The Ohio Independent Baptist, July 1962

The ho t church erved a dinn er in e par onage ba ement. Pa tor Beck– } brought the me age in the even- . g erv1ce. lttends Round-Robin onference in W. Va. Rev. Ralph T. ordlund, former jitor of the Ohio Independent Bap– :,t magazine filled in at Fo toria apti t Church then went to We t irginia for meeting . He held a ound Robin Bible conference for apti t f id~Mis ion worker near Cannington, W. Va. Rev. ordlund i available for 1eeting in July and Au 1 gu t and re- 1 val or conference meetings in the 111. /\others honored: • • ormer pastor v1s1ts In honor of Mother's day the ir t Bapti t Church, Spencer Ohio, ave every lady a carnation car age . tev. P aul Wehman is pa tor. A group of six from the Spencer hurch attended the Herbron Youth unior-Senior Banquet, held at Mo– ena' Re taurant. Rev. Don Moffat :a the speaker. Sunday evening, June 3, Pa tor and vf r~. George Bate from Decatur, llinois were guests in the ervice. 'a tor Bate taught a Bible ver e horu and preached the Bible Me - age. The Bate pa tored the pencer : hurch from 1932-35. They were lelighted to meet old friends , a well , ee the new church and par on– ge improvements. Informal fellow– hip and ref re hments were enjoyed )y approximately 70 following the • crv1ce. 3owling Green =irst Bapt ist Church Bible School began June 11 and !011tinuec.J through June 22. Ages 4- 12, l1eginne~ , prin1arie anll junior~ 11eL in the morning . Seniors met in he evening"'. '] "he Bible c}1ool dcn1- )n tration wa held in the evcni11g of J une 22 w i t }1 a picnic on J u 11 e 2 J• J)u ring tl1e . un1mer t}1c chl11 ch ioJll C\'e11i11g ervic» i11 tl1c city k )fl tl1e econd SL1nda)' of eacl1 n1()r1th , ~ atl1c.:r Jlerrrlitling. ev~ Elliott Horton 'esigns Parma church 'l h J .. jr t Bapti t l1L1rcl1 f J) ;1rr11a 11 ,, \\ i t 11 u t a J) a t r d tit= t (> t 11 signati 11 f l 1 a 1 r l'.;l~}i tt 1-i rt 11 , "h 11, s J>a l 1 c::d tl1\; l1urct1 ft r tl1c Past e en ) 1 • l ui iiag 1}1i ti111 h J1urcl1 11 1>ur l1a l , lo,, l v 1 n1a] p J 01 age, ~ nd ctl I er ti ' fl e oi 10 INDEPENDENT BAP IST purcha ed a ix acre plot for future expan ion at a co t of $18,000. Thi will include pace for a new ch urch a nd parking plu a recreational area and picnic ground . The church for the pre ent will continue to handle all order for the ' Coun el For Chri tian Convert ." Our Bapti t Churche have ordered over 10,000 of the e mostly for u e in church member b jp classes. The church gave Pa tor Horton the tation wagon which they previou ly had purcha ed for his u e. The church olicit the prayer of the br·ethern that God man might be directed to u . Mr. Wallace Lockyer is Chairman of the pulpit Committee. Temple Baptist Church calls Robert L. Sumner T e m p 1 e Bapti t Ohurch, Port - mouth, Ohio called Rev. Robert L. umner a pa tor on May 9. The Rev. Mr. Sumner began h i duties on June 17. REV. R. L. SUMNER Rev. Mr. umner gra<luatccl f ron1 the Bapti t Bible eminary, 1 ohn 011 ity. N. Y. in 19-t-3. He hLl crve<l as pa tor of the follo'A i11g cht1rche ~ ( "alvary Bapti\t , Po11L1 ac. I ll.; ali– fornia H eight~ 13apt1 t ( ' ht11 ch. 1 ong Beach, ' alt f ., 1 orn i r1g\tllc Bapt i~l. (., rah am, I e as . H 1~ 'AOI k ii~ a11 cvangclt\l l1cga11 i11 J 954 anll l1 c l1a ' l)ccon1 ~ \\:ell \V11 111 th at f i cl LI. Hc i ~ t he a tit 11 <.> r of n ll r11er<)lls l10<.1ks par11 ph lets a tlll 111ag– a111lt:: ,trli les. l prcsc11l l1e i a co11- t r1l)t1ting edit()r of ., r t1e S\Vt>rtl l)f tl1' J .... ord," pLtl)li l1t:d h}' 1 . J )l1n l{ l{ 1tc, and l1as scrvl:d as .1\ ssf> iatc '" ll1Lo1 l)ll tl1at r11agazi11e. ' I l1c: I{ gt1lar li , I t ist J>rt ~ l1as I)ll t,- l isllc: ll J1i l'l l k on e\ 1 angcli~111 .. 111 I . ' ' 11 u r 1 n .; 1 r . l{~\'. an I 11 • St1111nt::r l1Hvc fj,, l1iltlr 11 l{ i t1 artl l c: , 18 a tt1dc11t at I 111~ I lleg , l 11 ttnn- oog1. Tenn.: Ralph Le lie. 17 who graduated from high chool thi year: Rt1th Lynn, l {:;: Rita Loui e, 13; and Ronald LlO)'d 11. ir . umner al o attended Bapti t Bible eminary. The Rev. Mr. umner follow Rev. H all Dautell in the pa torate at Temple Church. Rev. Ir. Dautel re igned to accept the pa torate of Fir t Bapti t Church, Harvey, Ill., in February. Hebrew Christian Society (An Independent Baptist Mission) 2524 Eucl id Heights Boulevard Cleveland 6, Ohio * * * PRESENTING CHRIST Through l\leans of: Litera ture Distributio11 I l ouse-to-House Visita tion Youth lasses Adult Forums amp athanael-Huntsburg, Ol1io * * * PRESENTING THE JEWISH NEED To Christians by l\Ieans of : ''HEBREW CHRISTIAN VIEWS AND NEWS'' Station WCRF-FM, Cle, eland tation ,vDLM, E. Moline, Ill. Publication: STAR OF De\ \ 7 ID REV. ALAN C. 1E1.Cr- \LF, Director • The Ohio Independent Baptist I IRI TIA T FELL0\, 7 lIIP . . . \ \ 7 11etl1er }ou are a pastor, 111i sio11 ary or churcl1 n1e111ber, ) ou '11 fi11J that tl1is mag 1zine gi, es ) ou rl1e inforn1at1011 you neecl for fello,, sl111), l:OR TlTDE~ I t\ >-!D i\Il 101 ARIE . . . I(eeJ) infor111ecl of } o t11 l101ne cl1urcl1 ancl 1ts ,1c ti\ 1ties. '" OLI11 1; Of Il)l i\ . . \letl1otl, st1cces full) t1~ecl b, o tl1e1<, \\ 111 l1elp ) ou1 1111111str\ . ORDER or RENEW TODAY! The Ohio Independe nt Mrs. John Kautz, Circulation Manage r 4519 Wellington Ave. Parma 34, Ohio D ,1.,,, D l~l l \\l J\T~ l a 1n l\ ·lo ino $ st:ncl 111 th ;:, ()hio l~,,ptist for 011t , e,1r. 1., 111 J\cldress Baptist J>lc, ,~e I nlll: pt'11cle11 t • • • • • • • •••• it ... tat • ' lll ,lt1on RATE 1 YI \l 2.00 P ge 3 , JULY, 1962