The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1969

(Concluded from page 4) 5. Are performance bond neces– ary? 6. Which type of con truction con– tract ir. be t, firm bid co t plus, or negotiated? What are the advantage I di advantages of each? 7. What about financing? Do all bond program need to be tate approved? I bank financing al– lVG)'S the be t? 8. hould you in ist on oil testing before buying? Before building? If you know th e answer to all the 1bove que tions plus th e countless )ther nece ary to answer in any ~uiJding program, then perhap you a. ould be afe in handling your own 1ffairs without out ide advice. I f not, hen you hould eek the advice of ~omeone el"'e who i knowledgeab]e ,n Bapti t church building program . An Architectural Board bould be taffed by profe ional . If it is to be an authoritative voice, it must be authoritative in it training and ex– perience. If you have had uch train– ing or experience perhaps God ha'-' a new job in tore for you. Let's get together and discuss it. All Architect , Profe ional En– gineer . Draftsmen, Banker , Finance Company officials, Pastors, and any other in the OARBC who are similar– ly qualified: If you are interested in seei ng uch a ervice group formed plea e Jet yourself be heard. Let the writer bear from you and we will let everyone who replies know the results of this inquiry. Write .to: Lawrence F. Wilson, Professional Eng ineer 3504 Worde n Road O regon, Oh io 43616 Phone: (419) 691 -5886 Add These To Your List The following churche , for one rea on or another, do not appear in the OH10 ection of the 1969-1970 A UAL of our GE ERAL A - ociation of Regular Bapti t Churche . They are however a part of our OHIO A ociation of Regular Bap– ti t Churches. You may want to clip thi Ii t of name and place them in YOUR AN UAL. Thi will give you a COMPLETE li ting of our OARBC fel low h ip. BROWN V I LLE, OHIO - 4372 1 H armony H ill Bapti t hurch R .R . No. 1 New Matamoras, Ohio - 45767 Rev . Leeland Tate BYE V ILLE OHIO - 43723 Calvary Bapti it Ch urch . ou th 6th treet Rev. H. P . House CAMBRIDGE OHIO - 43725 Su n h ine Bapti t Church 423 Taylor Avenue Rev. Jame Hail,1 CHARLESTON W. VA - 25302 R an·dolph treet Bapti t Church 2 13 R andolph treet Rev. R obert McNeill COPLEY OHJO - 44203 Copley Bapti t Church Jacoby Road Rev. Phil lip Leary HA OVERTO , OHIO - 44423 alvary Bapti t Church Box o. 12 Rev. Clyde Gault H J CKLEY OHIO - 44233 Hinckley Ridge Bapti t hurc.h 1270 tate Road Rev. Walter F . Ribbe THE CLEVELAND HEBREW MISSION P. 0. Box 18056, Cleve la nd, Oh io 44118 Founded 1904 FUNDAMENTAL - BAPTISTIC - EVANGELISTIC ,,ano li,1no tl1e "kins111en" of our Lord in Cleveland, Ol1io O h ao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Bra1il 0 1I J -R : 1r. ~eorge I~ . f)unn , President Dr . Ralph 11 . toll , Vice President , rald ' . 1nelser, S1tperinte1id.ent · I , A Paul idball, A~st. Stipt. 1r. I arl 11 1frick, Sec''),-Treas. l~I~F :.R · E - J)r Jol1n , . 13a1vo, Cle\ eJa nd, Ohio R ~. Paul \ 'an Gorder, Atlanta, G~ . 1\ev. Vaughn Spr11nger, 'ou tl1 Bend, Ind . 1\ev. l .. loyd !\1orris, Flint, Mich . Dr. 1,obert I{etcham, l1icago, Ill . 1\ev. Joel I' ett .. ,1rir1g, t . Paul , 1inn . J{ ev. 1elvin V . l!fa,\', Iluntington , \A.l . Va. J)r . .. r. 11k , , .. orrey, l~oca natOJl , Fla I r. I{ n11etl1 ~1a teller, Iladdon llts., J. Write for your F EE copy oi "The Trurnp eter f r Israel" our quart rl ,nagazine devoted to the work of Jewish evangell~n, LAKEVIEW. OHIO - 43318 Lakeview Bapti t Church Box o. 529 Rev. Kenneth Pierpont LIMA, OHIO - 45801 outh Lima Bapti t Church Vine and Kibby treet Rev. Donald Rettger MA I GTO , W. VA. 26582 Calvary Bapti t Church Buffalo and High Street Rev. Jame H. umner E \¥ CARLI LE, OHIO 45344 Faith Baptir.t Church Box o. 267 Rev. Che ter Brown NEW LONDO , OHIO - 44851 Fir t Bapti t Church 81 outh Main treet Rev. Donald MacKenzie SALEM OHIO - 44460 Mount Plea ant Bapti t Church Homeworth, Ohio - 44634 cl o Rev. Dale Tj}ton 1001 Eat 10th reet alen1, Ohio - 44460 HARO , PE A. - 16147 haron Bapti t Church 3 19 tambaugh Re,,. Tom Wright rl~& 1jtJU efJ1te&~1t&'!) ? rl~t rlmeuUU. ?teed P,, ~iea that really DO • • • • • ' Point Men To GOD p O tlO 4 S5 tl l RIA, OHIO 440JS