The Ohio Independent Baptist, September 1967

On Our Front Cover ., a r>icture of a beautiful church. hi is the Fir t Bapti t Church o:.- -1alion, Ohio T pre ent pa tor i le,. \Vilfred B') th. I . 1 a lov;ly difice ideall)' !oca ..ed at the r; orner ,f 1arket and Gru:1t treet in re i– Jential Galion. Historical Background The first recorded bt1sines meeting ,f the Fir t Baptist Church of Galion a held on January 14th, 1859. It 'a organized later under the date ,f December 27th. I 859. as a branch ,f th~ Bloomfield, Jater named Bloom– ng Grove Church, in the Mohican Japtist Association. It fir t pa tor served from 186 I hrough 1 86-t.. The building erected t that time remained intact until 897. Its fir t Daily Vacation Bible chool ( t 920) the f1 r t one ever e)d in C,allon. had an enrollment of 06 proving itse lf to be a real ucce s. n 1925 one of it members was ranted a license to preach. Thi s was e first time, a tar a records go, at thi s Y\'a done. In February of 945 the church entered into a re– giou -edt1cation program which wa e1ng in tituted in the alion chool } te nil a11d i ti]l continued . In 946 tl1e church voted unanin1ou ly l witl1dra"' all connections froin the orthern Baptist onvention, the h,o la te llapti t on\ 1 cntion and e Mansfield A ociation. 111e pa tor wa in tructed to make arrangement for the church to affiliate with the Ohio Independent Bapti t fellow hip and the Genera] A ociation of Regu– lar Bapti t churches. The church wa ar;cepted into the e fellow hip in ~1JV of J 947. Continued Growt h Brother Booth began hi mini try at Galion in July of 1949. ince that time, even young people have com– pleted Bible School or Seminary train– ing and five couple are now in pastorates. Many improvement were made on the old building, however. when opportunities presented them- elves that made it feasible to relo– cate, property was purcha ed at the corner of North Market and Grant Street . The old North chool build– ing located at thi place was up for auction. The church voted to purch– ase it, as well as, the Helfrich e tate which adjoined th i property. T he land was then cleared and in time the pre ent tructure wa erected. Ground wa broken in At1gust of 1962. This new building co t approxi- 111ately $200,000.00. It i a very Io, ely building having excellent edu– cational f acilitie and a n10 t attrac– tive anctuary. There i off- treet parking for approxin1ateI 1· 40 car . If } 'OU are eve r near Galion, you 111u t drop b 1 and ee it for yoL1r elf! That vvhich n1ake a cht1rch trtl1)' attractt\C are the pct)pl c in it . It \\-a\ }'Ot1r cd1lo1 ' ~ pr1\ 1lege . along \\' tth II • • or hip th Lord i th b uty of hol in • II VOL. 39, NO. 10 SEPTEN\BER, 1967 Brother Howard Andru from La Grange, to hold a week of meeting recent ly in the Galion church. Every– one there . . . pa tor and people . . . were mo t ho pitable. We had a preciou time! Rev . Wilfred Booth Brother Booth i a graduat of the Penn ylvania Bibl In titut and the Ph iladelphia Bib]e College in Phila– delphia, Penna. He erved pr viou~ pa torate b th in Penn 1, ania and ew Jere)'. He ha be n at hi \\Ork in alion for 1 :) ,,ear . Hi con\ r - ., ion wa n1o ~t t1ntl 'U,ll in that h ga\c ht\ heart to C hr1 t at a funeral l; f\ - 1cc ! l he Bt1oth hJ e ,t on Dl)n,Jld . l\\ o dat1ghter~ la111e and C 41ro l. Word of Life Leadership Conference l ,t \ l n1ontl1 a ,1 a(l \\ ct\ rt111 i11 l l1e Ol1io lnLiepcr1ticnt Bnp11,t reg~11<l1ng 1t1c \\' l't"i o t l ...1 11 ' l11st1tt1t' )f I ~l!n l.. ~dll ~r~l1 iJ) . rl l1i s is tt) b ' 11~1 I ·:11 C \;; cl a rv i 11 > 11 e g\;; . Sept e 111 l1l r I - - I 6 \V, t>t1 ts t a 11 ling l l1 ristia 11 l .... 'all 'r~ ,,i ll I,· taki ng l)ai l 1n tl1 is Jll1~·,,l>r Ih c , ll l r. 1 ~ t' l)r ,n ·f 1 n- n c I c 1111)l , ti ,tta n >t>ll ·,, I nn .it11(i f I . \\ dl'r "'"l1 \\ it:r l (J I t ll I , ar ll HJlti t l1t1 r t1 I ,, 111g t ) Jl I c 11 t u11..: k . 1) d st ,r , , l l It 11 I e d i e r , t n LI }l rJ lldll \ \ Orkcl' <. f t }l l l ~d }1 ltll 11 I ii n 11 , 1 t 11 Iing t 11 c s 1 11 • I f l 11 t e I t: S t , 11 I f I I l I J r a (l ll I t S r- \ " 11 Jl f l Ill t : l i . 11 l I ll t t I , 1 ,ri t l,1, 7 . EPTEMB R 1967 PAG