The Ohio Independent Baptist, September 1965

VOL. 37 , NO. 11 The Ohio SEPTEMBER, 1965 Independent Baptist • • eartmoving event or a m1ss1onary SPECIAL FEATURE One of the n10 · t heartmoving event · 1·ve ever in my Jife witne ec..l happen– cJ recen,tl y. It all began when Bill Hopewell can1e to vi it the field. (He' Profe or of Mi sion at B.B.S.). H e was accompanied by Le Whitaker , a pa tor from over near Sunbury Pa . I drove them to the ho pita[ ite to view the work there. We got there late in the day and saw very little that night. but they got to meet and talk \vith our contractor and hi s wife and on. They were very im,presed with the <.ledica ti on hown by Tom and Ol line. The next morning, up at 5:45, break– f a t at 6: 45 . After break,fast, ince it was raining hard ( 1 the mon oon i here) we didn 't set out for the hill tract as planned , but pent the morn– ing looking through the ho pita I and houses. The hospital is comin g nicely. About 90 percent of the internal pl as– tering is done. ext they'll 1ay the electrical conduit and under the floor plL1mbing and then lay floors . It look just wonderful! At about I l a.m. I told them that we had to decide whether we were going to go or not . lt was still raining. I told the111 th at if they didn't mind getting wet, I Wa\ game to take them. They ~aid, "Let's go." I gas ed up the aircat ( our pecial boat) and drove it through the tidal forest to the highway bridge alJout ever1 1niles from the hospital J t' cver1 n1iles by road, about 20 111i·1e b,, water. • '"l l1e~' 111et r11c at t l1c; bridge, 11 av i ng cJriven t J1e lJa11d Rover there , and we s t ot1 t LJ p the river. "f'he 111en were L,otl1 g<>Od size, a11d ir1cc we 11a<l a flil~ tan of g, (3() gallo11s) and a • tro11g ]1eadv.ri11d , we 111, de poor tin1 I r tl1e fir t Jj , 111ile r1J11til ....,.., g t tJJf into tl1e 11 ot1r1tai11 area \\ 1 l1ere tl1 I ti OHIO INDEP ND NT BAPTIST hill protected u ' fron1 the winL1 . Then we made better 1tin1c . They were fa cinated by a boat that could kin1 over the water and ju t a ea ily skin, over n1ud bank·"' and even ju ' t wet gra . We finally arrived at Hebron, our hill sta,tion. The tation i ten1poraril y clo ed down ince we haven' t ye t de– cided who will go up there now that Harry i with the Lord . We pent onJy a hort while there . They took some picture and I had ,the oppor– tunity to talk to Shan1a, the hou eboy of the Goehring . He ha been in– tere ted in the go pel and N ancy a ked me to peak to him ,to ee if Harry' death had worked on hi heart at all to bring him to the ,place of accepting Chri~t. The conver a– tion wa rather un ati fy ing. He c lai med to b e a believer but on1e of hi answer clidn't jibe too well with other thing he 1had aid , o I till don' t know exac tly where he tands. Primitive people The 111ain purpo e of our trip wa to get up to the vi ll age of Go tiran1 where our Tipperah evangeli t nan1ed Anc;ari live . I 'd not been to his vi llage before, though I know An ari quite well . An ari i~ one of the deare "t brother in the Lord I 've ever n1e t. Hi~ J)eople, the Tipp rah~, arc a very pri n1it1ve .11coplc, the n1c11 having huge hole\ 111 their ear~ i11 \\. hi ch the)' wear flower ar1cl the womc11 . goir1g bare br casted, wear ti JJ to IO p t111cls of glass anti beads ab<.)ttl tl1eir 11ccks, ti\ er l)r,1celct'-i all LIJ) their ar111'S, ,tr1cl il\'er orna111c11ls wl1icl1 JJicrcc the t{)l)S • elf tl1cir cars as well as c,,r rings \\' l1i cl1 are ahot1l or1e 111<.;l1 i11 tlia111ctl;r a11<.I fit i11 tl1e 11 le 111 tilt; cur ll>l..,c >f tl1~ s a111e size. By Dr. Donn Ketcham A BWE medical missionary in East Pakistan ' fh c village of Gotira111 i up a ' iJc river from the Matamahari and ther1 up ye.t another mall trean1 . The river and the tream have never been nav igab le even by canoe but OLtr aircat n1 akc Duck oup of then1 . Well it i n't quite t/1at in1ple. The ·-- ide river , the Borobomu, wa qL1ite ea y to navigate ince the Mo n– ~oon i here and there wa plenty f water . The ide trean1 off that, ho\.\'– ever wa another tory. It, in dr) ea·"on, offer a challenge to the a ir– ca,t becaL1 e of the narrow and ver )' ha llow tream. Thi tin1e, however, it wa a r aging torrent that twi ted and turned, ome tin1e ' at 120 degree turn . It took a ll the attention at n1 1 command to navigate up thi trean1, and coming down wa wor e. We reached the point where \.\ were in Tipperah coL1ntry and in– quired of a T ipperah a to where Gotiran1 Para (village) might be and we took hin1 aboard a , a gt1ide. he dark, well n1u cled Tipperah. \.\ ith the hole , in the ear and wearing nl) a breech . loth at 0 11 the bow f the bt)at ac1d n1ade an int fC" ' ting figttre– head. The con tra<it bet\vecn the rather pri 111ative n1an and the n1 tler11 b dt wa rathe1 re111arkable oon we can1e to r1~ari' \ 1 1llagc. An\ari and hi peopl \.\ re on the r1\ er bank to gr ct Lt\ He told ti, that a b ab had I l'" t die ti 1 n t 11 t: village, anu o ,vc ,,l:nt to the \' illagc to '\Ce th chtlli l he \ 1 illagc "Ort,i'>t, ot ,thOLl l \C\'CO or ctght l1lll\ cl[ltl H ..J C')ll ' ll ott c·,. ''T'l1c ht1ts arc all l tult tlll still s. H ncatl1 tl1c111 lt\t' tht' pigs the\ rai~\,; . tl1c cl1i<..1'r11-s a11ll gt)ats. J)llll li111bi11g ~1 tlt)t ~hrll log latlll~1-, (Continued on following page) SEPT MBER , l 965 PAGE