The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1992

pid 0 . _ Doctor of Ministries Program rand 1 apu.J~ fi,lptt~I St' tn ina.ry .u1n<.,unl'r, the 1n,lugunlt1on <)fa n ,,v I ' tl,r t'f 1 in is tries pr<.1gr~un a ailahl , tn J, nuaf) 199_. 111 ' pr )gran1. which h.l, ~en appn.)vcd h , tl1 ' ~11 higa.n 11t .1rd <.1f 1=du ·,ati<.,n and a rcditcd by tllt' <.)nll .,entral , .. )Ciation f (.,t,llcg s ,u1d ch :><)l , L. de.. igned t enahle leaders in n11nistry to de el pa pn1cL1caJ nlinistry th l gy in nc of tl1r~c ... nc ~ntration ·- pa l ral, educa– l1<.1n/n1anagcn1 nt, r 11i i n/cro - ... ...ultural. ·The pr gran1 al l w tho e actively involved in mini try to tudy on a continuing education basi , wilh tl1e nC\\' degree being buil t on two-week .. ·en1inars, providing opportunity for intera tion , itb mina.ry faculty and olh r re ognized leaders froa1 a variety of n1ini trie . A Father's Pers ective Ohioan Authors Book on Israel W hat starred a ... a unday ch l cla rics at Wa ·hington Ileigh Bapli tin Dayton ha turned int a labor of love encamp ing eight year of Juanita rcn· li fe . TI1 ugh 1 uan ita had long been a tudent f Jewi h hi tory, he had not planned to wri te a b k. "But I had prepared this erie on I rael for lhe Women's Bible la ," ay Juanita, "and wben it was over I was o orry." So began Juanita' work on Israel: God's Ti,nepiece. Written for laymen, tbe book i not o much a detailed hi tory of I rael a a chronicle of its adventure through time. Concen1ing recent devel– opments that once again bave put Israel in tbe potligbt, Juanita says, "Now it's as if God ha put history on fas t-forward." The 207-page paperback i $7.95, and i available tbrougb Wa hington Heights Bapti t, 5650 Far Hill Avenue, Dayton OH 45429. ere You Are, Dad'' S ome children are fascinated by mechan ical 1hings; my eight-year-old son is one. Hi idea of a good time i helping me change tbe oil in tbe car, building something out of crap wood from the garage, rotating the tire on bis bicycle, or digging a bole to China in tbe backyard. Watch him work in some of bis creations and you notice the determination in bi eye and bi set jaw of dedication to his task. In his bedroom you may ee a cobweb of tring from tbe bed post, to tbe dresser, to tbe clo et door and back to the bed again . (The rea on i yet a mys tery!) See bim climb into bed for tbe night-teeth bru bed, pajamas on, and tool belt smartly fastened around the wai t. Delivering my eight-year-old technician to occer practice one day, I watched hi mechanical inqui itivene again take charge. Fir t be reached for the radio button , then asked if he could " teer" or " hift. ,, Then he opened the glove box, pulled out the cigarette lighter ( till in factory-new condition) and played with other ··toy .. Dad had pent thou and to provide . On this particular day he chose to adju t and readj u t bis eat. Fir t, he moved the lever to change the position of the back of the eat. Then be lid tbe seat forward. Then backed it up, tben leaned 1t forward orne more. Annoyance was welling up inside me and my impatience was nearing the reprimand tage. But ju t as "Will you it till!!?" was ready to roll off my lips, be topped, looked at me and aid with great ati faction, "There!! I 'm right up wi tb you, Dad! I ' m right where you are!" Wov.. ! He just wanted to be even with me. He wan ted to be where I was. My impatience disappeared. I miled at him and silen tl y thanked God for a blessing that I bad nearly lo t. o, I don't tic trings around my bed po t or wear a tool belt when I go to. sleep, but I' m glad that in other way my on wanted to "be where I am." Heavenly Father, help me to bring my children up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. and direct my tep o that when my children want to be where I am, they \\'ill be where You are. -- Pastor David P. Chapman Fostoria Baptist Church FOR YOUR Surprisingly, a Cedarville educa– tion co ts much le s than most accredited private colleges and just slightly more than public universi– ties . In fact, adjusted for inflation, Cedarville' s costs are the same as they were 18 years ago. We offer a variety of finan cial aid options, work opportunities on cam– pus, and payment programs that can fit college expenses into a family budget. It's reasonable to attend Cedarville. Consider what you get for your money: Outstanding career preparation leading to a respected degree.Gradu– ates are vigorously recruited by employers, and those who choose further education excel in top gradu– ate school programs. Opportunities for spiritual growth. 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