The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1971

The Lord Blessed At Bellefontaine I f you attended our 44th A.nnual OARBC Conference in Bell efontaine, Ohio (Oct. 18-20) then you already know how greatly it was blessed of the Lord . F rom the very beginning to the very end, the Spir it of the Lord was in our midst. The music, the mes ages, the re– ports the feJlowshi p, the busines sessions . . . everything was wonder– ful . Host Pastor , Rev. John Wood and the peopl e of Ca lvary Baptist Church, saw that all were properly ca red for . There were no compl ain ts. We had a terrific time! The Women's Meetings and the Men's F orum were well attended. They proved to be most informat ive and inspir ing. The missionary em– phasis, plus the messages delivered by Dr. Jeremi ah on Second Thessalon– ians, caused us to sea rch our hearts. Li ke one was heard to say . . . ' We've been blessed, entertained, thr illed and challenged . . . It 's great !!. , Brother Lynn Rogers, Chairman of our Council of Ten, was in charge of all meeti ngs. Rev. John Wood was elected to our Cou nci l of Ten. The new listi ng of the Council and their -responsibil ities will appear in our DECEMBER issue. We will also give report concerning business transacted and resolutions passed, along with a few pictures of some who attended . Boardman Church Is Recognized A recognition council convened September 27 , 1971, at the Boa rdman Baptist Temple, Boardman, Ohio, to recognize said church as a du ly con– stituted Regular Baptist Church. Ten pastors and 8 messengers from area General Association of Regul ar Bap– ti st Churches constituted the council. Rev. Earl Umbaugh, Ohio State Miss ionary and Representative was elected as moderator and Rev. Robert L . Domokos, Pastor of the Pol and Vill age Baptist Church , served as clerk. Following a thorough examination of the church covenant , doctri nal sta tement , and constitution, it was unanimously passed tha t the council declare itsel f sati sfied. Rev. Charles Moore , pastor of the Boardman church, expressed their intent to immediately seek fellowship with the Bethany Fellowship of Regu– lar Baptist Churches, the Ohio As– sociation of Regular Baptist Church– es, and the General Association of Regul ar Baptist Churches. The ladies of the church provided a wonderfu l noon luncheon for all those in attendance. VOLUME 44, NO. 2 NOVEMBER, 1971 Arcanum Hosts ' 'Youth For Truth' ' The YOUTH FOR TRUTH of southwestern Ohio held their October rall y in the Immanuel Baptist Church of Arcanum. The meeting was we]I attended and proved a blessing to al I. A spec ial musica l program was presented by "The Sound of Youth Singers' ' from Fort Wayne, Indi ana. Th is group of young peopl e travelecl this past summer to New Mex ico where they assisted Baptist Mid-Miss– ions mi ssionari es in thei r work an1ong the Navajo Indians. Mr. Timothy Ostrander, Minister of Music and Mr. David Truitt, Mini ster of Youth at the Immanuel Baptist Church in Fort Wayne were present at the ra ll y. Hearts were chal– lenged through the singing and a message from the Word . AVAILABLE FOR ••• Pulpit Supply and/or Sermons In Song REV. GEORGE P. ZINN Route 3, Huber Road Norwalk, Ohio - 44857 Phone (419) 668-8072 Hebron Association Softball Champions The irst Bapt is t hurch o f W ellington t \ the new 197 J Hebron Associa tion '>Oft ba l l cha n11)1on ' We llington THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST have just compl eted an undefeated ea on wi th a record of 9-0 . F inal statistics on the team show they scored a total of 209 runs for an average of 23.2 per game. The team had a total of 224 base hits for a team batt ing average of .469. They often di pl ayed a stingy defen e by allowing their opponents to core an average of only J 4. 2 run per game. The team's batting champion wa Fred Greethan, Sr. He had a batt ing average of .667 . Ron Gari led the c]ub in home runs. Fred ree than, al o, led the tean1 in rt1n bat ted in . Pitcher Don Harbaugh wa credited wit h ix victories, Fred Greetham with two and Roger Hyde was the wi nn ing pitcher in the fi nal game of the eason . A word of thank i expre ed to Al v in Gari '- and Howa rd Hilliker who erved the tean1 in the capacit) o1 U111p1re . Thanks, too, to Mr . hirley Wheel r \.\ ho \.\ J\ the tean1 ' Oflic1al corek. cep r. NOVEMBER, 1971 3