The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 1964

an ergroun s visit ormer station • y Rev . & Mrs. Wm. Vanderground Baptist Mid-Missions Recently we were ,privileged once gain to pend a few day at our form– r tation Morouba . and a alway t wa a joy to ee and vi it with the hri tians there. Many of ihem are iving for Chri t but ome have turn– d back to their former life of in. hat a grief thi is! Do continue to 1phold the Morouba work in your rayer ~ the ix pa tor and their roup of Chri tian in that area. The Ut tation work at Bakala i doing ell. The Chri tian women ,there have egun the new women ' work called he Abe Ta Quali, and are seeking vith their two leaders, to erve Chri t mong the women of Bakala. There al o a small group at Moroubas nd reque ts have come in from two ther outstations to begin such roup . So the Lord is working in eart , in spite of oppo ition from atan. Another prayer reque t i for Ii , the oldest pastor there. He i now edridden as a result of paralysis, and s in a pathetic condition. Humanly peaking there is nothing that can be one for him. Pray that in pite of hy ical suffering, the Lord wi]l trengthen hi wavering faith and ause him to be a real tsetimony to iod' ustaining gr ace. Our annual field conference at ""'rampel was held the week of April 4th to May 3rd. We went to Crampel 1 week early, to prepare the ki tchcn 1nc.J dining hall for action, a we cre conference host and hoste this tear. We praise the Lord for under- aking for all of us concerned in the ask - the At rican boys, and for he groups of four ladies who assi ted ach day with the cooking. There .\'ere only 95 adu lts and chil<lren jn 1ttenda11cc this year, for 1ho\e from l1e had could not rncet with us as l1ey have always done befo1 c. hcsc Afr ican cou11 tries now bei11g rcpt1blics as l)rougl1t our wc>rk i11 ( A T{ ar1d had to a J)arlir1g of the v. 1 ays, ar1ll we ca,1 110 longer work as one t1r1it. l1 ovl ve1 , l\\'e arc yet C>r1e ir1 J)Urposc 1nd in 1,rayer! ' "f.he had n1i sionarie need ot1r 1,rayer no"'' a never lJef ore r I heir govern 111ent }1a r qttcsletl tl1at lh .. ango lar1guage n<1 lo11ger lJc is LI, llut tl1at all w >r l l)e {l<.1n ir1 th i:H ,:1 - J adj111gai Jangltag~ . I l1l1 the n11ss1<>11arie are \ )fl i11g hartl t , l!,tr I tl11s 11~\\ la11gt1age, as tile t)nl dtl!r rn~,11 c 1s t lea, c tl1 · )t111Lr) Pray for them. The fir t night of conference, the chool children and entire Crampel per onnel pre ented a play, portray– ing the variou a pec t of chool and dorm life. At the clo e~ the gradua– tion wa held for thi year 8th grade cla which con i ted of one tudent only Kenneth Vanderground! Next year he i going to remain with u at Barnbari and take the 9th grade by corre pondence cour e from the Uni– ver ity of ebra ka. Would appreci– ate your prayer for him. The devo tional part of conferencc wa a ble ing as always, and centered around the theme, ' They glorified 1·he Word of the Lord" f rom Act 13. During the bu ine e ion , when placement of mi ionarie for the com– ing year was considered, it was real– ized again that the "field are white unto harve t, but the laborers are few. ' Pray that the Lord will call out and end forth His cho en ones for the needy area now exi ting! The Bambari tation wa ho t to a conference of the Christian Service Brigade repre entative . The Colike family and we entertained 20 mi sion– arie , from 5 rn i ion , coming from AR, had and the ongo. There i a total of 14 mi ion through central Africa now intere ted in thi you th work, ome a far away a the Ivory coa t! How we prai e rt:he Lord for the pread of SB in thi land! Pray for wi dom and trength to meet thi <; challenge and for Hi blc ing upon the effort. la se began again after a vaca– tion of one month for garden plant– ing ea on. We arc playing ho\t once again to two other comn1ittee c - sion\ o would a k you to rcn1cn1ber u during that bu y time. 1 hanking the l ... or<l continua ll y for your fa1thf ttlnc in pra} er 111onth af tcr r11onth , ancJ Jor tho\c o t }Olt \.\ ho sc) faithfttll} \.\' rit e to lt\' We trt1s l }' Ott w i 11 not l1e lli\cou rage ti \\ hc11 we <l<) ll()t an\~Cr pror11,ptl\, l1t1l ~now that we arc vcr)' gra lcittl for ., Ollf in tcrc~t and hap11} for tl1c ne~ \ f }10111e wl1icl1 \Oll Wrlll: . rl l1e ) OI(i l1less \ ' C>ll all. .. Yott " ' ill l)c \·Vo11dcri11g al)Oltl tl1c 11rogrc s in tl1e r J)air \VOrk 011 <1t1r lfltCk . I he I l>rtl ha Sl:111 in so111t: gitt s lt1r tl1i s 11t1r1)l>sc fl>r \\hi h \\t! J)J\,ti sl: l l in1 . \Ve tl1a11k \ <>lt lt>r ) tlltr J}rH\ ·rs. 1'1 a e C<111tinui.:: 1 rn ing tl1at th 11 tire 11c\.:t.l 111tt J., " 111l':l . Youth group pledges to Cedarville College The young people's group of Mar– anatha Bapti t in Springfield recentl y pledged $5 a month to Cedarville allege. Thi re ulted from a letter received from Dr. Jeremiah concern– ing the needs of the college, Pastor Clifford Lone aid. Due to the fact that the you th group at Maranatha i not too pro - perou financially, it wa believed that other youth group in our Ohio c hurche would be challenged to tep out in faith and end regular up.port to the college. Pa tor Lone re– marked "So often mall churche or groups fail to upport Cedarville allege becau e they cannot send a great amou nt. But, if only $1 a month were sent, it would be a great help and perhap the Lord would ble to where more could be pledged. Rev. Lone aid, recently Marana- tha Bapti t placed the Chicago office of the G .A .R.B .C. on it budget. The Lord ha evidently ble ed Marana– tha Baptist for the e action . Fact how that attendance ha increa ed fro1n an average 7 5 la t February to an average of 114 in July, with a high of 148 la t Ea ter. Prayer meet– ing attendance averaged 4 in July. Finance have increa ed almo t O percent during thi period. Dr. Maddox honored pecial recognition wa gi en to Dr. lifford R. Maddox during the con1n1encen1ent e erci e '" hen the a llege honore{I hin1 with a Di - tingt1i hed ervicc ward. For the re– cognition of hi out tanding contri– bLttion to edarvi llc College, the Board of Tru te ~ \ oted to 111a le h 1111 Dean n1eritu . Dr. 1alltJox rcce1\cd hi" B.. fr )Ill ( J cOr g ct O"" 11 ( ' 011 cg . f l) l (} , r. . t ro111 t l1c n 1, er,1 t) of ( 'hicag(). I \)25 : an ti Ph .D in l 9 i 3. Id n, \ t.= ar " '"1 f }11" • life h,1\C hcc11 llC\t)tc1J to tcacl11n~ anll 1tl111in1,t1 <1tio11 1n tl1 pLthlic , 'llL)l)l" 1-~or J(> \ c,11" he "er\ Cll 1t1c I ht)J n- lt>n ' I O\\ 11,l11p H 1gl1 'l1l)Ol Hnr\ '\ lll i11 >i, ,1" Jl"i\ll10l )gi~t tlJ)er\1,1r )f 111 trt1ct1011 , L1nJ ssi s ta11t l~pcr111 - lt:llllL\I1t in harg t 111 trt1 tit>11 . ~ )J' eigl1t ) l'ars ( 195 )- 1 l 4) l1e l1 ,1s scr, l (I as 1\ lll 't11i D n11 ·tt c lnr – ' i II t: () 11 e g \\ h\.: r c 11 }1 as st ·, l1 I is }1 c I a tt: s ting 11rl gr1n1 a 11(1 gi , ~11 \\ Is~ ' lltlll ~l'! I i11 111 I ·, , J ) 1 111 11t f tl1 Ji ,, ·,, l ll:lll iC J) IC>g f d l)l.