The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1966

Hebron Association Holds Annual Meeting l "he Hebron A ociation hel<l it~ 19th Annual Fall n1eet1ng. ..eptembcr I 6th at the Berea Bapti l hurch . Berea. Ohio. Re, . Earl Willetts wa~ he ho t pa tor. Gue t peaker for the day v\ a. l{ev. Erne t Pickering of the Bible Bapti ·t Church . Kokon10. Indiana. The then1e for the er\ 1 ice · of the day was HRe– lig1ou Trend of the Da 1 .' Brother Pickering ·poke \ery capably on the '-iUb ject · H 1 eo-Orthodox)'," " eo– E, angel1cali n1' ' and HThe ev\' Mor– alit ,1." - In the afternoon eparate e ·ion~ \\ere held for the ladie · and the n1en. fhe ladie di cu ed the ·ubject of .. i\:1is ion .'' The n1en, in their meet– ing, held a panel di cu sion concern– ing the i sue of the day pre ented 10 Dr. Pickering· me sage . Extra feature~ included exceptional ~pec1al mu 1c and ong leading under the leader hip of Rev. Lynn Roger of orthfield . There was a book table "''h1ch contained recommended ma– terial by Dr . Pickering, as well a printed matter from the American ' ouncll of Christian hurche5. Tape5 were made of all the ~e551on~. Should anyone desire to obtain any of the e, contact Rev. Lynn Roger . State Rd . o. 82 at Boyden, orth– i1eld. Ohio - 44067. This "'' a~ a profitable <lay! A noon 111eal. which afforded a t1n1e o l fel– lowship. ""as provided by the ]adie, of the church. Hebrew & Christian Society Baptist Mid-Mis ions · cstimony to Israel In level and Ohio * * * Presenting Christ to the Jew by e,'ery means \\ l1icl1 ti111e and stewardship \\ 1 il1 afford . * * Working for the church with the church and through the church. Founded by Rev . Howard Kramer now in its 25th year . R . L I nd Crott , o ·r ctor 4205 Ch ter Avenue Cl I nd , Ohio 44103 Increase in 0.8.B.C. Faculty Mi · aJerie Wil on ha rece11tly Joined the facult y at O.B.B.(' . in the field of Christian Education. ' he hold · a B.R .E. degree f ro1n Bapti t Bible en1inary in John ·on ity, .Y. and a 1.R.E. degree f ron1 outh– we tern Bapti t Theological Se111inary in Fort Worth, Texas. Mr. Robert lark, ( 'hairn1an of the hri tian Ed. Dept . is pre ·ent I y on a one year ' leave-of-absence in pLtr– ~uance of a doctoral progran1 at Colorado State ollege. Greeley, Col. Rev. John Pol on ha been added to the taff of 0.B.B. . in the De– partn1ent of Public Relations. Northfield Reports orthfield Baptist ( ' hurch ~hare these tati tical report at the end of it fi cal year : (Sept. 30). J. An 8.5% increa ·e in church membership ; 2. A 23 .2 % increase in Bible-carry– ing prayer meeting attender . (Thi i due to the Thur ·day n1orning prayer meeting set up for ·h ift workers): '. J .5 < ( 'chool 314.6): llCCI CH'>'-.: attendance lll lltlLIH\ ,; l326.l to .+. 24.8 £ l incrt!a~e i11 1111 1011\ giving (Lip to $12,935.39): and 5. A 9<1 increa e in total giving (tip to 56,933.57). fh e chttrch ha been holding regLt– lar ·er ices ·eventeen years. official– ly organized for fifteen year . Re\. Lynn Roger · ha ' co111plete<l thirteen year a it pa tor. Rally Day Service The Fir t Bapti t ' httrch, tJal1011 ob erved Rall y Da 1 on ept. 25th. A goal of 200 in attendance v. ,\ CA– ceeded. Mi and y Kiri it · of orth– field wa · the gue t ·peaker to the Sunday chool a en1bly. Dr. Robert Ryer e of Bapti ' t Mid-Mis 100~ wa'> the speaker for the ·ervice of the day. Rev. Wilfred Booth, pa ·tor of the church, al o report · that on Tue ·day . ept. 27th, the church wa ' ho ·t t<.) the Sou th Bethel Women' Mi ionar) Fellow hip. Fifteen churche · \: ere repre ented with approxin1atel 100 delegate in attendance. A n10 ·t i11- tere ting program had been arrang d THE WRONG KEV IN TH IS CONNECTION! ' ' • • . • l • • :- .. , ... ,;, . '-'j , "' • ""' \ . ~ Q· ave . ,.,,. .. • :~ I - ~ I -~ . • I . .... "'\--.. . ' \ - 'J '•t' ... •• • '· ·. ~ ';\ ~ • • ra a • . . , ·, . . .. ,,,.. · .. ~. .: .... • . ',,,,. . . ..... ~ .. ,, . · ...... · . ' "' . . ':. . v., ' . . : ,..,,~· .. .. , .. ,. -. . -~·;J• • I • ,A-· I I I d b 1 11111 ~ll n of un la