The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 1964

Th • of M issionary work~ 1oy 8 Gordon and Alice Wimer (Bapti t Mid-Missions) Ir l, )1'~ll l1"l' rai11: tl1c ti111c 11t.'' \\ l l ,l , 111 . tl(l\.i,,, llll'fllltlg ,111<..l ,l\ .... \ "-' \\ ,lt "ht' l tlll' cl<)ttdetl ,k, 1 ,1,k.Cll tllt' I ell,,, i11 the ht,ti,e 1f 1t ,, er go– ir1g tl) rat11 . \\ t \\ ,111tcli tt.) go t<.1 an ... ... "t1t,t.1t1\.,,1 l,111c 25 111ilc.. a\, a,. ~-~11,tcr:· he ,,1i l .. ,'in·t it 'colli' t - "1 ..,, .' l,lh tit 70-75) " It,, n't rain till , t)ttr h ll\ 1, h t". ft r break.fa~ t \: c • ,, erc n l) tl r ,, a\ t th 1. ncw o tit - t .. 1ttt)n Jtt,t httilt \tn e J ant1ary. l ntlcr tl1c lMgc n1ah gan} tree al 1110 l,1rgc 111t1<..l brick cht1rch and over .... r1car , n th r n1ah gan} wa hi three roo111 h u e ! road way wa being n1ade to circle the church and in tr nt f the hou e - quite picture- qu ! \ h)' \.\ a thi o thrilling? 11 wa in 1959 \.\ hen thi fellow aid to me, ..The Lord ha called me to Hi ,, ork.:· We taught him how to read and write. When he wa baptized we took him to Bible chool. After my furlough I helped him in Bible School and now here he i ' in the harve t' field. Thi i our joy of mi ionary work! hile walking along the road talk– ing about the work he pointed to a fellow and aid. "Mi ter thi i the one that I lead to the Lord ju t a \,\'eek or o ago.' The tree i bear– ing fruit! Believer , you don't know what joy it i for u to have children of ··our·· children in the Lord! Say Who have you lead to the Lord the e la t couple of months? Happy in service Ye , we are happy erving the Lord. The e past couple of month we have had our children with us and that has been a real joy. I have been away to two week of language tran - lation meeting and to a special two v..eek period of Tran later In titute offered by the American and Briti h Bible ocietie . The mimeograph that so many of ) ' OU helped financially toward ha been really worked as of late - nearly 2000 copie of I & II & III Jean ( ome 17,500 cranks of the handle) and 500 copie of '·Iearning– to-v.1rite.. book ( another 7 .000 crank of the handle). "ow Alice i working ttp a ·'Jearn-to-rea<l" book. \Onie 6 hcct\ of Je ·son~. Hoy. thankflil we are for this n1achinc' ·' Book Mi ster··. ·'Give 111c a AUGUST, 1964 PAGE 14 •·t l't1ct, l:\\ l e'-ltan,c11t, ·f istcr· . .. l ,,tl,1 111c. ,,l1Ht l l<l c1t1 lla\c in . ·>' .. I -.,\t,l .. t11 , t s t)ttr t latl\ Cl} al the l1,1c" tlot)r! '\ c,. l1cll1vctl. tl1c arc cager ,\Jltl \-\C ca n' t 11rt){fttCC it f ,l \ l c nt)t1g l1 tor tl1c111 . ot il{l vot1 11o l like t t) l1cl1J hr pr a\ ing for th,, 111 os t ii11 - 11ortant 1111111 tr of getting the WORD otat ? W e 'icll n10\ l l1tcra tt1re l1t1t there arc 111an)' . 111 any J)Or tionc; given away t1 well! c want t thank y tt all aga in for ) ot1r prayer. . le tte r~. and g ift~! P . . Dear P c plc in Amer ica, W e arc collecting tan1pc; and we \.\- ti I c.J l i k c i t ,l lot i f yo ti co tt l c.J 5 en ti u. ome tamp for our collection . Mo t people write to u on the J I cent 'a ir-J etter ' but they don t have pretty tamp on them o we would like ome commemorative tamp . KAREN & KENNETH Africa By Esther Lindeman Baptist Mid-Mission ' 'Have not I commanded you? Be trong ar1d of good courage: Be not frightened neither be di mayed: For the Lord your God i with you wherever you go.' Jo hua 1:9 (RSV) I mu t 'get on the line' ' again for a Ii ttle chat after tho e restful month in Florida. We enjoyed the cozy little cottage at the D & D Mi ion– ary Homes in St. Peter burg and the fellow hip with other Chri tian work– er there. We feel enriched by new friend hip and renewed contacts throughout our stay. There were the Southern Ke wick meeting Irving Park Bapti ,t Church friend , the frjend and Mis ionary Conference at Pompano Beach. In Tampa, dear Mi Haldeman, loving friend of many years, and in Orlando, in Mr . Jen- en 's dedicated home C lara Crumb and I worked on the ' Light of Life'' corre pondence cour e jn the Sango language and have ent in the revi - ion to our Central Africa Republic language committee. And enroute north, there were topover , and everywhere I have felt a real prayer intere t as I have had the privilege of peaking of the work in Africa and howing lide of the \Vork from 1931 to 1963. And \O it ha al. o heen a real joy to meet agai n fricnu5 in ot1r Michigan cht1rche . Wor<l fron1 Banga, ou indicates CLEVELAND HEBREW MISSION Our 60th Year A sta ff of cigl1 tcc11 ft1 ll-ti1nc or pa1 t-ti1ne ,vorlccrs wit11cs~ing to our I or<l's "l,rctl1re11" in Ol1io, West V 1rginia, 13rai1 l; a11cl otl1er areas by raclio ancl tl1e mai ling n1inist ry. Our policy to coopera te wit l1 Joca I Ne,v ·1 csta1nent cht1rchcs in tl1e ac· ce1 ted me tl1ocls of ScriJ>t ura I evange l– is111, a11d tl1e placing of neiv co11 verts. We express our appreci.1tion to Lhe p;1stors ~11c l f r1cncls i11 5 1 of our Ohio Association Cl1urcl1es who in the past year have l1elpec_l 1nake thi :,, ministry 1>ossible. Staff 1nembers are l1a1>1>Y to visit churches in tl1e spirit of Acts 1 5: 4 to share reports and inspirational messages concerning tl1e 1ninistry. Write for free co1>Y - " '"f rum1>e ter for Israel" a qu c.1 rterly devoted to Jewisl1 Prophecies, Current News about the Jews and thrilling reports from missionaries. Gerald V. Sme1ser, Supt. P.O. Box 3556, Cleveland 18, Ohio • once aga1 1 n real ,progre . The new church group now meet in the new church on the ea t ide of Banga ou . The Evangeli– i tic work relea ed-time chool cla es and the women 1 s work how real re- ult and intere t and attendance continue keen . Viola Brown ha re– cently gone to Bangassou and Elda Long has come home on furlough. They wi ll appreciate your prayer a well as all in 1he work there. Wants to return Application ha been made for my return vi t to Africa. Thi will give me till October or ovember to re– turn. I am still waiting for word from the field . Do pray for God's direc– tion. It i a1way wonderful to "Watch God Work" even in letting ' 'patience have her perfect work." Pray especi– ally a to where I should be - Bangas ou or Quango, and for the hou ing need . And for ,:vhat to take of needed equipment and furni hings and the wherewithal for pa age baggage cu tom , etc. And now, thank you for your in– tere t and love manife ted in o many way , from medical care to every kind loving thoughtful deed. God ble you. I ap,preciate all deeply. A deep concern of my heart and my prayer is that you may have a vital life-giving experience through faith. in accepting Je u hri t as YO R per onal Savior ; and experi– ence of the new birth thro11gh the Holy Spirit. THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST