The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1992

, The Newsletter of the Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches Vol. 65 No. I January 1992 Adopt-A-Church to the Aid of Bethel Baptist M Pastor R. Larry Maddux and Pat any cburcl1es from aero s Ohio participated in a special offering to help BeU1el Baptist hurch of . -- Pataskala move from a small, old building ( Lhe oJde t building in town) to a renovated office building wilh pJenty of room to grow. Original building, over 100 years old, located on an out-of-the-way side street. Only one rest room, three small Sunday school rooms, tiny nursery, and very little parking, made further growth impossible here. On Noven1ber I 0, Pa Lor Larry Maddux and tJ1e people of Dethel DapLL l met in tl1cir new building for an official dedication ervi ce. Many friend · fron1 nearby churche crowded into U1e build– ing for Lhc pcciaJ servi ce . J)arlicipants in U1e dedication included talc Repre– sentative Larry r:etzcr and Pastor Fred I land, of al vary Ilapli t in La11cnstcr. During tJ1e ilirec and a half year of his In This Issue • Walk Thru The Bible president to speak at Cedarville College. Page 2 • Baptist Bible Seminary extension serves Ohioans . Page 3 • Seminar for youth leaders to address problems of teens from dysfunctional homes. Page 3. • Ohio welcomes new pastors. Pages 4-5. • Pastor Chapman writes about a blessing he almost missed. Page 8 New building (3, 100 square feet on 2.2 acres) forme rly housed a computer business. Renovat ion gave capacity to handle a con– gregation of 100, with plans to add an auditorium as needed. ministry at })a~1 kala, Pa tor Maddux has ecn the church grow fron1 an average of 15-20 to abou t 50. Their o ld building had bccon1c totally inadequate t n1cct tJ1cir need . Adopt -A - hurch a111c to U1ci r aid, and tJ1c congregation was able to purcha ·c a 1nall o ffice building appr x imatcly four 111ilc fron1 tJ1c church. Future plans in lud .. U1c rcction of a new audilotiun1 wing. llcthcl Ilapti st is n1ost grateful to all who partic ipated in t11e Adopt-A -( "hurch offering.