The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1968

VOL. 41, NO. 2 DECEMBER, 1968 - - - Report On American Council Convention The American Council of Chris– ian Churches met for it 27th An- 1ual Fall Convention at Willow :irove. Penn )·Ivania. The meeting as ,veil attended by the representa– ,, e groups. and a spirit of expectancy .eemed to permeate the ses ions. The Je otional each morning were led >V tr. Thomas Taylor a Profe or - Lt Faith Theological eminary. Hi 1andling of the ubject "Our Anchor >f Hope· was most refreshing as he ~a,,e good exegetical studies -piced ~'ith ~' it and timely illustration . The heme of the conference was "Our ;\nchor of Hope in the Mid t of by Rev. Wm. F. Russell Cri i .,, The variou peakers de– veloped thi subject, uch a "The tforal Cri is ' by Dr. P aul Ta ell of Ames, Iowa. "Missions in Cri is ' was developed by Rev. Durward Knight of Atlanta, Georgia. Dr . Carl Mcintire brought the fir t evening message entitled "The Crisi in The– ology.' ' o went all three day of the conference with report and bu iness e ion coming at variou times as they were designated. In the busine s e ion there was obviously a mood of unrest. Dr. Marion Reynold , Jr., the outgoing pre ident did a mo t excellent job of Graham R ad Missionary Conference ee11 al)O\ e i f>a tor J nning of th C1~ah,t111 Road Bapti t hurt.h, tt)' ah g,1 alJ Ohjo and r11e f the 111issi nari s \\!ho t ok part in their l issi nar, """"""11ference l1eld :recently. '"t he r11i ionari\; sho,-vn h re are rl1 sc \\ ho ar' tip- nt b} 1he ,r lla111 R ad hurch. . J ding 111 J 1 to I igl1t , th )' are: l{~v. an<f r . R h\::rl rl r) 1 Jick r,r111g nd r iia'"atha 13 , pti t 1i io11 i11 1..,011g I~ke , nd Ri Lak , \\ 1 as nsir1 ; R , . nd 1r . I I nd tt , r\ 1 i11g Ylitl1 H~br w r111d h~i tian i t ' f 8 ptl fid- 1i ion d j11g J \\ i }1 •~, 111 ,a. 1 ith , t le 11011 n1i11i try; t is I ucjJ] Br uill ti 1, 1 i11g \\' itl1 I apti t 1id-?\1i i n in l vcland <l ing. I tr - l 1 n a i n r . and f r . [ \' i<.I t \V 11 , r\rjng 1111 I r Ba lt t ljd- a in r f 1 J 1i l JJ il,J 111inar} i,1 f , nau , 111 ron s, Br, zi l r J nning . n ull in n \\ 1th .1 . 1 . l llanqu t. tl1vr 11i i 11ari \\ r I in g i n hi I , r1 d J , • ,, r k j n l n n, 11 i . , , n ig}11 um1g ""-''"'pl d I u I • t I I I I 1 s~ec:1 t king p, r l n · Ir . t maintaining a good atmo phere for bu ine . Per onal charge were be– ing brought by the Bible Pre byterian ynod against everal of the brethren. The e charge , by order of the of– f icial delegate to the American Council, were to be brought in writ– ing. The charge never ~ ere proper}), brought. Much of the bu ine ion was taken up in minute debate which eventuated in the overwhelm– ing majority iding Vrith the pre ent leader of the American Council. In the fi nal bu ine es ion Dr. J. Philip Clark of P a adena, California, wa elected Pre ident. Dr. Donald 1cKnight \Va elected ice Pre ident. Rev. Ralph Cola wa re-elect d ecretary and Rev. Robert D. Ha)– den \.\ a re-elect d Trea urer. A an ob erver appointed b) the Cou ncil of Ten. I made thi per onal ob ervation, that the merican Coun– cil in thi bu ine e ion can1e through a ver).r eriot1 and difficult tin1e. The oppo ition to the pr nt leader h ip ho,\ ed little trength. p r n1anner . and an t1nchri tianli1.e All in all. I p r onall) belie, e th m r1ca n ot1 ncil i no,, read\ t go for~ ard in it ne\v headqt1arter ~ t) l1e I cJted at :1lle, Forge a" d1recte{i .... h} c1 n l t f 1 c 1..1 l , l t c t) t t h ~ Jc l cg, l " I ht') (~ot1nc1l can b~ ,1 1111ghr ) f L)J~t! f(1r right 1t1 n~'" Let tt f)f a) that (1 L1J ,v1ll u,e 1t to that end. L.A.B.C. Pictures Available to Churches 11 111c 0111i ng at I.. ~ ng l · Bap- t it )llegl! \\'fis held 1 )\' r11bcr l l- _J. 13askt:tb·1ll seasl 11 g )t ll llll r \\ lJl 1 )\ 111bc r _ l ,,,11 n tl1 I 1 13 1 1tI l 11g 111 t th ifii hri ti,n JI ~ g . JJa t r n , t 11 I Ja d tl1 \\' t r11 B t 1bl \\ l }1 11 g . igl1l1g}1t f th t rn 1 J l Otl art !'lll th r n t1 n f Ill ll 10 th ntatt n uld , 11t th 11 nt f t Ol, l -1.