The Ohio Independent Baptist, March 1968

JOHl\ 1 R. ALLE ncerning hi alvation Brother llen \\'rite . . . ' 'Being brought up in a Bible preaching church I had taken the go pel for granted until at 14 , ,ear of age, I realized I had J ne, 1 er made my own deci ion. " How important that we impress our child– ren with thi truth. They mu t de– cide for Chri t ... fo r the,nselves! The Lord led our brother to s tudy for the mini try at Baptist Bible eminary in John on City, ew York. He graduated from there in 1951. Thi wa back prior to the time of their granting degree . He has had three pa torates. His fir t was the Fall Baptist Church, F all \ Penna. ext he served at the Fir t Bapti t Church, New York and has for the pa t ix y.ear been at the Trinity Bapti t Church in Lorain, Ohio. While in ew York State, he al o taught at the Elohim Bible In- titute. The Allen have four children. They are David - 16, Paul - 14, Ruth - 8, and Elizabeth - 6. There has been a steady healthy growth at Trinity Baptist. The church has a beautiful auditorium. Adjacent property h as been purcha ed which is now the par onage. There have been many additions to the church membership. Truly the Lord is bless– ing this work! Editor's Note: Woi-d has jut reached us that Brother Allen has accepted a call to the Evergreen Bapti t Church, 1ichigan City, Ind. We dislike los– ing him from our OARBC fellow hip but are confident the Lord will give him a good mini try there! MARCH, 1968 PAGE 4 T. WE LEY BLI S A.B., M.R.E. Have you ever noticed the many different way the Lord uses rt:o reach tho e whom He would call unto Him– self? This young man along with 30 others . . . the closing night of an Evangeli tic Campaign ... opened his heart to the Lord. He was but a teenager at the time. However, he was one that en ed his need and accepted the Chri t! Hi training for Chri tian service was gained a t Bob Jones U n.iver ity Wayne burg College and Temple Baptist Theological Seminary. While in S,eminary he pastored the Plea ant Grove Bapti t Church. He directed Youth for Christ groups in Kan a City and Miami , Florida. He erved as A i tant Pastor in the Emmanuel Bapti t Church of Toledo, Ohio Minister of Youth and Vi ita– tion at Cedar Hill Baptist Cleveland Ohio and ince November of 1966 has pastored the Pine Hill Bapti t Church, Columbus, Ohio. Brother B1i erves on the O.A. - R.B.C. Youth Committee. He is an officer of the Ea t Moriah Associa– tion and i it Youth Director. Rev. and Mrs . Bli s have two children. They are Thomas Gregory - 5, and Amy Joy - 3. Mr . Bli has tudie<l at B.J.U. and Grand R apid Bapti t Bible College . GEORGE W. 0 KEEFE - " It wa following a Watch- igh ervice. Everyone else had gon, home. My pastor, Rev. Baxter A Whitten talked with me alone. W( were tanding on the back porch o the parsonage. There it was that received Chri t ! ' Thank God f o tho e pastors who never give up! I i not just the preaohing from th• pulpit . . . but, oh so often, th· pe1sonal contact, that really counts Christian training for the minist~ was gained at the Baptist Bible Seminary from which he graduate< in 1943. He has pastored at the Spartans burg Baptist Church, Spartansburg Penna. and the Calvary Baptis Church. Clendenin, West Virginia For the pa t 13 years, he has minis tered at the Brook ide Baptist Church even Hills, Cleveland, Ohio. Rev. and Mrs . 0 Keefe have fou children. They are Becky - age 23 She i a graduate of Cedarville Col lege. Then, there i Beth - 19. Sh( i n ow attending Cedarville College The remaining two are Tim - 1: and Kathy - 6. The Lord is prospering His worl. at Brookside. A special ' 'Five Yea1 Plan" which began in 1963 will bt consumated thi year. During thi~ time there has been an increase ir attendance and additions the mort gage has been greatly reduced. ~ weekly broadcast inauguDated , specia erv ice held in rest homes, mi sion' and the like. Four men from th< church have been licen ed to go pe mini trie . Su b scribe to: $2.00 per year The Ohio Independent Baptist FOR A NEIGHBOR Box 160 Xenia , Ohio 45385 THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPT ISl