The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1971

by Warren W. Wiersbe 1"1,e l crd .leJ ,, Ile a111e 11i}.!l1t i,, lt·l1if· /1 l1e H'ns l ctr , ,I IO<Jk l r<1<1r/ : a,1,I \,\'/1e11 /1 /1,1d f!i,· ,, tl1,111k.) , lie l>r,1ke it .. '' ( I <>r. 11 :-.1- 4) t~\I kr1c,, ,l, tl~) ,11c 111.1, c, c1 kno,, 11, the ft11l r11cani11g f that l1rokcn l rl",l 1111, 1, 111 f t, 1tl\. l11 kc11 ft t , ti ., 11cn He to k the loaf in 111~ J1an'-i, 1.\tlli b1 kc it. Hl' ' '"\ r l lt1r111g 1-11" o,"n '-lt1flc1 111g and death on the cro\~. t 11d , l t JJ t• s.?a,·e 1/1a11"-s' ' \\ c ',\ 11 t111dcr"t .. 111 i Ht5 gi, 1ng thank .. for the loavc and fi he when He tl'li the 111t1ltitttliC {Jt,hn (1· 11): and ,, e can tinderstand H i grati tude for "'hat tl1c F~-.1tl1cr di i 111 tl1c 11, e f H1 .. dt c1ple.. ( Lt1ke l O: 21). We tinder tand, too, H1 , thankft1lncs" for an ~,,ered pra)'er (John 11 :4 1). But when we ec Hin1 g1, 1ng tha11k.. f r the ro . \-\ c can onl wonder and wor hip . D ,, e t da) g1\e thank. for uffering and pain? Do we thank God when r11en re, 1lc u~ and per e ute ll \\ ithout a cau e? Are we eriou ly grateful when ,, c e\.per1ence th uffering that other de erve? Je u wa ! He gave th ank , t:\ en th ugh He kne,\ \\ ell the co t of that thank givi ng. The p tie Paul caught omething of that pirit when he wrote " In e\ r) thing gi, 'e thank H ( I The . 5: 18). He not only preached it, but he practiced it. ft r being beaten and humiliated and thrown into jail, "Paul and ila .. pra) ed. and ang prai e unto God' ' (Act 16: 25). They were suffering, yet the) \\ ere able to give thank . man doe not really give thank until it co ts him something. The little hild \\ ho "a k the ble ing" before enjoying a bountiful Thanksgiving dinner really ha no idea how much that dinner costs. It cost Paul and Silas something to be thankful ~ it cost J e u everything to be thankful · it should cost us some– thing. too. Let' realize thi Thanksgiving season that "a man can receive nothing ex- cept it be given him from heaven" ( John 3:27)· and that everything we have a Chri tian ha come to us by way of the cross. Jesus was able to give thanks. e, en while facing uffering and death, because H e knew that the cross was tl1 e lt.·i// of God. We, too, can be thankful-even for crosses-if we are living in the \\ ill of God. The real cost of Thanksgiving is measured not by dollars but by dedication and obedience; and it is a price that pays rich dividends now, and foreve r . On Our Front Cover ... are pictures taken at Shalom Lake. NOT TO BE PRINT ED WITHOUT PERMISSION. Upper left - The meetings were a blessing. Upper right - The Huntsburg ladies help serve. Lower left - The men prepare 250 lbs. of roast beef. Lower right - It really tasted great! A more detailed report concerning this "Shalom Lake Day· · appears on page seven. Be sure to read Miss In– man·s article - " A Special Occasion At A Specialized Camp!·' Statement o f the ownership, management and circulation of the Ohio Independent Bapti t The Ohio Association o f Regular Baptist Churches requ ired by the Act of Congress Octobe :- 23. 1962. P ublished monthly at Xenia, Ohio. November , 1971 , State of Ohio, Coun ty of Greene. SS. The name and address of the editor is Rev . A . Donald Moffat, 268 Ledbette r Rd ., Xenia. Ohio. The owner is The Ohio Association of Regula r Baptist Chu r,ches. ~ o bondholders. mortgage a nd o ther secu r ity holders ho lding 1 per cent o r mo re of total amount of bonds, mortgages. or other secu rities: None. Average numbe r of copies o f each issue o f this publication. pri n ted a nd distributed through the mails or otherwise, duri ng the 12 months ending October, 1971 is 4694 c~pies. Subsc ript ion Rates $2.00 ~er year. Single copies. 20 cents. Every Active Family Plan - (The magazine is mailed direct)} to the home o f each subscriber.) 1. 15 per year. Bundle Lot PJan - (The bundle 1s mailed directly to the church $ 1.00 per year. A bundle o f 25 would cost $25 .00 - S50 00 etc Adl-erti ing Rate : 54.00 per column inch; $40.00 per half page; $75 .00 per full page; plus the cost o f art work a nd engravings. I cerufy that the statements made by me above a re correct a nd complete. A . ')onald Moffat, Edito r. The Ohio Independent Baptist - Published Monthly by - THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POSTAGE paid at Xenia, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Please send Form 3579 to Tho Ohio Independent Baptist Box No . 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Editorial Off ice: Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 f Rates of Subscription : $2.00 per year; $5 .00 for three years; EVERY ACTIVE FAMILY PLAN, $1.15 per subscription ; BUNDLE LOT PLAN (mailed directly to the church), $1 .00 per subscription . Minimum bundle order - 15 copies; single issue 20 cents. Your Editorial Office should have all news and advertis· ing copy in hand no later than 30 days prior to printing . Advertising rates will be sent on request. STAFF Editor A. Donald Moffat Box No. 160, Xenia, Ohio 45385 Circulation h1anager Stuar t L. Chaffe Box No. 160, Xen ia, Ohio 45385 Wonien's Editor Mrs. Inez Milner 2 195 Brock,vay Road University H ts., Ohio 44118 State Missionary Earl D. Umbaugh 2150 Marhofer Ave., Stov.r, Ohio 44224 r·i nancial Secretary . . . . David Dye 1317 Deerlick Dr., Colu1nbus, Ohio 43228 State Youtlz Director Robert Anthony 705 Graham Rd. , Cuyahoga Falls, 0 . 44221 COUNCIL OF TEN Cha1rnza11 State Rt. 82 & N . Lynn E. Rogers Boyden Rd., Northfield, Ohio 44067 V ice-Clzair1nan . . . . H arold R. Green Cedar\'ille College, Cedarville, Ohio 45314 Secretary . . . . . . Kenneth L. Andrus 315 S. Kensington Pl., Springfield 455.03 Treasurer . . . . \Villiam A. Brock 4663 Trabue Rd., Colu1nbus, Ohio 43228 Progran1 Chrnz. Earl V. \Villett'- 250 W est St., Berea, Ohio 44017 AJissionary Chrnz. George A. Bate!> 304 Center St ., Blanches ter, Ohio 45 107 Education Clzrm. . .. Raymond F. Hamil ton Gallia St. at \Valier, Po rtsmouth 45662 Yor111g People's Jl 'ork Cl1r111 ., \\' . Dean Hc:nr} 541 BrO\\'n St., Akron, Ohio 443 11 Norn1an Bo!>,vorth 3844 Bonita Rd Col un1bus. Ohio 43227 Kenneth R. S111cl c1 1 2 ~ \V. Liberty St. Medina. Ohio 44256 r