The Ohio Independent Baptist, April 1967

Council of Ten The members of the Council of Ten for our Ohio Associ ation o f Regular Bap tist Churches will meet this month - April 24 and 25 i:i t he Emmanuel Baptis t Church, Toledo Ohio. Rev. D onald Sewell is host p astor. Men's Retreat At Camp Patmos May 25, 26 and 27 Last year we h ad a wonderful time al the Men's Retreat which was held at beautiful Scioto Hills. This year i t will be even better! FIRST - n ote the change of d ates. They a re Ma:y 25. 26 a:id 27. The R etreat will , begin Thursday noon and continue through Saturday noon. I t eemed that more me:1 preferred h aving i t earlier in the year! SECON D note the change of p lace. I t is to be held at Camp Patmos. The accommod a– tions there are very good. THIRD - note who they've obtained as speaker - DR. ROBERT T . K ETCHAM! Th is, in itself, should make every man in our fellowship want to at– Lend. You can ' t get better Bible teach ing anywhere! Alo,g with his Bible mes age , Dr . Ketcham wi ll have omething to ay conce~ning hi recent journey a round the wo rld. 1 he cost is but $10.00. We en– =ourage you to end your money right Vt'ay to Rev. D ea n Henry, M 'S ~ J<. AT Regi t rar, Brow:, ~t Bap- j t hulich , 541 Brown St . Akron , hio - 44311 . J\Kr 1 0 ::Jiurch h aving five f r, R A an attend ... RE..-! O HIS! Any 111en attend ing the . . . the ir p a t r More Subscriptions! We are pleased to repor t that some of our churches are taking on the EVERY ACTIVE FAMILY PLAN. This r ate is $1 .15 p er year per mem– ber. Why not have YOU R church to o ubscribe? Our prayer is for 3000 ubscribers by the end of 1967. We could do it easily if everyone would jo in in and help! SUBSCRIBE for a f rie:id - today! Dr. Paul Jackson in Ohio Dr. P au l Jackso n , Natio nal Repre- enta tive of our GARBC, will be speaking a t the Blessed H ope Bapti t Church, Spri:1gfield, on Sund 1 ay morn– ing April 16. In the evening o f the ame day he will mini ster at the Ma ra natha Baptist Church , Spr ing– field. On Mo nday throu gh Wednes– day, April 17-19, he wi ll be peaki ng at the ch apel ser vice he ld i n Cedar– viJle College . His mi ni try, we are conf ide:it will be a ble sing to all . Hebrew-Christian Conference A trictly H ebrew- hri tian Mi - ·ionary Confe rence wi ll be held at t he Berea Bapti t Church Apri l 16-19. Speaker wi ll i:1clude Dr. Mo e Git– lin, Mi F lore:ice H agen, Ro n Huth . Rev. G. mel er, Rev. Paul Tidba ll and Rev. Leeland rott . Dr. and Mr . Gitlin h ave ju t recently r e– turned from a 27 day vi it to I rael. The film ' Let My People Go" will be h own o n Monday eveni:ig, Apr il 17. Thi s filn1 h a to do wi th the re tora tio n of I ra J a a n, tio:1. Rev arl Willetts, pa to r of the cht1 rch , e tend a we lcome everyone to [ tt tend . MOHI C AN TRAIL C AMP 278 Acres of La es, Woods and Rec, eation Areas -acilities for 300 Can1pers - Fully Staffed Con1e or a Retreat, Conference or Family Can1p Canoeing, Swimmi,19, Horseback Ri cli,19 a 11 , t it11 a '°°' 11ri tia11 1-:: n,7111n i Writ for a FR older Bo 725, Man f ie ld , Ohio - 44901 H OHIO I OEP ND Nl BAPTI VOL. 39, NO. 6 APRIL, 1967 OARBC Pastoral Changes Just before sending our copy to the printer we Jearned of a few more changes m ade in our OARBC fellow– hip. If yot1're endeavoring to keep your Oh io Directory up to date, then note t he following. . . No. 6 Rev. Melvin E. Moore 3155 E lmo St. Ch a:ige 1 this to read . . . Vacant No. 60 Rev. Joh n M . Warren Change thi to read .. Vacant No. 93 Rev. Guy A. Reed Box No. 288 (mai l ) Change th i to read . . . Vacant N o . 99 Rev . John Weyant 615 Wa h ington Ave. Box No. 6 (mail) Cha nge th i to read . . Vacant No. 148 Rev. We Jey D. mith 5202 Ku zmaul. N. W. Change th i to read . . . Vacant CLEVELAND HEBREW MISSION INC. Founded 1904 Witnessing to Jews in Cfeveland, Ohio; Sao Paulo and Rio de Jane iro, Brazil. The largest s taff in the history of the Miss ion augmented by a radio ministry at home a nd abroad, and a ma iling ministry in the United S1ates a nd a b road. Presenting Christ to our lord 's b rethren b y v isitat ion, Bible classes, correspond– e nce courses and literature . Staff members are happy to visit churches in the sp irit of Acts 15 :4 to p resent the w ork of the Miss ion through Insp irationa l reports and by colored slides. " Brethren , my (our} heart ' de ire dnd prayer to God for l~rael is, that they might be saved." Wri te for your free copy of " The Trumpe ter for Israel" our quarterly n1ag.. azine devoted to the w ork of Jew i h evangelism. Gerald V. me l~er, Sup t. Cleveland Heb rew Mi ion P. O . Bo 18056 Cle ve land, O h io 44118 APRIL, 1967 PAGE