The Ohio Independent Baptist, April 1965

VOL. 37, NO. 6 Your State Missionary A new church in Toledo area A group of 19 per on· n1et on Dec. 7, 1964. at the Maumee Junior High School to di cu s the pos ibility of tarting a new Regu lar Bapti t church in the vicinity of South Toledo or Maumee. Several week night meet– ings have been held ince then and the church ha formed a temporar y organization. ~ailed Rev . Cliffo:-d Boe~sel a pastor and tarted Sundav ., Service on March 21. They are 111aking arrangement to purcha e five acre of land on Glendale Avenue in South Toledo and are planning on erecting the first unit of their church ""tructure on this site thi Sumn1er . The Church i to be known a the Bethel Baptist Church. The famiJiec; for thi5 new church are member of the Emn1anuel Bap– ti st Church. Toledo, Rev. Don Sewell. Pastor. It 1s being spon·.)ored by chL1rches in the North Bethel As- AT HILLTOP HOUSE Elton C. Hukill , Supt. 303 E. Tuscaraw as Ave., Barberton, Ohio ebruary l1as l1ecn a 111onth of traged) 1 for u here at l~ilJtop H ouse. In the evenir1g of ricfa)' the 5th, l\1r . 1 atide \A/ ii ~011. ot1r cook fell a11d l,rol' e her ar1kle i11 tl1ree places. l1e is convale ci11g "'ell, l)ttt \·Viii l1e co11fir1ed for al)OL1t tl1ree 111011t}1s. hen one 'eek later ot1r J1ou ekeer1er, 1\1j I a0l1el Walker, a r11e111l)er of aJ,,ary Baptist J11:1rcl1 , leve. , v. 1 a ' udden1) 1 called into the r,rcse11ce of t11e lAlrd . \\f e ~' 110\\' t }1 t l1e i l1a p J1)' \\ itt1 tl1 J rd, l>Llt \\' e 1111 " l1er J1ere. )n t-lJ1(1a) 4 I~ 1,. I , 1\lrs. I eL1lal1 Tti OHIO IND PtiNDE N OAP IS The Ohio Independent Baptist Rev. Earl D. Umbaugh ociation. The e churche have given everal hundred dollar in initial gift·., and have pledged $325 a month up– port. Pa tor erving on variou com- mittees inslude Rev. Don Sewell, ucleus Co111mittee, Rev. John Wood, Finance Commit.tee, Rev. Charle Reed, Meeting Place Committee Rev. Larry Engle, Publicity' Committee, and Rev. Fred Crown, Map-out Com– n1ittce. ·rrout of Barberton began her dL1ties a cook for five day a week. and Mr~. Virginia Trogdon, who ha been co r11ing in to clean took tip fL1ll time cltttic·') with LJ a hot1 ckeeper anll cook on the cook's rcgt1 I ar d ay5 off. However, neither of the e ladies can live in. so Mrs. Ht1k.ill ha taken on aclded re pon 1lJilit1c">, we trt1·.)t 0111, tc111poraril}· · We need a l,1cl\- who can ~ n,akc tl1is l1c1 ho111c, lJc on call at 11igl1t , a11d a\\LlfllC ft1ll chat gc of the Ho111e \\'l1cn 1r. · Mrs. H11ktll n1t1st l1e a\\' 3)' . (>ra)' for ti that tl1is nee<.l 111,t)' l1c 111et. J1e lru·~tces of Ho111e a11cl a11111, 111c. 111,.. t l1cre f<.)r a11 all <.la)' 111ct:ti11g on londay tile 15111. .. J"l1e ; \ l111is it>n ( 0111111ittce 111 ;>l l1cre tC) i11tcr\ 1 i \V t rs. largarc:l ,rc>sn1c:l1r, a Jll n1l) r <Ji Iii o,)k i<I l3nptit-it ( 11t1r\,;l1, ' lc,,c., APRIL, 1965 Rev. Boe·s el ha n1oved to Toledo fron1 the Fir t Bapti t Church, Kout , Ind., where he erved for five year a their fir t pa tor . Among ,tho e ~erving in the church are Mr. Ray Klotz. Trea..:-urer. Mr . Vertie Cul– bert on, C lerk and Mi Hamilton, Financia] Secretary. The church i n1eeting at the pre ent ·time in the Maumee City Bui lding. Some progre i being made on the tarting of a new church in Chilli– cothe. We have been meeting regu– larly with a few familie . The pre.-- ent need i for a place to hold S11nday Service and ome out ide upport. Since the clo e t Regular Bapti t Churches are 40 to 50 mil~-- awav .. u pport will need to come from a wide area. Four familie have been meeting regularly at Dundee and are planning for a new church in their community. Some intere t i being expre ed by ome of the churche in the Hebron Association in tarting a new church in Oberlin . Thi will b... a joint venture with the Fe]lO\\- hip of Bapti t For Hon1e Mi ion and the State Mi ionar\' . .. a an applicant for re idency. he \Va approved and took t1p re idency here in March. We Vvelcon1e anoth r n1en1- ber into ot1r f at111ly. Mr . and . Price of (.' alvar\ Bapt1 t ( ' ht1rch. F1nulc1 1 , \Vere \vel– cot11e visitor , th1 r11onth, and brotight .... a record pla} er \\ 1th re ord of the entire T. fhc J nor ,, a\ fro111 inLtl,l\, but at pre,e111 \\ 11 tt) ll\ Su1>t. rlL1k.tll \\ a·... ~1ri\ 1lt.:gctl to Illltl - 1, rt.: 1 t l1 e \\ or ci ,) t ( , o d in t h c \ t1 i p ~1 I e \C. B,l~)ti~t ( 'htu h l)f Canton \\httl t>astor atlLI 11 ") Hl~I1111<..k. ,v~rt~ ~'allett H\\' cl}' l)CCULl\l' ()f lllt! 1ll11ess )t tr~. H ~ I 111 i k '~ n1o t 11 r i 11 \ c ' t \ 1 i r g i 11 i a . * Next month: Special issue with pictures taken at "Hilltop House' ' APRIL 1965 PAGE 3 •