The Ohio Independent Baptist, April 1968

,~ ' 1 Pastoral Changes Throughout our State Fellowship A number of changes are being n1ade in our OARBC fellows 1 hip. We lis.t here tho e of which we are cog– nizant. We would ·aippreciate it iif $. our churches would keep us informed ~o that we might give each one equal recognition. '~ Rev. David McClain is Ieav,ing the Avon Bapti t Church, Avon, Ohio. Brother McClain h a ac,eepted a call ,1 to serve wi,th the B,aptist Bible Seminary. Rev. Dale E. Fisher is now pa tor– i ng the Highview Avenue Bapti t Church in Akron. Rev. John Allen h as re igned from the Trinity Bapti t Church in Lorain, n Ohio, to accept a cai)l to the Ever– green Bapti t Ohurch, Mich1igan City, fndiana. Rev. John D. Yardlay has com– pleted his work at North Jackson and 1s now serving at the Grace Bapti t Church in Troy, Ohio. Rev. Marvin Werbeach has accep- , ted a call to the Independent Baptist Church of North Jackson, Ohio hav– ing resigned his pasto,r,ate at New Lyme, Ohio. Rev. Robert D . McCarthy i now serving in Winston-Salem, N. Caro- lina having re igned from his work -at the Washington Hts. Baptist Church in Day>ton, Ohio. Dr. Arthur Williams is now serving as Interim Pastor at the Washington Hts. Ohurcb. Dr. Otis Holmes has resigned his work at the Temple Baptiist Church in Portsmouth, Ohio to accept a call to a work in North Charle ton, South Carolina. Rev. Donald Be;g/ztol is now min– istering at 1he West Side Baptist hurch in Lorain, Ohio. Rev. Edward Hamilton has been called to mini ter at the Harmony Baptist hurcl1 in Fulton, Ohio. Rel'. J>o,,a/(/ acccpte<f a calf Ba1,tist l1t1rcJ1 H. MacKenzie J1as to ~>astot the irst f I...ondo11, Ohio. THE OHJO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST VOL. 40, NO. 6 APRIL, 1968 SHEPHERDS WORKSHOP & RALLY Saturday, April 20, 1968 at FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 10204 Ravenna Road Twinsburg, Ohio WORKSHOP SESSION 2:30 P.M. HOW TO ESTABLISH AND TEACH A SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS FOR RETARDED CHILDREN . DEMONSTRATION CLASS, BY STAFF AND CH ILDREN FROM SHEPHERDS. Area Rally - 7:30 P.M. FEATURING BOYS AND GIRLS FROM SHEPHERDS HOME & SCHOOL NO ADMISSION EVERYONE WELCOME Sponsored by - PLAN NOW TO ATTEND SHEPHERDS, INC. The Regular Bapti st Agency for the Mentally Retarded This Could Be Fun! How would you like tlo get awa,y from it all on a quiet i land ... do a little iheailthy physical work . . . spend some ti·me in quiet prayer and medit,a– tion . . . maJbe it ion a rock or in a boat hoping to enitice a fish to take bait ... AFTER THE CHORES ARE DONE? Well, you can have much more than 1 thi wirt•hout spending a cent, if you will contri,bute your time, effor,t and talents at Camp Patmo Work Week starting May 27th. Ye, much more in good Chri tian Fellow– ship . . . Good Food . . . and, above a]l a ,real opportunity rto erve your Christ by preparin,g faci lities for evangelizing our y,oung people and winning them for Christian Service a nd Christian Livin,g. While all of us may not be good salvation salesmen as we would like to be, there are things to do to help t,ho e who are! There are many, many con ecrated ouls who either accepted Christ as per onal aviour, while enjoying the warm fellowship of other young va– cationer at Camp Patmos or were o trong1y convicted there that they later conver,ted their conviotion to action. Young soul need uch to– getherne and piPituat lead r h 1 ip today more than ver in thi in– cr a<; ingly apo~f ate an<l demor.alized atllJl f>a 1 n1tl · 11cell s tl1c pray r, phy ical and material a i tance you may be able to upply, if you are a lititle more ,t 1 han 'ALMOST PER– SUADED." Won't you seriou ly con- ider doing more than ju t "wi hing well" the few dedicated helpers thi year? Year after year ome lay·men ar– range to pend ome of their vaca– tion time during Work Week at Patmo . . . it' fun, helpful and u e– ful in the Lord' Service. Becau e of thi volunteer a i tance, which i not without real dividends to the donor , the camp fee are 1Jower than at mo t camps. More ,than u ual help i needed ,thi yea r becau e o f new major improvement that have been planned for some time. GOOD! We thought you'd like to come. after thinking it over! We'll sure be glad to ee you there! ow! here' what you d,o . . . Bring blanket or Jeeping bag. \\'Ork cloth , your Bible, your aimbition, and, Oh y !, your f i hing g ar. Yo11 don't need to call or writ to any ne . . . to fill in any form or application r pnv any regi tration fee .. . jt1 .. t come! h C'an1p al h t1 real ne d f a GOOD ""R I E BIJE B S .111(.i a TWO-WHF I Tl-1l"f ['R II.;ER. If ot1 ca n a~c;1,t in "t1pr>l 1i11g the ~. r>I ac;c co11tact 1-IE I..,DO FISHbR . t ) 186 ~<) . Bo<l11e R0ntl , )lt1n1llia (~ 16) 23G-.l3 15 . APRIL, 1968 PAGE 3