The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1966

port Fr·on, uth Hege :\t, hl',\ll ,,.,, I h:,~·1.l 1111 U llll lllllg ll I ,,1.t111 I ,.,1111 I .._' \\ hl'l l' t Ill· \\ I 111.'I .,II, lll n tll l1t',\,r11~ .,111.I th(' t',trtl1 , , 11, I ,,II t t1 ,, t 1 , 1 t h 111 t I 1 ' 111 . I r 1. 111 111 t 11 'll!llt I .,II ll'1.."I' '-· ll J 1,\1 l' thl' I, 1 l 1 ll n 111 ,1..· ,1.. / Ill' s1 ~.,k r·d " l 11:?llltlllll!. 11.,il. I'!!· t,,,,t ,lllli ~ll)I Ill\ , 11t1.i f t1ltllli11c 11 1, ,)rdl'rs.' ' l his l I l ll!.!llt ll' 'llJlll.l t ll ' \\ ,,, ,t, "'' 111 ...• Jr ,1 l1l't irl .,l1l1111: " l l1t· I 1.,11..i l1 .., tl1 l ,, .,, 111 111~ ,, t11rl, 1nll ,tntl in the l l •• \\ l1•'n ,1",r111, ,, 1111..I, ,tn ti , I'll • . ~ ,,t111l,,1n"ls .tr1..· J'll'flllittc1..t t1.1 111,,,1..fc "'tlr 1,c, l1l''' ·1.,111f1..rt111g it 1, ll) 11.)\\ th., l•t.'1..t I l1.,,i r1g H i" ' ' "l\. In ..... Jl 1 ,,11 t1111c. ,, ht"tl H ,..., 1..'rtlcr\ h,,,,c I ('L' 1 fttlfille1..t. H L' l1t1 he, the l r n1 11.' ,l ~al111 ,,11J l1r1r1g..., ti, l l1 Ire h ..... real ,z~ 111..,n, 1..'I H 1 11ight ~ J)t)\\ er <lncl H c1c,1l fa1thftll nc\ ttnLi H i\ un- .... l)(',1k. .. 1ble 11..1, 1r1g k. indne\",. ..... ( n J t111c ,1r1d Jtil :) n1, L)-\\Ork. er. f>cgg, Oegnttn. dnd I ,, ere o n a · , - .... "- . "- \\ cc1'. tot1r , i,iting ten o f our chu rche~ '-' ,, tlh a Je ire to help the \ lrugg ling group, of belle, er to " t ak. c a nc"" grip ,, 1th their tired hands and stand firn1 on their ha1'. ) leg ." We re– tt1rned tired in body ( li\ ing in the ho111e - of our natio nal breth ren. har– i n~ their food. i\ a bit hard o n the - ·out\\ ard n1an· ) but prai ing the Lord lL1r Ha ble ing upon our n1i ni ·try. Vio lence in Venezuela I hen L)n the night of Ltgu t 9 the t rn1\ \\. tnd truck \.\ 1th fur\. Rob- . ~ b r drugged Pegg} through a part ial- 1) \.1pen \\ 1ndo\.\ near the head of her beJ. then broke 1n through a li vi ng rL,on1 \.\c indo\.\ and looted the hou e. Our1ng the da} that fo ll oVved l re- 11\ ed the C"'ongo experience of the cerror1 t attack and I re ne' dea th . rerror gripped my heart. The enemy n1ocked n1e. ··God has forgotten you : erta1nl) you wall one da)r peri h b) the hand of }'our enemy." (Thi ~ a the third robber\ \,\ 1th in te n mon th " - the other t\.\co occL1r1ng Vv hen ""e ,, ·1 11l,l 1l1c1 l!.) I 1k • l l1 Jd h ,, hen he 11·,ull 1,z·l,cls 1h1c.11. I ,, a ntl'l l Il l 1un 1,,1 l.ltlt 11,~s t1 11 ,, l1c rc l l t ""let,. l\ l st t, get a,, ., I J'll l1l thal 1)~111 \\ Is. 11.,l , l'l l't-111l ~sl~l l 11facc ,vl1er~ ,, , h "1. I n1. > I., 1., I 1 cc I) rc, t "-' c t i <, n! 111.,,, 1,a t1 c nt the I ortl is a n(I ll l l\.V la1t l1 t,il . ·111 t)ugl1 I a n1 f ar frl1n1 l1cing .1n l"lija l1. li e nc,cr tl1clc.., '-' 111cl n1c ,, i 111 t 1 c s a111c I 1.., vi 11 c ca I c " " l I c 111ct ... I i i" () \ Cl' \\l't)tt ght J)t () f1hct . 1-t c has 1., I., c nc 1. l I I 1, \ \ <., rt I l t 1 111 c \.\ 1 t h 11 c w lllC,tn ing anti r>l)\.\. l! J' anti JlC\hOC \\ ,tntl I l I\ l1 CC l l 1111 11 g I 11 C r C,\ ", I n g l )i p r CC l Ol I', nee aga In I \\ ds red ttccd lo u tlc1 Miss Ruth Hege de pair in n1yself , o nJ y to f ind n1 y all- ufficiency in Christ. Thu · the \ torn1y wind are fu lfi lling H i · order ·. J u t now Peggy a nd I are on a two-week \ 1 acation in M ar acay with n1i ·ionarie of the Evangeli cal F ree Church who have opened their home to LI ~. It i<; good to be free from re– ') pOn5ib ility ju t to be qu iet before Hin1 and hear H in1 peak a · ·urance. peace. courage a nd joy to the heart . ext week. the Lord willing, we will be returni ng to Puerto Ordaz, to th at Cunningham's Design Service Tools - Products - Molds Projec·ts that Project Arca num, O hio - 45304 C.B.M. C. 692-8223 602 West Georg e Street THE CHILDREN'S GOSPEL HOUR, INC. Livingston , Tenn. 38570 Presenting Jesus Christ to Youth by Radio and TV No w on WSPD-TV Ch. 13 - Toledo, Ohio - Sunday 8:00 a.m . PRAY FOR THE SALVATION OF BOYS AND GIRLS Write A Card Of Thanks To WSPD-TV fhe Children s Gospel Hour ,s no·N on 60 rad,o and 24 TV s tations each w ee k. Pray ·ha more stations will take the program. The you th of America need to hea r the Gospel now. Write for further information. Henry C. Geiger, Executive Directo r OVEMBER 1966 PAGI: 4 1.ln l' k :tllll 1,crtl<1t1s 11 r1gh l1l>l'h <>ll. 1tt ,vc "s l1i nc (l \lt ;i 111u ng tl1 c n1 as l1c aco li ght s a nti ho ltl fo rtl1 t<J thc 11 1 th \ <ll'l f llf l ... ifc" S<l th at tl1cy l <)(..l Illa CL1 111c l<J k 1 ()\.\' 0 11 r SHvi<.)ttr ar1 t l L.<lrd Chaste ning in Congo I n ( ongr>, l t l(l, slllrn1y wi ar, l't1l fi ll1ng Hi s c1rdc rs. ()tit <l f the <.lark 1css anti tcr rc)r ( ,o(I is hringi ng f<.) rtt 11 t c... chttr ch - chastcnccl ht1t c lc,inscd l c tt c, .., f1on1 there a rc fill ccl witl 1)a tho~ anci yet c1 rc c1 cour,1g1ng. 1"he te ll of hard\ hlp\ cndt1red . of {lca ths ir l he f orc5t from \ 1ckncs'> and st arva t1on, o f present hLtngc r and need - ye t n1ost o f t hc111 have a note o f vie lory whi ch rejoice the he,1rt . Pa'i to Luk ,, was th rice ,ttt acked by the Jeuncs c for he lping n1e e\cape ant uc'ipa1red of his life - but on al three occa ion he was m1racul ou(i l • de li vered . Both Luke and Zachariac left n1embers o f their famiJie burie in the fore t , but ·ti ] I they can sa v 4 'We glor y in tribu la ti on f 0 1 ( "hri t 's ake." In a letter from t ht Bible School tudent igned by three of them they ask me to r eturn tc Mangungu. They report th at God ha\ graciously pared the live of a l eighteen of them though K aheta lef1 three little graves in the fore t. Fo, my encouragement and their the~ give two cript ure reference : I Peter 4: 12- 19 and I John 5:4, 5. ( Plea e look them up and read for your elf. ) They also r eport th at the oldier~ killed the two men who shot at us Thi · new made me feel ad for we were praying for the salvation o f tho ·e who murdered I rene. God is Sovereign o torn1 y wind continue t o fulfill Hi order in the live of H i children. rfh ough there i calm for a time we know that we have not attained. T he wind will continue to blow, beari ng u ever nearer to our desired Haven. OLlr Homel and in heaven where we ha ll see our blessed Saviour face to face - then these ' 'dying bodie of our hall be ch anged into gloriou~ bodi e like His own." ' 'It will be worth it all when we see Jesus." A RADIO PROGRAM WITH WORLD-WIDE OUTREACH! " Bib le Tract Echoes" no t on– ly mi n isters to a large radio audience daify, but promotes Paul Levin free distribution of gospel lite ratu re a round t he world. Write to– day f or s ta tion list and sample tracts. BIBLE TRACTS, INC• • Box 508, Dept . 8106, Waterloo, Iowa 59?04 THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST