The Ohio Independent Baptist, March 1968

t 1J Know Your Council of Ten Rev. Harold R. Green Rev. Harold R . Green joined your ouncil of Ten at our Fall onfer- ence la t October. He i pre ently t,he pasitor of the Faith Baptist Church in Greenville, Ohio. Hi s wa the privilege to be rai ed in a hri tian home. It was at a Sttnday morning ervice in the Fir t B1pti t Church of Wellington Ohio . . . back in 1939 thcl!t he came to k n,ow Christ as hi own per onal aviour . Dr. M . E. H awki ns, past p·ne-·ident o f Baptist Mid-Mi ions wa the pecial speaker for that day. Later, being led of the Lord, 1he trained at Bapti t Bible Seminary, gradu at ing from the five year course, receiving a Th .B. degree. H e has erved as pa tor of the Fall Bapt ist Church , Falls Penna. the Aetna Baptist Church , Gary, In- VOL. 40, NO. 5 MARCH, 1968 diana and for the past nine years in GreenvilJe, Ohio. Brother G reen is mo,st active in promoting the cioto Hills Carmp program and currently serves as one of its trustee . Rev. and Mr . Green have four children. They are Janet - age 14, Kathy - age 12, Dann - age 10 and Larry - age 7. The work at Greenville is being hies ed of the Lord. Hope are that a .new educational unit will be built in the spring of thi year. The great– e t ble ing i the n,ew converts to Chri t. Not only are folk being aved but they are growing j n the Lord. We believe that Brother Green will prove a va1uab le member of your Council of Ten. ' 'Not A s h a m ·e d ! '' Embarrassment ha happened to tll of us at sometime in our life. I now that I h all never forget my !mbarrassment at a party while I vas on my first date with the girl vho is now my wife. My how I >lushed when a picture of me at 4 rears of age with long blond curls vas flashed on the screen! But em– ,>arrassment and being ashamed- are 1ot necessaril y the ame. Sha·me, omeo ne has said , is moral emotion - like blushing at the fear of dis– ~race; or a ~trong moral response to NTong done by others. Paul tells fimothy, ' 'Be not thou therefore iShamed of the tec;timony of our ..ord." I Timothy 1 : 8. The Apoc;tle 1sed the word ' 'a hamed' ' many time~. et us recall three (>f the~e ver\cc; hat ane very vital to us t ()d ay. Profession Fir t - Not asl1a111ecl of t/1e JJ1<J– t'ssio11 . ,,he tcstirnony of faith is an tr~a where \.\'C all fail for fear of Ii grace. A "}'oung sailor who 11 ad cently acce1,ted J1 rist pt1t a sign lVer hi l1t111k saying, ' l l1ave ,tc- HE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST by Harold R. Green cepted Christ, h ave you?" When asked if it caused him embarras ment he replied , " I need to tart out right or I might never tart." How true! Many h ave never started becau e of fear of embarrassment. Person econdly - Not asha11ied of tl1e Person. Paul again tel l Timothy, "I am not ashamed for I know whom I have believed." I Timothy 1: 12. I believe if we are ashamed to make an open profession of faith we are truly saying I am a barned of the Person of hrist. How trange it j s that we often boast that we know some great preacher, statesman, or athlete personally, but arc a hamed to n1en ti on 1he King of King . We ~ht) uld he like the yot1ng preacher wl10 n1atlc a me of his firc.;t . ern1on anll w,ts ,tcco~tecl t,y a helpft1l hri <s tian wi th the fo llowing sta tc111c11t · " Y'.ou ot1ght to l1e a ham d !''. to which he rep ltecl , " I n111, l1t1 t not of ( ' J1ri s t." 011 to l1c lik Pa l1l nncl or> n– J , clcclarc 1J1at '"' " glory in th\! Cf')S C)f' f1rist. a11tf tC) kJl(l\\' fJiJll , \\ h\r was P aul not aS'hame<l of the Person of Chri t? I believe we will fi nd the an wer in the third verse. Power In Roman l : 16, Paul a id " I am not ashamed of the go pel for it i the power of God unto alvation.' Not asl1a111ed of tl1 e Po1,ver. He had experienced the n1ighty regeneration of the Holy pirit whi ch completel)' ttirned him about and set him on a new cour e. How can we be a han1ed of a power that changed u from lave of in to Son of God? We rejoice in th , ecurity of ", ho- oever believeth on Hin1 hall not be a han1ed." Ron1an 10: 11. Becat1 we are hid in hri t anc.l have Hi righte Lt ne w are ct1r . Bt1t w \hot1 ld a]<;o ren1 n1ber that ace re.I i n ~ to I John 2 :28 , e n1 a, be a\ha111ctJ at 1-11~ Ct)n1ing if. in ttr (iail ..... life. \.\C hn\c hccn n"ha111eti t'f th J>r of C\\iun <)1 Fat th , the 1 1 crS\)t1 f hri\l, or tht.: Po\, 1 t:r (>t (,t) l. lt b .._ ht)O\C\ ll S to foll()\\' tht: ,\({111 )Jliti )0 t)f P L1t1l to ' .._ tll(IV to ~llt)\\ ' )ltrs l\'(' ar>1) rc,, eel t111tc) < ,tJtl , a ,, rk111a11 tl1at ntecletl1 tl)t l tl l,e asl1a111e"I." MARCH, 1968 PAGE 3