The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1969

A Sound Investment For Ou r Churches Do ) "OU h ave ome children or young people in your neighboiihood that )·ou long to reach for Cbrj st? You ·\'e tried to get them to come faithftilly to church, but h aven't real– J,,r been too uccessful? You've talked to them about their need of Christ, but never really een the seed brought to fruition and yet that burden is till there? H ow can you win them? HAVE YOU TRIED GElTI G TH EM TO CAMP? Few children a nd young people pend a full week un– der the preaching and teaching of the Word of God with the total im– pact of playing pray ing working and worshipping together with dedi– cated Chri tian leaders and score of Christian young people with ~ut being brought to a decision for Christ. Pastors, parents, youth workers- OW i the time to begin plann·ing your strategy to reach more children and young people in your com,munity this year! Use camp as a topic of con\ er ation while on visitation. It makes a good impression when they knov.r what your church has and vlhat you are doing for young people. Take ome time cto write up some of the advantages of the camp you will be co-operating with this ummer (we v:ould hope that it would be one of the three our association operates). i,,e this to your religious news editor well in advance of the time you'll be pushing registration in your church and offer the young people of your community free transportation to and from the camp. Dave Carder. the Youth P astor at .. 111manuel Bapti t C hurch in Toledo, pron1ote·d an idea with hi young people that could well be applied to camp , al o. They had a one-day re– treat at which time all of the young people in the church were a ked to bri ng an un aved fr iend a their ticket to the outing. A s a re ult more than two core young people pro– fes ed faith. It m ay be nece ary for the church to sub idize all of uhe e un aved neighbor , but it wou}d be well worth it, a nd mo ney well pent . There i trong probability that they would r eturn with vital commitment to Chri t and the local church. Certain- 1 y, we hould be prai ,ing G od for the number of campem that attended our camp thi um.mer. It repre- ent a ub tantial gain over last year but we hould al o face h on– e tl y that we aren t reacihing nearly a many un aved as could be reached if a ooncerted effort were made to get the,11 under the camp mini try. The Hiigh]and P ark Bapti t C ht1rch in hattanooga T ennes ee pon or a you th camp called Ca·mp Joy. I noted in their church paper that f rom amo ng the 2 400 campers thi p a t umn1er, they had over 500 profe-s– ion of faith. That' great! But it need to be remembered that not a single ca1r1per paicl a pe1111y to go to that car11p. Every ingle one wa ub- idized by the church and individ11al who ent in their support . With uch an approach . . . natural1ly, the t1n– believing parents were glad to co– o per ate! Will you begin now pray ing and planning toward a greater t1 f our three camp a an evangeli tic arn1 of our chu rch es? TH · DOOR I OP .., ! Cap ule of Li fe The great hv,ng lessons taught by Christ in His parables used the common, everyday experiences of life His illustrations and aptness of appltcat,on came from the heart that sought only good for the listener and you the reader of today The accounts of m1ss1onary bravery and true 1nc1dents in the lives of experienced Christians characterize the literature we publish for you. Our take home papers are planned to cover a broad area of Christian experience Your church can only benefit from the reading of these f,ne papers FOR MOMMY ANO ME. PR!~ARY PAL, COURAGE, CHALLENGE, CONQUEST Order your free R l B · p samplefrom gu ar pt t t r "' 1800 Oa ton Boule, ar<l • [) cs Plaines, 1ll. 0018 lH OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST • VOL. 42, NO. 2 • DECEMBER, 1969 Now Serving At Fostoria Church .. R ev. Vernon K. Billington i now . e rv1ng a pa tor of the Fo toria Bapt i t hurch. Hi mini try began there on ovember 30th. Brother Billington pastored at the 1emorial Bapti t hurch in Colum- bt1 for nine and on -half years. During thi tin1e he led the people in a· -- i ting financially and nt1n1 ri– cally in the forming of five n w churche . he church mi ionaI) pr - gram increa ed fron1 5,000 per y ar to over 12,000 annually. Th y w r ab le to pt1rcha tw n \\ bu e and one and one-half acr of additi nal pr perty to add t th ir ..panding f acili ti . H i~ n1ini trJ' ha been ble3 d with harn1 n 1 and gr \\~th. He leave the w rk in ·1 healthy n– dition. OPPORTUNITIES For FULL TIME CHRISTIAN SERVICE Need : • Christian Education Director and or Youth Director • Pr1nc1pal for Chrtsttan Day School • Third Grade Teacher Wri te : Rev John D Teeters 11 20 South Detroit Street Xenia, Ohio 45385 - - - DECEMBER, 1969 3