The Ohio Independent Baptist, September 1965

, t I l 111 • 1" ,, s rt l I J t' r ' f 1 , t 1,,, 111- l \fl i tll ll tflC\ l flllD \\ tllt:r ,\lltl 11 \ l lll t t f )r ll. }l('ll LI l I 111 1 il tl1c 11 tis'. 1 llt i11ft ril,r 1 .1 l \ 1 t I _ l , I _. , 1 r I l'' t 'c I , ' i t I 1 1 \\ l \ "fl l t llll l l lll,ll. ,\llll 'l'l)( 'l''''' 'I .111 I , 111g ,.111 tl1' 1 llll,r. 1\,l,k.tng \ 'I\ J C,l •fttl, \\ l tile llC,\ll '-"lltllt . l t \ ,l .\ ( \,\ ,ll l lit Ill\ ntll, l,Jli . 1 i11 1t11r .. t .1 '"I ~l't ~, ,tl't, tl1at l Ill I' 1 I kl' it \\ ,\, J'l"l)l1,1l1I, J)tlCll– lll 111.1. '-' '\l tl.) tl1c 'l1tl"'I ,,1l tl1c 111, tl1 ·r. ,1 ~11 l ,ll""'llt l 7 t I I,' .. 111"1 llll' .... f,t "-' I t ,(l.i t l1'- n1 l ,, ,1, ..._,.1rr, t l1c l al , ,, .1, '-ll',lli. l t1t tl1at tl1c l1,1l1\ , , ,1, - i11 l1t·~~, t' 1. l l1'-' 111l)tl1cr ~.ltli. " \ c.: •. l1c·, i11 1 '.1, t'll ,, tth Jc .... t1 .. l l1c fatl1cr ,1tllJ c'-1, .. ,1 · ~'-' 1\i tl1,11 l1t:·" ,, 1th J c"t1 · :· ..... 1 · ' 11111\.l~"t 1l1cn1 tt1.1t their l1,1l1, ,lnli • ~tr . , )Cl1r111g ,, ere tl)gctl1cr \vilh J ',t ... 111J tl11, ee111cli tt) he a , er\ • 1lt.: .. 1 111g th )t1ghL l) thc111 . 11"ar1 then .... .... ·..1 J. \\ ' .. 1rc , er~ ' L)fr~ the bab) is \.lC,tl.i. httl ,, c Lion 't l1a, c l r\ and .. ,, ..1tl. 1ncc tt1c b,1b, 1• b ttcr ff \\ ilh . J\,; ti . " To th1 · the p,1rcn t · hcar lil} J ' 1 recJ :::: Marked by a cross \\ 1 c then \\ nt to the Je u · Hou ·e. l t 1 J bomboo tructure about 15 by I: f et. It i n atl, fenced and before .; it ·tand a large cro made fron1 a tree. about 20 fee t high. In th , er, neat little \ 1 ard about the build- J J 1ng \\ a a !?rave marked wi th a tone ......, "-' on \\ hi h \ a engra ed ome Tipperah \\ riting. Thi wa the grave of one of n ari' on . The maker wa topped b) a cro . It wa a humble, but , er) moving ight, a hri tian grave in the mid t of the jungle. In– . ide the building there wa a pulpit– l1ke arrangement in the middle of the room. and on either ide were row of rot1gh hev. n log benche . One of the 111en brought in fre h flower to put on the pulpit and then rang the gong, \\ hich called the \.\ hole village to ~hurch . I a led An ari if the whole , illage "ere Chri tian. Ye . they were. I a ked if thev were true Chri~ti an J or mo t ·'Mouth' ' Chri tian . He re- plied that they were all true Cbri - t1an . but that ome loved the Lord more than other . The people gathered. The men and bo) at on one side. the women on the other. The women have very plea ant feature , quite imilar to the Burme e and Mongolian with high cheek bone and almond eye . Oc– cc1. ionall}' one \.\ ould tand up to pit through the bamboo lattice wall. i an)' nur ed their babies while there. A large drum "a brought in and the)' began to ing. The ong wa very t) picall.. Tipperah in mu ical tyle .. ha,,ing no more than four or five note in the whole ·3ong. It ~ a in SEPTEMBER, 1965 PAGE 4 I 11 ,,~r.,t1 la11gl1,, •c \\ hi 11 I l it n't llllllcrsta11li. st I ,,skctl 1\ 11sn1 i t,l t1 ar1s . l.,l' it it,tt, 13 ·ng,,Ii lor 111c. 111 tl1c ~,,ng \\ .\s tilt' ,vl1,)ll' gt s1 cl sltll' '· It t<Jl{I t,t •ll<t ,, llll li, 1 cti i11 lll'il\' cr1 nnt l 11()\V Il e l"'<.'~c,1 l.l,1,,11 t n l'nrth atlll ·"a,v till' 11,~11 li e ha"I ·re,,tctl. li e ltJ\ctl thl·n, :1n, l ,,,ill tt, tl1c111. " I an, J)r c– ,.,,,, 1ng n \\t)n"lcrl'ttl. l1cautiful l1ctt\c11 flll \l.lll lt) lt\C in \ l111• t \(1l l C(1 111C'> • l lll' ,t)tlg , , cnt tlll tt1 '\,l th at al l the .;; n1cn \\ ere ,i11ncr,. lht1t1gh. anti ottltl tlt)t g(l lo he"' ' en hccat1,c t1f th1,. .. (it)ll tl1cn. ,c-111 111, t1 11I\ on to c,trth .. tt) lite c1n ,l ro"~ I r ttr , 1n,. [vcr 1 - )t1C \\ 110 belie cs 111 C~hri\t ha\ th eir \1(1\ \ \ a hc.:u av.- a, anu thll'i arc alJlc ., ll) gt) to hca vcn 1th (., J . Moved to tears It lra11'ilatc<.i all the c h a ppcn111g" for the tv. vi ·itor · I'd brought with 111c. They, and l , were n1ovec.l to tear <luring our wh le tay there by the beat1tifully in1ple faith of the e peop le. n .. ari then told tl that he had been in another village when word came about the baby'~ death. When he came back to hi village, the people gathered about the body, and An ari, looking at the body aid to then1 "Thi i ju t the way you JI be on1c day. What will happen to you then ? Only if you believe on Je u will you go to heaven . And ...ome of you won1en you ay 'Oh, I have r ice and I have clothe and I'm so pretty. Heaven will be clo ed to you if you depend on that to get you in. You n1 u t believe on Chri ·t." We then had to leave. Before leaving they brought u a gift of n1ea t. Thi wa a real acrifice ince they are in the n1id t of dire fan1 ine right now. An ari' village i con1- pletely out of rice right now. A we we re leavi ng they were bringing in rice fro111 the bazaar for which they had to pay five rupee (about $1.05). Thi probably repre ented the major portion of the wealth in the village at the moment. I a ked An ari about it. a11d he aid, "It i~ true that we are in dee,p trouble but it i ju t like that ring on your finger. If it goe in the fi re, it only con1e out purer. Thi difficu]ty will on1y make u love God more.' I cot1ld hardly keep from bawling out loud at thi . If many of our people back home have any difficulty, they get bi tter. Here i a man who e total weal th i a bamboo hou e that co t $40. The only clothe he own , a ide from a breech cloth are the hirt and pant given him by a mi ionary. Here· a n1an "ho preache al l over the hill~ and w hcr.:,e onl} ource ot 111 l1111e is t}1, gif ts I Ill e '] i111J ra }1 t l1c111scl \ 1 cs. \Vl1 n, c as r>oo1 ,l he anet 'r t he sr>ca ks < f l1artl sl1 i JJ ._,·~ a 11t1, if ' ing cXJJcricn c. Sl1a111c )r, Lis! c g:,vc l1in1 another Jive ru1 ccs u n gift tr tlnl the l\Vt1 111c1 ican visi tL,r , ,, l1ic h n1ntlc hi111 111tls l ha1111 ', ,,11tl \ c \\ ere on ot1r , a ,. ·1 he tr iJ) tlc1wn the strcn111 wa·:-i <.1uitc , n c pcricncc .... fh c channel v.r<.1t1l tl lie racing a long ar1 tl r11akc shi1rJJ bcnLI right at the hasc of a high wa ll -like c I i f t. I t y <J t I LIon' t n 1 c1 k c t h c l t I r n• )' o u \Vere <.Ja\hcLI into the wa ll. We 111 a<.l c 1t withottl 111 i\ hap. the I ortl being goc)c.l. On the way <lown the river we ~ t<.) ppctl at a M ogh v ti I age. l 'hc ?\1 oghc; arc of Burn1e~c c trac ti or1 anti tt rc l ra ti it iona II y Bti ti ti i ~ t. Wc wen t i n l he vi11 age anc.l bot1gh t a few p1cc~ of handwoven cloth for the vi\i tor\ . A · we were leav ing, the vi ll age leader ca 111e to greet 11 . He had l1een a goou friend of Harry'c;. We talked about Harry for on1e tin1e and left. A we were leaving, Bill Hopewell a ked 111e if the man knew that Harry wa in heaven. He wa quite 111oved when I told him that the man had been told ~o by ancy her elf. he 111ade it a ,point to top, coming down the river to talk to hin1 about it. Well, we then left that village. We 111ade another top of intere t along the way . Stream overflowing There i a little ide trean1 that f ced into the Matamahari River that ll ually i ju t about two feet wide and four inches deep. During the rain however , it wa about ix or eight feet wide. It goe , through a very teep and <.Jeep ravine-like affair to enter the river. We decided to ex- plore it ju t a bit ince there wa omething black in there that I wanted them to get a picture of. We en,tered the tream had to top the engine and then tarted up again and found our elve in a very deep valley which ro e up precipitou ly on both ides. On the ide the Mogh ,people were growing rice. Lt wa~ the ort of place that looks like it would be impo ible even to stand~ and yet they were growing rice there. Quite intere ting. Back out of the valley and on down to the waiting car and back to Chittagong we came arriving one hour late for a dinner engagement but that' ort of under toad over here. The two vi itors both aid that they couldn't remen1ber a time in their live that had n1ovcLI the111 o (Continued on page 6) THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST