The Ohio Independent Baptist, June 1964

eart to eart - mong t e omen OUR SPRING RALLY 1, e r ~t)() ,, t1111l'tl ,, ere t111tic.\ltn lcti h) the ra111, 1~uc, "l a~. 1'\ J r i l "lJ. a11ti ,,·t'rc CT\)\\ tict l 111to the Fir t Bapt1 t l ' l1t11\'.'l1. R1tt111an, ()htt) f~.1r the J)rtng Ral l)' of the \\ ")t11c11· · i\t 1,"t(\ tlc.1r, l ' n1011 ()f ht Rcgtt lar Bapti t <. ~11 t tr'"' l1c" l1c ll1<..itc" t the ht1rch had 111ade cor ages ft..)r t'ic r111~ 10narics anti past r's \\'ivc~, a ll received 11,1111c tc.1gs. ,ln<..i th pa ·tor t gcther with the ladic of the r l1t1r 11 111atlc ,1 1110 t n ble effort to have u comfort– ,11'1~ . ~ \\ "Pa11 r rep rtcr \vere on hand. the town of R 1tt111c.111 ,, c.l ' \\ ll a\, are of the ' 'inva ion' ' that day. \\?c ,, r chall nged by a ery triking po ter , which ~n1pha i1 d the TH IE - ,... . TO G IVE TO HIM TH T . DETH ." - Eph. 4:2 . The Theme horus ,, a ~ u ng often a follow : ._ MY TRUST HLet n1e be faithft1l to my tru t Pre on my heart the woe· Let me be faithful to my tru t Telling the world the tory Put in my feet the go; nd u e me for Thy Glory.' lt \\ a a very full program which began at 10 a . rn. \\ ith a ong ervice led by Mr . H arry Thibideau, Toledo· Pra)·er by fr . K en Hou er ew London; Welcome by fr . H. Koller t, R ittman~ Re pon e by Mr . W. Sch'lechty, Lake\.vood. A time of prayer wa called for when everal led in prayer. A hort busines e ion followed with the reading of the ecretary · Report by Mis Mary Fix, Cleveland; Trea urer· Report by Mrs. Schlechty then Mr . Houser called for the recognition of new groups and pastor's \\'ive who h ad not been welcomed at any previou R afly. We prai e the Lord for the large re pon e at rthi meet- • 100 0 Ruth Hege presents challenge It wa time for Mi Ruth Hege to peak. Out of her rich experiences with the Lord and her devoted know– ledge of H i Word he held our attention with her first challenge. "what i our greate t need? · - That H e m eet \\'i th u ! H ere she poke of uch men a Mo e the Di - ciple on the Emmau Highway Thoma a he cried out ..~!}· Lord and My God,' ' I aiah a he i portrayed in Ch. 6 : 1-9 and other . "\,Vhat do I give?" We mu t be 'counted worthy to be put in tru t with the Go pel.' ' ot only to believe, but to uffer - counted worthy to uffer. She quoted the fo llowing ver e which the P almi t quoted after re– counting times of troubles and di tres e . P alm 107: 7- . 14-15. 19-21 30-31 etc. Ruth wove into her mes- age ome of her harrowing experiences through which he and her mart 1 ·red companion Miss Irene Ferrel had r ecently passed through \\hile ser ving with Bapti t Mid– ~11s ion in the Republic of Congo. Pra) 1 for Ruth. It is not ea y to tell the e experience for to tell them is to relive it. othing touche the child JUNE, 1964 PAGE 4 le clan(l I-I eight s, Ohio - 441 J 8. ()f ,otl w1tl1()lll C)ttr Hcavcnl v "athcr knowing all al1out 1t. Irene'\ work wa..., fini c;; t1cll. "alJ \c nt f:ror,, the hocly prcc;;cnt wi th the l .or(f." R ttlh 1 till to se rve her prcciot1 I ortl, u111y grace i ~t1f t ic1cnt f r thee. " fter the benediction an<l l1les~1ng foo<l. lunch wa 5erved in the chL1rch . ta k bL1t the Rittman lac.lie<; did we11. also ttpon the hi~ wa a real The Women' Auxiliary for Hilltop HoLt'>C was called together for a hort bu ine e ion by the chairman Mr . D ean H enry. At 1: 30 p. m. the Rally reconvened with a good ong ervice pecial mu ic prayer , pertinent announce– ment uch a Bapti t Mid-Mi sion Seminar , Women's Retreat, a word about the O.I.B. Magazine, etc. The offering for the day wa $388. 50 which took care of our two peakers for $80.00 each. Six mi ionaries present at the meeting and giving a te timony received $20 each . Mrs. Earl Umbaugh speaks Mr . Earl Umbaugh was our next peaker who pre- en ted "Home Missions," that i building new churche. in the tate of Ohio. There i no doubt in the minds of tho e who heard her ,peak that he deeply hares the burden of her bu band' mini try as our State Mi ionary. After ome very well thought out remark he "turned loo e' the wives of five preachers in the e new work . namely, Mrs. Davis, Hubbard; Mrs. Lewi , Wilmington: Mrs . Crabb, Kent ; Mrs. Smith, Champion H eight · Mrs. Myer A bury Manor ; and Mrs . Glenn Greenwood who substituted for Mrs. Kaffenbarger, Urbana. After this tirring hour , many of u had the urge more than ever. to get right into the ta k of tar~ing new work for the Lord. May thi eed own thi day bring forth in His time a harve t of new churche for Hi glory. The time i hort. Let' pray abou t th i . After the benediction, it wa a very in pired happy group that ventured out in the rain , heading for home, counting it a very worbh-while day . Since the meeting word ha reached me concern- , ing the di bur ement of the Dime Offering : $350.00 plu 62.88 pecified for Camp P atmo ; $550 .00 for I Freezer plu 15 J .97 s,pecified for Hilltop Hou e~ $750 for Library plu $79.88 pecified for Cedarville College: $100 for the O .I.B. Magazine· $500 for State Mi ion– ary. Praise the Lord. AME ! • l Reported by Women' Editor. Mrs. Inez Milner, Women 1 s Editor THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST