The Ohio Independent Baptist, November/December 1992

tist nd I tc..· , ' <) , c..\ u, , l ( ,c..' rY in g \)Ur p,lstnr", th · Rc..·gul:u ll,1plt~t 1 c lh)\\'~h,p l l t', ltlt ( '\ in.' 1 '1.Hl (R1ll ) h ,l\ hc..·cn f()f CCd le..) lt)SC 1,,,, n \'(X'f,lltc..,n In rcrcnt . ·ar~ the CC..)${ ()( he.11th CdrC. C\)Upl ·d \\' tlh lll' SI /C anti age..' ,,t ,,ur grc..,up, ha, c put us int an inlpt,, ~1hlc tin,1nc1al ' )lltlit,c..) n. 111c l ·\,un c,l ,,r r,, clvc thcr •ft)rc vc..1tcd to dt,\.' \l ll(tllUC lJlC plan 'ffc "' (i vc i \l \ Clllhcr 1, 1<}9_. 1111, a t H.'n has left the l{ B with ~on1e l,trge clain1, . ru11ounting t over ~ ~ .. SC>().()()(). yet unp,1id. incc tJlc R B I:; plan ,vas. ,n fa t, o,vned by the A o ia– ti,)n, it 1s our re. pon' ibility to care for t110 . c..: clain,s. 1l1is ,vill entai l a large undertak ing, v.rl1i h , e approa h in full dependence n tl1e L rd. ll1c (.... ounci l i __ rcque Ling t11at the in . urcd p:utie , '" BM IT ALL LAIM 1\crn~ the State continued Associate Pastor Terry & Jill Stackhouse, Brian, Julie, and Brent Amherst .'.= . · Terry tackbou e i tl1e new a ociate pa tor at Fai th Ba ptis t . Terry, who e re pon ibilitie at Fai th include youth and mu ic, i a 19 6 graduate NeY- s)eue r of the Ohio Associatio n o f Regular Baptist Churches PO Box 293058 Keuenng OH 45429 ( ) I . r I~l{ ·r 1 IAN NOVl~Mill~R 0. Our h1g chall ngc now i, lo deal witJ1 u,c outstanding clain1, . In rder to a n1pli.. h tJ1 i ·, U1e A iation voted t take out a line f credit in the ,u11 unt of 00,000, witJ1 amp Paln1 collateraJ . 1l1i will enabl e qui k pay f f f tbe mo t pre ing lairn . In an effort to lead the way in reducing the debt , the Council of Twelve rai ed $70, 152 in cash and pledge from them elve and their cburche . Another $33,000 was received from the me enger at the conference, for a total of over $100,000 rai ed o far. You may check this page of future i ue of the O IB for an up-date on the ta tu of the RBF payoff. of Fai th Baptist Bible College in Ankeny, Iowa, with a B.S. in Pastoral Studie . He come to Amherst from a three-year youth and music ministry in Toledo. Terry and bis wife, Jill , have three children, Brent, Julie, and Brian. After the evening ervice on October 25, a large cake with sixty candle was wheeled down the center ai le to urprise Pa tor Robert Barrett in honor of hi 60th birthday . A great time of fellowship followed as the 150 gue ts ate cake and ice cream and pre ented gifts to Pastor Barrett. Non Profit Org. US Postage PAID Dayton OH Permit 838 • • CEDARVILLE COLLEGE e' re the people you ' ll depend on at CedarvilleCollege...your friends, your professors, yourfamilyawayfromhome. We know you want a Christian college experience that will prepare you for whatever career you choose...strengthen your faith.. .make you feel welcome. You expect a lot from us. And as your brothers and sisters in Christ, we honor Him by serving you. We pledge to you that we will help you grow...and we ' ll have fun growing together! We're affordable, too. Cedarvi lle' scosts are well below those ofmost accredited, independent colleges.AndmostOhioans are eligible to receive an Ohio Choice Grant to attend Cedarville. Your choice of a college will be one of the most important decisions you will ever make. Come see what Cedarville College offers. • 75 programs of study • Accredited Baptist college of arts, sciences, and professional programs • Worldwide Christian ministries • Over 2,000 students from 48 states and all over the world • Financial aid: call 1-800-444 2433 CEDARVILLE COLLEGE Friends yo,, can count on. •