The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1968

GIFTS TO THE OHIO ASSOCIATION )avid Dye, Treas. 12 North Roys Avenue :olumbus, Ohio 43204 SEPTEMBER, 1968 , von Baptist $ erea Baptist erean Baptist, Oregon C!thel Bapt ist, Toledo ethe l Baptist, Warren ethlehem Baptist, Cleveland ible Baptist, Girard ible Bapt ist, Grove City (hon.) ibfe Ba ptist, North Madison lible Mission Baptist, Reynoldsburg llessed Hope Baptist, Springfield · ookside Baptist, Cleveland Srown Street Baptist, Akron :alvary Baptist, Bellefontaine :alvary Baptist, Broadview Heights :alva ry Baptist, Broadview Hts. (hon. ) : afva ry Baptist, Massillon :alvary Baptist, Norwalk : alvary Baptist, Salem : alvary Baptist, Sandusky : alvary Baptist, Tiffin :alvary Baptist, Xenia : edar Hill Baptist, Cleveland :haffe, Stuart L., Xenia : lintonville Baptist, Columbus ·mmanuef Baptist, Lorain :mmanue l Bapt ist, Toledo ·mma nuel Ba ptist, Xenia uc lid Ave. Baptist, Lorain uclid-Nottingham Baptist, Euclid vansv ill e Baptist, NHe s a ith Ba ptist , Greenv ille a it h Bapt ist, Niles (hon. ) a it h Ba ptist, Novelty ' Jith Ba ptist , Stre etsboro irst Ba pt ist , Bla nch ester irst Ba pt ist , Bowl ing Green irst Ba ptist, Galion irst Ba ptist, Ga ll ipol is ir$t Ba pt ist , Lancaster irst Ba pt ist, Ri t tma n 5.00 35.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 60.00 25.00 20.00 35.00 50.00 5.00 10.00 25.00 10.00 25.00 25.00 15.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 5.00 120.00 10.00 10.00 20.00 25.00 45.00 20.00 50.00 5.00 20.00 32.00 2.00 22.50 30.00 20.00 25.00 70.00 10.00 30.00 Willowick Church Recognized A Recognition Council composed of 14 pastors and messengers met recently at the Fir t Bapti t Church of Willowick, Ohio (Pastor Rev. L. Clifton Miller) and gave unanimous a pproval to recognizing the church a a duly constituted Baptist Church. R ev. P aul chenck, South Eucl id, erved a Moderator and Rev. Roland P. Globig, orth M adison, as Clerk of the Cou ncil. First Baptist, Strongsville First Baptist, Stryker First Baptist, Valley City First Baptist, Wellington First Regular Baptist, Bellefontaine Grace Baptist, Cedarville Grace Baptist, Kent Grace Baptist, Sunbury Grace Baptist, Willoughby Grace Baptist, Youngstown 5.00 15.00 5.00 20.00 13.00 50.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 Graham Rd. Baptist, Cuyahoga Falls Hebron Men ' s Fellowship, Brecksville Huntsburg Baptist 10.00 50.00 20.00 100.00 10.00 10.00 Immanuel Baptist, Arcanum Lakeview Baptist, Dundee Lenox, Darrell E. , Columbus Maranatha Baptist, Springfield Memorial Baptist, Columbus Memorial Baptist, Columbus (hon. ) Midbrook Baptist, Brook Park Midview Baptist, Grafton Mogadore Baptist New Richland Baptist, Belle Center North Royalton Baptist Northfield Baptist Northside Baptist, Lima Norton Center Baptist, Barberton Sharon Baptist, Sharon, Pa . South Canaan Baptist , Athen s Swartz Road Baptist, Akron Temple Baptist, Portsmouth Trinity Baptist, Lorain Union Baptist Whe elersburg Baptist Advertis ing Subscriptions TOTAL 5.00 15.00 70.00 25.00 5.00 25.00 5.00 5 .00 2.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 5.00 2 .00 10.00 150.00 40.00 5 .00 20.00 210.41 767.45 $2696.36 TH CLEVELAND HEBREW MISSION F r I ] \ 11 P. 0. Box 18056, Clevela nd, Ohio 44118 Founded 1904 FUNDAMEf\JTAL - BAPTISTIC - EVANGELISTIC E,,ang lil ·ng tl1e "kins111en'' of our I orcl in le, 1 cla11d, l1io ao Paulo ancI Rio de Jan iro, Brazil '' l l J I~ ll l 1 I"" :- B. unn, Presi,1 1t I r. Jol1n .. IJal o, lev ]and, Ol1io ~v. J'> til \ 1, n order, J\t], nta, , . Jl ::., . \ Taugl1n prunger, 011tl1 Be11d, Ind. \ . I lo ,d lorri , ]~lint, licl1 . I 1 . 1 ob rt I' tcl1am, 1ic go, Til. 1, , . l o'") I' tt nring, t. Patil, in11. ) , . l,i11 \ 1. ]" f '"• llunt1n 1 to11, \ '· \T . J r. r 11k orT ', a R ton, l . 1 )Jr lc11 tl1 st ll~r,ll1dd 11Jlt, . alpl1 Ii toll, \lice Preside it r Id 1 n1 ] r, S ,7,eri ite,ide11t p u] 1db 11, t. 1,pt. J 11 J I 11111 f c' Trea . fl. f u rlt;;,I f ' l I e T, mr 1er for I r I our tt or o f J t angel n, THE HYLES CHURCH MANUAL ( By Dr. Jack Hyle : word of the Lord Publishers, Murfree boro, Ten– ne see, 1968 - 328 p. $6.50) The wealth of material pre ented in this volume i far too vast to be accounted for in a short review. uffice it to say that thi i the mo t complete work of its kind in print to~ay. Not only doe it present every po sible affair and activity of the local church (Busines meeting , budget , building , deacons, records department , out-winning wedding , funeral , regular ervices etc.) but it al o record actual accounts of these item in ession. }';hose who are aware of the ucce with wh ich God has b1e ed Dr. H yles will value highly the ugge tion ~ mean and method pre ented in thi manual. BIBLE DOCTRI ES TO LI E BY (b)' Dr. John R . Rice: w rd of the Lord Publi her , furfre b r , "f enn ee 196 - 330 p., 3.50) Thougih wPitten a inspired f hundred f )'ear ago. the Bible h a and i the an wer t the pr blen1. and p rplexitie fa ing u hr1 - Lian in an era chara t r1zed b, \\ ar. i111n1or,1lit\. del1nqt1enc\. fal ~ re– ligion ,1nd outright t1nbel1et Dr. Ri'-e \\r1tc in .tn t1ndef'. ~tantit1ble 111anner IL) enct)t1rage. 1n "' trt1 t and cnh. n'- ..... the faith f the Bcl1t:,er. h.1r1ng tht, \ olt1 n1e , it h t ht! tt n".l\ ed ,,, )Lt ld nt\.), t c\;r tainJ,, rcstilt 1n ch tr tt11 n1ng tl) th c hr t t , ho 1, h 'r i 11 pr t:: n t ed. l \ \\ 1 "f'H E .. l <.)\I .. l (.) ( HR 1 (l)\' Dr. J h11 R Rte~ ,, rd f rth ~ l"T'\ l )r l J> t1blish~1~. 1lt1 t,c b lr<>. l 'n- 11c:ss~e, 1 < 6/ - _()4 pag s, ... 7 his ,, rk b, , ·tn ,,in11 r J h11 R. Ri i tr. t t t1 • t ~ d ,, r k ,, l J i ,, n J r t l1t111\lr I 1111t f \\ 11 t 1111 t l '" I l 11 I n \ e I n t n b ilk Ji t 11d in1pl t in n1 t ul- 1llu • n ll ll 10 I " lit ll c:~l t t b lit th (} i t \ h I I It I '