The Ohio Independent Baptist, June 1964

VOL 36, NO. 8 The Ohio JUNE, 1964 Independent Baptist - Your State Missionary • ommun1ty s ou eto a out new aptist c urc By Earl D. Umbaugh The value of many things i en– hanced when we share them with others. This i e peci·ally true of the good new of salvation through our Lord J esu Chirst. Some profe ing Chri tians speak of an inner f a1th Jeep in ide of them, that they feel s too per onal to share with other . fhi kind of reticence is coim,pletely foreign to New Te tament Chri tian– iry. The words publish, proclaim, preach and witness are used thliough– ::>ut the Word of God. Pub licity plays part Good publicity ought to be a part Jf the beginning of every new church. fh e people of the communi,ty ought to be made aware that a new church is being organized and that thi church will be a Bapti t Church with the ew Testament me age of con– ver ion through a personal faith in the fiinrshed work of the Lord Je u Chri t. An attractive printed four page brochure will heJp accomp1i h this purpo e. Thi brochure should con ~ai n a picture of your meeting place and the ~chedule of ervice , a picture of the pastor and hi family and a hort biographical sketch of the pastor, a Ii t of spon5or1ng chur– ches and an article concerning the future affiiliations of this church, a hort go pcJ n1essage and a 111ap show– ing the loca tio11 of the church. am– pl e copies of brocht1rcs used b,' son1c 01 the new churche. r11ay be had b)' " 'r~ ting to tl1c tate Mi sionary. l 11 l1ese can l,e 1,rinted at rcia onablc rates h}' Marbee ATt ar1d J>r i11tir1g on1pan}' , 227 J ector A venue, "' indlay, Ohio, 13apel Pt1bli her , 549 Poritage rail, U)' al10ga al l , Ohio, or 111a)' be pri11ted locally. .. nougl1 of the c l1ould b pri1lte 1 f r 111 da,' of can– ' a J)1u a fe,v to l,e u l in g neral ailing at t r tl1 ca11 va i O\' r. THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIS Another ef·feotive piece of pub– licity js wind 1 ow po ters. A layman in one of our churches, made 50 of the e for ,the Champion B·apti t Church u 1ing ithe ilk creen proces . They are very attractive and through– out the area the e po ters could be een for two week preceeding the opening ervice . The e posters could be prin,ted or could be made ,through a po ter conte t in the pon oring churches. A eries of news-releases will u u– ally be welcomed by looal new paper . The e could contaiin ,information about organiZJational meetings with name of local people par,ticipaiting, an article concerning the area-wide canva , information concerning open– ing Evangeli tJic Services, the oall of a ,pa tor and an announcement of the time and pl,ace of the fir t Sun– day ervice . Some u e ha been made of local radio tation .announcement , e pecially in tho e area where there i a hri tian radio 1lation. Bible believing hri tian have omething good to offer the con1mun– ity. Thi light ought to be "'like a city that i et on a hill that cannot be hid' ' rather than ]ike a ' 'candle" that i ·' put tinder a bu hel ''. We ot1ght to be like the four leprou n1en at the eige of amar.ia. When they fot1n(l Rev. Earl D. Umbaugh food and raiment and gold and il ver and were fully ati ified they began to feel a en e of per onal respon– sibility and s,aid, "We do not well: thi day i a day of good tiding , and we hold our peace," and they wen.t back into the cjty to hare their good news with ithose who were in need of these available provi ion . Kent church reports The Grace Bapti t hurch of Kent, Ohio had an average morning wor hip attendance of 53 during the month of April their fir t n1onth of ervice . They are n1eeting in the Kent State Univer ity chool · at1di torium. Anyone knowing of tudent \\.'ho will be attending Kent tatc Uni,er- it) dt1ring the t1n1n1cr qt1arter, are reqt1e. ted to end their r1an1e~ to P a tor lcn rabb, 75 J ~r n Bl\ ll ., Kent, Oh io. PLAN NOW TO ATTEND 31th Annual Meeting Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches October 19-22 TEMPLE BAPTIST CHURCH Portsmouth, Ohio REV . ROBERT L. SUMN R, PASTOR JUNE, 1964 PAGE 3