look at the text. It giv~ us two great trumh . The r t one is that "all have inned ' ' and the second one i that all ' come 1oft of the glory of God." The imple meaning is tbi : all are inner and 11 are fallinJg hart of God's glory. The first truth may be under tood in this way . All are born into thi arthly life as si nners. You may say, "I a little infant, only a few day old sinner?" The answer is yea, becau e the infiant is born with the Adamic in. 1at is, he has received hi inful nature from Adam. H e i a de cendent ·om the federal head of the human race. Since Adam inned in the Garden f Eden, all his descendent are born guiLty of the same condemnation and isobedience. This is what is meant when God ay "all have inned." The second truth may be under tood in thi way. Inasmuoh a all h 1 ave nned in Adam, it cannot be expected tllat they will do more tha n conitinue in n. H is descendents have no power to redeem them elve f'rom their original n, therefore, they have no power to keep them elves from continuing in in. Vhen they reach the age of accountability tihey begi n to fall hort of God lory by the praotice of in in thought, word act and deed . Only Chri t, 1rough faith in Him can forgive the inner in and lift h im up to the o ition of God's glory. r. Robert A. Cook chosen BRIARCLIFF MA OR, N . Y. ~ S) - Dr. Robert A . Cook of 'heaton, Ill., ha been named new ·esident of The K ing' o]lege here. e succeed the late Dr. Percy Craw– •rd who wa the founder and fir t esident of the school until hi death 1960. 1 he former vice-pre5ident of crip– re Press. Dr . ook ha become 1tio11aJly known a one of the un d cris and ear I y I ea d er of You th ,r hrist International. 1-l c i · a grad- ite of Moody B1ble Inst itute, 'hcaton ollcgc ar1d astern Bap– )t • emina r}' . Hc has held pastor ates Penn vi van ia and 11 Iino is. ~ JJ e r1 \\ ervc a first vice-presi- nt of the ational Associa t ion of a11gelical a11(I a n1en1l)cr of the la1 d of 1J1e a tional Sttnda v School ., ociarion, ,., l1e I~ angelical Alliance 1i ion a1ld Y t1tl1 for }1ris t ln - rnati nal. ti ' ing' oll ge i , ral a r,t c llege a 11d l1a d) f 400. It \\ a Ol1nd }1ristia11 a tud nt (1 1, \' I r. ~ Ia\\ ord n ar \\'i l111 ing1 11 , Del. , ar1 1 n 1 ed to it pr n t lo , ti 11 r1 e liud n I i,c:r 11 ar ,, '\ 'l.rk 1t a f , , ar ag . Because You Prayed ' 'Becau e yo Lt prayed God touched our weary bod ie with Hi power, And gave u trcngth for man) a trying hour , In which we might have fa ltered. H ad nol yoL , , our in tercc or · a1thful been and true. Becau e )'OLt prayed Goel touched ot1 r 11 p \\, i th coa I\ f ron1 altar f 1re, ,ave \p1r1 t f till nc • and tlitl ~o in– ~p11 e, '] l1at \\ hen \[)Okc , \in \)l111Jcd oul <ltd sec \ins chains \.\'ere l)ro~ 11 . il J)ti \ 'CS \\, Cl C n1atlc J J Cl: li eca t1 sc ) ' <J11 f)t a) Ctl ,.111~ ti\\' IJ rs i11 tt1e Llark l1 av~ l tlt111d t 11 c 1.- i g 11 t ' }1 g)atl nc\V l1as l)a 11 is l1 ct l1 eatl1e 11 11 ight . ·r 11 111 c:ssage c>f tile rll" > I l11g d J, , I, li as l>rut1gl1t tl l n1 I ife a t la t , l{c:c tt ) '()ti pr d. " -1\ t I t 11 , r 11 k n ,, 11 Youth at Sharon Baptist publish ' 'Voices of Youth' ' "Voices of Youth," compiled by the baron Bapti t Youth Fellow- hip i a publication that i printed IO time yearly and di tributed to young people in the church free of charge. The publication ha new of in– tere t to all age of young people. Member of the staff include, Jean Griffith, editor; andy Hawk, Elaine Hannah and Lela Loutzenhi er, ty– pi t · Cheryl Hale, feature editor; haron H awley and ue E llen Robert- on new editor · Kay Bow er and Bob Kai er ar t department~ all young people are reporter · Rev. Thoma Wright and Mr. Jame ehlen ad– vi or ; Lela Lou tzenhi er, managing edi tor ; and ue Ellen Rober on, secretary. Book Reviews (Fron1 page 10) "OUT OF IY LIFE" hJ 1 Dr. R aJ 1 1120 ,1d Ed111an Dr . V. Ray1nond Edman, pre ident of \\Thea ton college, i kn0\\'11 throughout tl1c \vorld for his devotion a l and re ligiou book . During the past decade he has \vritten 16 books and perhap a many b ookle ts and bulle ti11s. His late t book 01,t of 11J Life h a touch ed the heart of people tl1rougl1out the ,vorld. In 1t he l1a given d e tailed ch apters taken from real life including hi o,vn ex– l)erien ces and those re la ted to l1im b, • -variou . l)er ons \vho h ave been par ticularly ble ed of the Lord. In ,1 recent le tter from a former \\ 7 11ea to11 tt1dent n O\V loca ted in an par Ba111c1ko, \' 'e t fri,:a. come thi ,vnrd: " I tl1111k ~ ot1r bool'" en t to 111e a a l1rist111a~ gift Out of 1\lJ I ife is one of ) ot1r be t . \ ou \\-ill be intere ted to k110,, tl1at tl1e cl1,1pter e11t1tled 'The Lrgl, l)ucl'"ling· h a bec11 c1 fa, or1te of tl1c ndti,e!) l1ere. It l1as been pri11ted into t1c1ct for111 111 fre11cl1 '1 t1tl 1, be111g r a<.l C:.\ tc 11s1, el, o tl1ctt 1t 1 aln10~ r 11111)0 ,1b)e to kee1) lll) \\ 1tl1 tl1e prir1t1ng of tl1e 11t1111bers 11cec.le <l. - \\ l1eato11 l ollege. ' ' A GREAT CHRISTIAN FILM • The incredible true story of a Jew· ish fam ily 1n Eastern Europe and their bitter struggle tor survival. You see Jews ridden do,vn by Cos– sack s .•• t 11 g h t f ro n, Po Ia nd and later from war-torn Germany ••• t. miraculous reunion at an enemy border .•• th e tr i umph o t fa i th . For ty-five minu tes of brea th-taking action in one of the rnos t dramatic, hear t·stlrring filn1 e perlences of your life. Book tJ,u film now 16 MM NA URAL COLOR SOUND - ~IrR Mi , iona,y and ,Re li I Soci•ty , Inf. R• v 1c1or 8u ,bo1•n. G• n rot )•cretorv 1218 O Chestnut St 7th Fl Philadelphia 7 Pa