The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1962

T. Fred Hussey, Niles, Ohio is chairman of Council of Ten Officer for the Council of Ten f the Ohio A ociation of Regular Baptist Churches were named at the 1nnual meeting. ame of men are ,ubmitted by churches in fellow hip with the association from the as o– :iation membership to the ecretary of the as ociation. Then at the annual meeting the lists and certificate are !Xaroined by a committee of five ap– ;,ointed by the moderator of the an- 1ual meeting and the men are ex- 1mined as to their faith and the con– ;titution. The Council of Ten then elect rnen of their number to the differ– !nt offices. Two men wer e added ,vhile others were retained. Officer and member are: T. Fred Hu sey, Nile chairman · Tohn Strong, Painesville, ecr etary· Lynn Roger , orthfield, treasurer· Donald Moffat, Cedarville mi ion– ary chairman; John Balyo, Cleveland, !ducation chairman. Other member 1re: Edward Morrell, Jr ., Bedford; : Iarence Townsend, Bowling Green· Howard G. Young, Gallipoli ; Ken- 1eth Smelser , Medina; Earl V. Wil– etts, Berea. Dr. Allan E. Lewis' term expired and Dean Henry de ired not to be elected because of hi heavy dutie a tru tee of Home and Camp, Inc. Glenn Gr eenwood, Springfield, wa named youth director, and Jame John on, Cedarville, editor of the Ohio Independent Bapti t magazine. T. Fred Hussey New Council chairman Dean Henry is chairman of Home & Camp Trustees Officers of Home and amp, Inc., tre as f ollews: Dean Henry, Akron, chairman; George Milner, Cleveland, vice chair– nan; R . Paul Mayo, Sunbury, secre– ary; Leland Howard, Roche ter, rea urer; Kenneth Hou er, New Lon– lon, assistant trea urer; larence • f ownsend, Bowling Green, upertn- endent of camp ground~. Other trustees are: Martin • Holme Wheeler burg; Elton . Hu– kill , Be;lin Height ; Donald H. Beigh– tol, Mannington, W. Va.; orman Hoag, Loraine; Allan . Lewi , . lev.e– land ; Howard G. Young, Gall1pol1 ; G. Barne · arl Willett , Berea; John Strong, Paine ville; Vernon Miller Arcanum. New Trustee are R. Paul Mayo and Vernon Miller. John tr ng wa retained. Three churches welcomed into Ohio Association of churches It was indeed a pleasure to attc11d 11 evening service at the annt1a1 11 eting of the Ohio Association of l !,JUlar Bapti ~1 hurchcs, at uya- 1 ga al] , Ohio, ct. 15, wl1en tl1ree l1u1 che v. ere Ylelcon1ed to tl1e fel – o hiJ) by l)r. Ho~'ard Young, pro- 1ran1 cl1air111an, and then cJ1airn1an of l1e ot1ncil o T n. 11 cl1urc]1e 111ade apJJlicati 11 ar]i r to tl1 uncil f T 11 ,vf10 tudi~d tl1 ir c n tituti n, back- ~ouind , ,,a t r nd tl1en I con1- n nd d tl· m r m mber l1ip i11 the fh OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Ohio As ociat1or1. 1 he p,1 torc.. \.\ ere introduc.ctl an<l g,tvc te',t1n1on1cc.. 1n the Tt1csday , Oct . 16, n1orning 111cct • 1ng. l1e chLtrchc\ a11d JJa tors art:: Heights Bible Baptist l1t1rcl1 , East 1 .. iv rpooJ , Rc, 1 • Do11ald J{1;ttgcr, f)U - tor ; J> jn Hill s Ba1,tist l1t1rc l1, olt1111- l>u, , Re\'. , org 1 ers, ,,a tor ; a11ll 13 il)I li ar)ti~t l1\1rcl1, tr :> tsl r l , Rev. Je s.:a . 1-I ,,, 11, Jr., J'a t r. .,ll B t 1 1 J D, pti t l1ur 11, I~ri , J'a ., , itl1dr ,, fr n1 tl1 becau e it i now in the Penn ylvania fellowship. Total membership in the Ohio As– sociation of Regular Baptist Churche i now 127. Years Ago (A look into the past from the files of The Ohio Independent Bap– tist magazine.) (33 years ago, Nov., 1929) Second annual convention of "Ohio Regular Bapti t churche was held in Emmanuel Bapti t, Toledo. Of– ficer were, Rev. R. T. Ketcham, of Elyria, re-elected a pre ident~ Rev H. 0. Van Gilder, Columbu , vice pre ident ; Rev. L. W . Beckley, Mt. GiJead, Trea . ~ Mr . Ruth B. Taylor. Elyria Secy. The name of paper wa changed from ' Ohio Regular Bapti t' ' to ''Ohio Independent Bapti t.' (20 years ago, Nov., 1942) The Calvary Bapti t hurch San- du ky, Ohio, wa among the new con– gregation received into the fellow– hip of Ohio A ociation at the 15th annual meeting. Rev. C. C. Shoe– maker wa pa tor. There were 38 churche in the Ohio A ociation of Regular Bapti t Churche . (10 years ago, Nov., 1952 Rev. Harold Hou e wa called to Calvary Bapti t Church Bye ville, Ohio . . . Camp facilitie were to be extended to accommodate appro i.. mately 200 camper . * * * Prote tanti m ha increa ed 700 per cent in Latin America ince 1937. There are now 47 mi ion pr e and 224 Chri tian book tore outh of our border. - food} Literature 1i 1on John trong, p g , November 1962