The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1968

Excellent Principles For Running A Church Recently I was handed a booklet hat is distributed by the largest de– >artment store in town to its em– >1o)rees. Although prepared for the >urpose of effecting a smooth busi- 1ess operation. it nevertheless con- ains some excellent principles for he effective functioning of a church. 3elo\.v are some excerpts and com– nents cho en with reference to the ~eneral membership of the church: l. LOY ALTY First of all we ,vould like to instill a spirit of loy– tlt)' into the hearts of every person n our organization. Loyalty is the nost valuable asset we can have. Amen! This department store stress– 'S first and foremost what many ·hr,rch members count as non-essen– ial. In relation to the church, truly, 'lo) 1 alty is the most valuable asset ve can have." 2. GOOD MANNERS No one bing creates a better impression than ~ood manners, and no better way !Xis ts for making friends for your .elf and for the house than by the lisplay of good manners. Co1,ld this possibly be true in a ·hurch as ~,ell? 3. ,OURTESY Patient considera– ion i~ of prime importance, it is a 1. 1 ay into the hearts of those we erve and immediate! y creates good ill. TJ1is virtz,e shot1ld 11ot be reserved olel}' for tl1e use by depart1nent tore clerks! 4. 1 A . -Observe the rules )f busine s decoru111 and neatness of ir s and person. R' e ,.,;// rwr of fe11d by conf or,ning o tl1e abo11e r1,le Tl1e san1e can- "lOt be said if 1~1e do ,,or. 5. . .... r"'nOCK - no your tock. ake it your busi- to n "'' \fl T}rthing po ible o ll1 t , c n tal int J- o ) u ton rs. ,,, ' ' 10 Ii ' ' 1 l1e Jl 1 ord of JOd. tlO 1 it in 1/1 lzead, to i' it i11 tJ1e I o i t it i11 tl1 lif a11d o i ' 11 ~ I . ;; ( T/1e· fol/01:ving excerpts are especial– ly applicable to officers and teach– ers:) 6. Know every day what i being adverti ed throughout the store. Read our ads. The staff of our Church and Sun– day School shoztld know abotlt spec– ial days, progra,ns, functions , etc. Make it yoi,r business to be infor,n– ed a,zd to inforn1 others. 7. Know where every department in the store is located. A periodic tour of our educational facilities lvoi1/d be e·n/ightenirig. 8. Store open at 9 :30 a.m. for cus– tomers. Report to your department early enough to be ready to start work at 9: 30 o'clock. Sunday School begins at 9: 45 . Report to your department no later than 9: 30 a.rri. arid be· ready to teach. 9. In case of absence notify our of– fice immediately by phone or mes– senger. The Sitnday School Superintend– ents would say, "Please do!'' 10. You are directly responsible to your department bead. That's good business procedure 11. You will immediately report to the office any change of name, ad– dre s or telephone. Good records can be 1nain tained 011ly if tl1ere is good cooperation. Every riame, address atzd telephone is 1,1,orth gold to its. '·B OT SLOTHFUL IN BU I- F RV NT IN PIRIT: ER– V! G TH -< LORD." • • . J. Don Jennings VOL. 41, NO. 1 NOVEMBER, 1968 A Word From Your Editor • • • If this i ue arrive a bit late. it is simply because we ran into a few problems here and there. One thing that happened wa Mr . 1offat falling and breaking everal bone in her foot. As I write thi . we are in Beck– ley, West Virginia where I am min– istering at the Mt. Tabor Bapti t Church. Loi is in bed with her leg in a cast. be has to wear the ca t for at lea t six weeks. Thi will take us on into early December. Your mo t earnest prayer in our behalf would be greatly appreciated. \Vhen we went to Cleveland for our OARBC Conference, we had only 2850 (approximately) ub criber to The Ohio Independent Bapti t. Ho\\'– ever, by the end of the Conference, we pas ed. the 3000 mark nee again. While at the conference ,ve en– couraged pastor to have their church- sub cribe to ' bundle lots" for their church . If each church in ur OARBC fello\\ hip \.\·ould order a bundle of 30 copi (thi \\ould t $30.00 for the )' a.r - an a, rage f les than fifty- even cents a ,,,e k) . . . we would be pr;inting n1or than 5000 copie of che 0.1.B. i l month. ome of our n1aller cbur he" \\Ould not ha, e n ed of 30 c pies . . . but 111e \\ ottld be al1lc to u e 111a n , 111o re. \ HY 01 "' uG l~ THI~ 'f 'O YO R l-I R ' H - 0\\ 1 '? \\1 0 rouR PR T R ! '' r ... ai t /1 i.\' aii 1 ak e11etl b)' t /1 , MESSAGE, a11( / 1 J1 e MESSAGE 1/1a1 r1lvt1ke11.\' i, co111es t l 1rrJ11{!l1 tl1e Jf 1 or<I of l1r i.,·1' ' - Ronaun lO : 17 ( .E . ll .) Coul on hephe1d 1 founder 'J'he IE 'SitGE 1 0 J H. )t l~L p1og1a111 ha bee,, ,,, o /a1111111g (Jo, /' ,nel age to Gofl's 1,eo1,le J,01 o, e, 30 , ea,.s (Jll 111cJ1e 1/1a11501ad10 1n11011 10- o, r a11 I 111f<>1r1g1111at1011 • 1a11J Je,,s ha, e been ,each cl /01 hr1r;1 rh, Jugh the, 1</10 11IIIIISII l a11d bJ Ill 11/. o, I f)Oll le,,c Ollr es a11 J 1,e, onal "o, k Ii ,, fle1, ~,,,/ on o,J 111,l the p, 11 e1/11/ steu a, ilh11, of 11 is r,eople. encl /01 a /1ee JfJJ of 0111 111/o,111a11, 111aga.... 111e, \f e 1ge 10 J , 1e/ BR, 1 68