The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1962

Annual • • assoc1at1on meeting we ll attended God'.s blessings were upon every service; visit to Hilltop House made for buffet supper By James R. Johnson, Editor ·1~J1c.: "''°'tl1 .. 111r1t1al 111ccting f the .... )f11c.:) ~,t c1(1t1 n '- f RegL1lar Bapti t <. "'httrchc r1cncd 1 nda) e ning. ct 1:. ,,1th a large nun1bcr in at– l~nLi ..1ncc f r the fir . t .. r, ice. Dr. H ,, ,1rd , . , . ung. pr gran1 chair- 111an. began the m ting \\' ith great p ctati n f d' ble ing upon the entire ~ er, ice . They wer trL1l) 1 a t1n1e of piritt1al jO}' and rejoicing o, r the n1ar, el u ord of God. R alph . en1n1erer . mu ic chair- n1an. \\ a ong leader for the fir t er,·ice and al o played the piano man} time throughout the meeting . R ev. B. . Jenning brought word of \\elcome from the Graham Road Bapti t Church. H e aid ' Our church i open to you! Our home are open to you! Our heart are open to you! We welcome you and a\vait ) our me age ! ' One of the bu ie t place during the meeting wa a t the entr ance where everal ladie of the local church worked to regi ter vi itor . 1 !r . S. I . Fran on. Mr . B. C. Jen– ning . 1r . 0. B. R oger and Mr . C . E. Cronbaugh were there to greet the people. regi ter. and give name plate . Some 5 30 were regi tered for the entire annual meet ing. H ow– e'l er. thi doe not include local and area people becau e man} did not bother to regi ter . Therefore the tot a l number of people who attended 1 not kno\\'n. but there \.\'ere many. ot111g. 1"' hcy arc Heights Bible Bap– tist l1 t1rc l1 , l -; a t l .. ivcrpool~Pinc Hill '> I3a ptist ( "ht1rc h, o lL1 n1bt1 ; Bi blc Bapti. t "' ht1rch. trcet. boro . Then jtt t before the first me.. - . age b 1 Dr . Wilbert Welch, pre.. i- dent of rand R apid Bapti t ol- Jegc and emin ary a choral group from the Bapti t eminary of the Bible, C leveland, ang two number . Dr . Welch peaking from Colo - ian 1: 1-8, a id that "all life i t o be hri t cen ter ed. ' The Old T e ta– ment wa the preparation for the coming of C hri t ; the Go pels, the pre entation of Chri t in humani ty; Act the proclamation of Chri t; the Epi tie per onification of Chri t; Revelation the predominance of Chri t . Paul told the people, " being in Chr i t i your piritual location and being in Colo ee was the geo– graphical loca tion. Dr . W elch pointed out the con– tra t between the Chris tian in Colo - ee with the Chri tian of tod ay. The outside world look to u for our aving faith but a l o looks to our Ii ve for our living faith " he said. H e alo ued Eph . 1:19 and 2:5 to illu tr a te hi message. One i not able to write a lengthy report of the e wonderfu 1 m e age nor put down in words the exact thottghts or ac tion5 of each speaker. for they a ll work together lo make a ny message effective. Bt1t perhaps hy to uc hing the highlights they wi ll give an indication of the wonderfu l time\ in the Word at the annua l meeting. Dr. We lch on the econd day of m eeting a t 9: 30 a. m. continued his thought on "faith' from ol. 4. He a id of living faith, ' 'a vi ta l thing for u today." But the n there ar e ome failures along with victories. There ar e faith failure failure of evere te t , fail– ure while we are attempting to do the will of God, and faith failures tha t affect hope and piritual under- tanding. "When omeone i ill in the family, who do you give the most attention?" Dr. Welch a ked. It i the same in the piritual realm. This love of God implanted by the Holy Spirit i there to embrace our h earts. 'Let it flow out and embrace other heart ," Dr. Welch a id . During the morning fellow hip hour many new pa tors were intro– duced a nd gave te timonies. Vernon Miller p astor of Imman– uel Bapti t C hurch, Arcanum, brought a tirring me age on the "Con cience of the Sinner . ' He said the s inner' Three ne\\ churche ~ ere \\. elcomed into the Ohio As ociat1on by Dr Gra ham Road Baptist Church Page 4 , N'ovember 1962 The OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST