The Ohio Independent Baptist, July 1962

From our fe llowship churches ., ...... ,,~~\\"\~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ .. ~~~~\~~~~ Grace Baptist Fellowship, Dayton, purchases five acres • FUTURE APTIST CHVRCH SIT£ ~o v M[[TI G CHRISTtAN ACTIVITIES e[SJ[R 1 A () l 't t &£.C S ~lO O G \\~R 'l 1 t,(l~PEl ~lRv CE 'tl' ISDA Pl} .% £R i OP "o £RT D lot A Alff • ·~Sto l~ i;tl ~I tO+IRT CE \ l£Pli!Ll£ • tu ?SZl Grace Baptist Fellowship, Dayton, pu rchased f ive acres of ground on south Far Hills Avenue for building. They now have a n a rchitect and look forward to a new church.. Pictured (left to right) are members of the b ui lding committee: Robert Flynn, Ted Niebuhr and Walter Rix. The other person is unidentif ied. Dr. Homer Hammontree speaks in Dayton D r. H omer H ammontree and Rev. Paul Beckwith led Grace F ellow ·hip in a ··chri tian L ife Conference" in Da1 ton , Ohio from f ay 16-20 . "Hav– ing Bro. Hammontree and P aul wa a ble ed experience a they presented Bible me ages, illu trated with ex– perience out of Dr. Hammontree's long life of ervice . H e m ade uch name a D r. I ron ide Billy unday, \.Iel Trot ter and D r . G ray take a new place in our m ind wi th deep impres- ion for service. P aul Beckwith ac– companied D r. H ammontree with mu ic and song," R ev. R. D. Mc– Carth):, pa tor of the church, aid. William Thornton arranged f or Dr. Hammontree and P aul to conduct chapel ervice a t Cedarville College during the conference and the tu– dent and faculty expre sed apprecia– tion for hi vi it. 1 Ir. Tihornton and the musicians of Grace Bapti t Fellow hip p resented our third annual fay Music F e t ival in conjunction \vith the conference. The choir and all ~'ho participa ted in– cluding ome of our young p eople, greatly added to the bles ing of the conference. Bro. Thornton's leader- hip at Grace ha given new mean ing PaQe 2 JULY, 1962 to the mini try of music for Christ in our Church. Grace Bapti t Fellow hip ha pur– cha ed five acres of ground on outh Far Hill ave., which is on route 48. We truly prai e Him for leading u in our building plan . We now have an architect and trust soon to h ave our own building. Dr. Arthur Kac M.D. interna– tionally known Jewish Chri tian chol– ar poke at Grace Bapti t Fellow hip June 10. West Moriah Baptist fellowship news • A farewell dinner for Pa tor and Mr . Joho White wa held at their home in Larrea ter Ohio, April 13, by the We t Moriah Bapti t Fellow- hip. There were 8 pa tor and their wives present. The meeting began at 10: 30 a.m. with prayer tirbe conducted by Pa tor Wh ite. Much ea rne t prayer wa made for each church and their laborer . A deliciou lunch wa served at noon by the Pa tors' wive . P aul Mayo pre ided over the hort bu ine e ion which followed. Dur– ing thi time a motion wa made and carried: · ·~To publicly expre our apprecia- t i<Hl I r th e fc lll>V.'s l1 ip \Vc'vc hall ,vith f'a l{)r n nll I rs. J <>h11 Whil e. a g, l)l'I' \: c l'CC{.lgn11c th ei r succcss l ul n1ini str)' at J; i, st JJa1>tist ht11 oh of ca lcr. We regret his Jcny, ing our fcllc>\ sl1i11 an<I wi sh J1i111 contin11c l1l c,,1ng in their 11cw ficltf at alvar) llctpt,,t ( httrch at ~alpa ra iso 111(1. (las lor I.Jewel yn .. I hon, 11son c losec the 111ccling with a thot1ghtft1J me ~age f ron1 I Ti n1othy 5 : 19. - David . 'himp, \. ccrctary West 1ori ,lh J3apltc., l ellowship East Liverpool church recognized by council A recognition council wa\ called by the Height Bible Bapti t Church of Ea t Liverpool, Ohio, on May 3 1962 to examine it organization. by- law and articles of faith. ·· The service wa opened with the inging of two hymn led b y Pa tor Donald Rettger. Dale Tilton led in prayer. Pa tor R ettger called for nomina– tion for chairman. Pa tor Well wa nominated. Rev. J. Edgar Beckley. Jr., wa named clerk. The letter authorizing the calling of the council wa read by the moder– ator. Roll call revealed the fallowing pre ent: Pa tor Hu sey, Fir t Baptist Church, Nile Ohio; Pa tor Loomis, Evans– ville Bapti t Church, Njles, Ohio~ Pa tor Mar tellar, Struther Taber– nacle Strother , Ohio; Pa tor Romig and two mes enger , Bethel Bapti t Church, Warren, Ohio; Pastor Whit– ney Independent Baptist Church, North Jack on, Ohio; Pastor Wells and one me enger Calvary Baptist Church, Salem, Ohio· Pa tor Beckley and two me engers, Fir t Baptist Church, McDonald, Ohio. Brother Culver from Bethel Baptist wa al o eated in the council by motion of Pa tor Rettger. Motion econded and carried. A brief hi tory of the Heights Bible Bapti t Church wa read by a deacon of the church, Brother Wendell Rus– ell. Article of incorporation were read by the pa tor Rev. Donald Rettger. After everal minor ugge tion . the motion wa made by Pa tor Hu ey, Fir t Bapti t Church of ile , anJ econded by Pa tor Mar tellar , Stru– ther Bap,ti t Tabernacle, that the council declare it elf ati fied with the article 0f incorporation of the Height Bible Bapti t Church of Ea t Liverpool, Ohio, and that the council recognize it to be a i ter Bapti t church. Motion carried. Motion to adjourn and e ion clo - ed with prayer by Pa tor Romig. The OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST