The Ohio Independent Baptist, November/December 1992

, The Newsletter of the Ohio Association of Regular Bapt ist Churches Vol . 65 No.7 November/December 1992 Helping Churches In This Issue · ·nister To Families • Radio ads increase attendance at Nottingham Baptist. c brist-The Heart Of The Home" : sucb was the theme of the 1992 OARBC Annual Conference held at Immanuel Baptist Church of Columbus on October 26-28. The l ocal cburcb i s, in real i ty, a famil y of familie . Our congre– gations are made up in l arge part of husbands and wi ves, dads and morns, parents and children liv ing together in homes. The great need in our churches today i s for God-honoring, Chri t– centered homes buil t on the Word of God. The aim of thi s year's conference was to encourage our churches and hel p them ful fill thi s i deal . We were delighted to welcome back to our state Paul Jackson, who recentl y moved from the pastorate of Grace Baptist, Cedarvi lle, to d irector -el ect of Evangel ical Bapt i st M i sion . Jackson brought a powerful message f rom I Corinthians 7 concerning the benefits and pressures of rnarriage, e peciall y f or those in the Lord' s work . T uesday morning, Pastor M erlyn Jones spoke on the influence of t11e godly home on children . The highl ight of hi s pre en– tation was a famil y quartet with his wife, Nancy, and children, Mark and I .Jori . T uesday afternoon, in U1e men' workshop, Dr. Ru sell I .Joyd, from Washington Ileights, Dayton, led an in– dept11 discussion on " Restoring "r he Fractured Family ." I l e gave specific help to pastors on steps to lal<c in fom1ulating a plan of restorati on for fami l ies on U1e brink of breakup. Wednesday began wit11 a touching accou11t from Pa to r Lynn Tlogcrs and his wife, Laverne, on "Dealing WitJ1 Stress In rfhe I Jome," as ll1ey recounted God 's marvelou grace experienced in tJ1e illness and death of their son. The cl osing sessi on wa a powerf ul message by Pastor T im K enoyer on, "The Suffic iency O f TI1e Word of God In Ministering To Hurting Fami l i es." Not only were the me sage rel evant to our churcbe , the lessons were practical and helpful for all of u a we seek to build stronger , more effecti ve famil y mini tries in our churcbe . On the l ast day, tbe A ociation enlhu i asti cally pa sed a resolution commending Immanuel Bapti t pastor and people for their out Landing work in hosting the conference. Detai l uch as help in parking, nighttime parking l ot guard , greeters, nack of fruit and bo1nemade mu f fins and an al way - avai lable copy machine were a delight. Emmanuel 's musici ans encouraged our hearts wi l11 their mini tries. Our i ncere thank to al l who helped to make thi an outstanding conference. Page 2 • You can feed an African child for $27 a month , says CDR Radio's Mark Kordic. Page 3 • Two Ohio church planting projects report excellent progress. Page 3 • Toledo Emmanuel Bapt ist's Life Action revival crusade produces spiritual awakening. Page 4 • Seven Ohio churches we lcome new staff . Pages 4-5 • Regular Baptist insurance plan closes. Page 8 1992-93 OAKBC Council of Twelve An imporlant fealure of our annual confcrcncc is the scaling of the new ounci l of Twelve. 'rhis yea r jusl one new member was e lec ted- J>astor Max Mc ullough. Tim Kenoyer, Maranatha Bapti s t, .o lumbus ( hcai r man) Lynn l~ogcrs, Northfi e ld Baptist, Northfield (Vice- huirman ) «fom Wright, Memorial Bapti st, C'olumhu. ('frcas urcr) Drew Baker, Emmanuel Jlapti s t, l)ayton (Secretary) I~arry Engle, Grah am r{oad Bapti s t, (~uyahoga rai ls Ken r1oy<l, Perry 13aptis t, Canton Gus Guthrie, C'a lvary l3aptis t, J' iffin Joel llarriman , New l{i bland ]Japtis l, ll e lle ('ent er Merlyn Jones, f•ait h 1, ap tis t, Mount Vernon Max McC'ullough, Grace 13aptis t, ('un ton 13en J~eed , J~ai th n ap tis t, Niles Ken Spink, Oerea Oap ti sl, llerea